Workshop on "Next Generation Networks: What, When and How ?" |
"Encompassing Services, Transport Convergence, mobility issues and more..."
Geneva, 9-10 July 2003
Workshop Programme
Day 1, 9 July 2003
Chair: Mr R. Scholl, Deputy to the
Director, TSB
address: Mr H. Zhao, the
Director of TSB [ Opening
Speech ]
Workshop objectives and programme: Mr. B.W. Moore, ITU-T SG 13 Chairman
Session 1: Keynote addresses:
1: [Abstract]
ICT and NGN: innovation for a better quality of life
Mr C. Carrelli [ Short bio
Director of EURESCOM, European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications GmbH
Presentation 2: [Abstract ]
Resonant Communication Network Architecture - NTT's Plans for NGN and Proposals for Areas of Standardization
Mr. T. Hanazawa [ Short bio
Director, NTT Service Integration Laboratories
Presentation 3:
An industry view of NGN Wireline
Mr J-P. Lartigue
Alcatel - Fixed Networks Division
Vice President Business Strategy
Presentation 4: [Abstract]
NGN an architecture for 21st century networks?
Mr P. Collet
Director, Network architectures & planning; France Telecom
Break 10:30-11:00
Session 2:
New Generation service challenges
Chair: Mr P-A. Probst, ITU-T Study Group
16 Chairman [ Short bio
Objectives: Develop a common understanding of the present and future MM-services driven by the fix-mobile-broadcasting convergence. Identify the impact of these trends on the NGN concept, in particular on the service and network architecture and their interfaces. Define the service relevant issues of the technical standardisation roadmap.
Presentation 1:
Triple play Service Architecture (FG FS-VDSL)
Mr S. Py
France Telecom
Presentation 2: [ Abstract
Promising services to boost NGN
Mr H. Schink
VP - Advanced Network Standards, Siemens Information and Communication Networks, Germany
Presentation 3: [ Abstract
Next Generation Services and User Needs (NGNI)
Mr M. Potts [ Short bio
Martel, CH
Presentation 4: [ Abstract
System Architecture for IP-based Seamless and Ubiquitous Networks
Mr. S. Sakata [ Short bio
Executive Expert, NEC Laboratories
Lunch 12:30-14:00
Session 3: Fixed users and the NGN
Chair: Mr Y. Hiramatsu, ITU-T Study Group
11 Chairman [ Short bio
Objectives: Identify the global requirements for the fixed users in the standardization of the emerging Next Generation Networks and the migration from the conventional telephone based fixed networks.
Presentation 1: [ Abstract
Research and Policy Factors affecting the evolution towards NGN
Mr P. de Sousa [ Short bio
Head of Sector, Broadband Systems, in the Directorate-General Information
Society, European Commission
Presentation 2:
NGN Drivers: Access and core Networks, legacy services migration issues
Mr S. Rao [ Short bio
Director, Telscom, CH
Presentation 3:[
Nomadic users: mobility management in next generation networks
Mr. F. Delmond [ Short bio
R&D Unit Manager, France Telecom
Written Contributions for
Session 3
NGN Research in China
Jiang Lin-To
Senior Expert, CCSA
Break 15:30-16:00
Session 4:
Mobile users and the NGN
Chair: Mr J. Visser, ITU-T Special Study
Group Chairman [ Short bio
Objectives: Mobile communications are the approach of choice in essentially all markets in developed and developing countries. Providing a truly satisfying mobile experience to end users requires suitable air interfaces, advanced capabilities within the core network, close coordination between the two, and network operators in support of global roaming and interconnection. This session will highlight and provide insight into the role of mobility as an essential and integral part of Next Generation Networks.
Presentation 1: [ Abstract
Activities related to IMT-2000 taking place in the ITU-D Sector
Mr R. Passerini [ Short bio
Senior Telecommunication Engineer
IMT-2000 BDT Focal Point
Presentation 2: [ Abstract
Mr. L. W. Lin [ Short bio
Member of Board, TD-SCDMA Forum, China
Presentation 3:
Looking Beyond Network Boundaries
Mr G. Ricagni [ Short bio
UMTS Product Solutions, Nortel Networks
Presentation 4: [ Abstract
Requirements and architecture for Beyond 3G mobile communication networks
Mr. T. Koshimizu [ Short bio
Research Engineer, DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH
Panel discussion: Chair: Mr R. Scholl, Deputy to the
Director, TSB
- Day
summary with Session Chairs
- What is NGN?
- NGN Drivers and Expectations
- Highlights and potential issues
- Open discussion
[ Top ]
Day 2, 10 July 2003
Session 5: NGN and Internet: redundant or complementary?
Chair: Mr J-Y. Cochennec, ITU-T Study
Group 13 Vice-Chairman
Objectives: Compare two potential approaches for NGN, i.e. NGN should be a natural evolution of traditional PSTN with a separate evolution of the Internet, or the NGN should combine the best of the two philosophies in defining and standardizing one converged network. Evaluate the merits of both the voice-oriented approach for NGN and of new generation of Internet.
Presentation 1:
Next Generation convergence Network in Korea
Mr C-S. Lee
Director, Policy & Regulatory Affairs Team, Korea Telecom
Presentation 2: [ Abstract
Current technical directions in IETF (with emphasis on wireless)
Mr J. Kempf [ Short bio
Research Fellow in DoCoMo Labs USA
Presentation 3: [ Abstract
An operator's view on NGN: commonalities and differences with the Internet
Mr B. Chatras [ Short bio
Senior R&D Engineer
France Telecom
Break 10:30-11:00
Session 6: Fixed-Mobile Convergence:
will NGN help?
Chair: Mr K. Lathia, ITU-T Special Study
Group Vice-Chairman [ Short bio
Objectives: IMT-2000 systems are already working on "all IP" based global roaming and mobility solutions where they are already (radio) access technology independent and allow "charging and billing". With WLAN access technology, seamless MM services provisioning is nowadays driving the fix-mobile-Internet convergence. This session has the main objective of developing a common understanding of the trends and requirements for Next Generation "core" Networks (NGN), in particular on the network architecture and their open, multivendor interfaces for service/application delivery.
Presentation 1: [ Abstract
Ubiquitous Networks
Mr. H. Murakami [ Short bio
General Manager, IT Division, KDDI Corp., Japan
Presentation 2: [ Abstract
Systems beyond IMT 2000 The EU Agenda
Mr. B. Barani [ Short bio
Head of Sector ECINFSOC D1, Commission of European Communities, Belgium
Presentation 3: [ Abstract
Seamless Services Delivery across Multiple Networks
Mr. D. Weiler [ Short bio
Vice President - Standards & Fora, Siemens Information and Communications Mobile, Germany
Presentation 4: [ Short bio
Fixed Mobile Convergence: A pragmatic approach to take NGN benefits to developing nations
Mr. N. K. Mangla
Executive Director of C-DOT and Senior DDG & Head of Telecom Engineering Centre of DOT, Government of India, India
Lunch 12:30-14:00
Session 7:
NGN oriented Solutions and Plans
Chair: Mr A. Le Roux, ITU-T Study Group
11 Vice-Chairman
Objectives: To get typical examples of NGN oriented solutions being available on the market for fixed networks (wireline and cable networks), to understand 21st century networks requirements and to assess possible development and deployment roadmaps.
Presentation 1: [ Abstract
Next Generation Network �Complementing The Internet For Converged Service�
Mr S. Padhye [ Short bio
VP Worldwide Service Provider Marketing; Cisco Systems
Presentation 2: [ Abstract
The 21st Century Network - Standards requirements
Mr K. R. Dickerson [ Short bio
BT Group Standards Manager
Presentation 3: [ Abstract
Cable networks on the NGN road: IPCablecom and PacketCable(TM) Technologies and Development status
Mr J. F. Mul� [ Short bio
Director, PacketCable Architecture; Cable Television Laboratories
Mr V. Leisse [ Short bio
Project Engineer , Center of Competence for the European Cable Communications Association
Break 15:30-16:00
16:00-17:30 |
Session 8:
Which Standards are needed
or missing?
Chair: Mr B.W. Moore, ITU-T Study Group
13 Chairman [ Short bio
Objectives: The session will be run as a panel discussion involving representatives of a number of SDOs with the objective of identifying what standards are missing / needed (particularly in the areas below) drawn from the papers presented during the workshop.
Which Standards are needed toward Future Wireline and Wireless IP Network?
Mr C-S. Lee
Next Generation Network Requirements
Mr R. Hall
T1S1 Chairman
Presentation 3:
NGN IP-based networks TELCO and/or INTERNET? From an ETSI Point of View
Mr A. Urie
ETSI Operational Co-ordination Group Chairman
Presentation 4:
Mr S. Bradner
IETF, Area Director
Presentation 5:
Mr. C. Teising [ Short bio
TR-45 Representative
Next Generation Networks Australian Communications Industry Forum
Mr P. Darling [ Short bio
Manager, ACIF NGN Project
NGN standardization in ITU-T : how and when?
Mr J-Y. Cochennec
ITU-T Study Group 13 Vice Chair
17:30-18:00 |
Conclusions and Closing:� Chair: Mr
R. Scholl, Deputy to the Director, TSB
Day summary
with Session Chairs:
When is NGN
How to enable NGN to become a reality?
Overall Workshop Conclusions� Mr R. Scholl, Deputy to the Director, TSB
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Overall Conclusions
[ Top ]
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