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Workshop on "Next Generation Networks"
Geneva,  9-10 July 2003


This presentation is based on a Roadmap of service evolution and technology trends produced by the NGN Initiative project ( within the European Union�s 5th Framework Programme IST (Information Society Technologies). The focus of the presentation is on the user requirements and the increasingly interactive way that the actors will communicate with each other in the future. 

The term �Next Generation Networks� is wide-ranging and is interpreted variously by the broad variety of players involved in the communications business. However, there is some general agreement about the goals of Next Generation Networks � as seen by users, network providers and service providers - and these will be highlighted.

The presentation has 4 main purposes:

a) to identify what capabilities are expected of next generation of networks by the various players
b) to examine the key factors that determine in practice how networks evolve
c) to identify some evolutionary trends
d) to take a look into the future

The top-down assessment �a)� considers the general service trends and aims to capture the �big picture�, as opposed to a bottom-up approach, where an inventory of the technological details, ingredients and necessary components is made and systematically analysed.

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