Geneva, 9-10 July 2003
CVs of the speakers
Eur Ing B W Moore MSc BSc CEng FIEE
has been working in the telecomms standardisation field for over thirty years and has held many chairmanships in CEPT, ETSI and the ITU in the area of network standards. He has been involved in standards development for data networks, signalling systems and the ISDN. He is currently chairman of ITU-T Study Group 13 dealing with general aspects of multiprotocol networks including IP-networking, network architectures, performance and interworking. The Study Group is also the focal point in the ITU-T for IP-related studies and for the standardisation of the Global Information Infrastructure and Next Generation Networks.
Brian, after a career of over thirty years with British Telecom, has for the last six years, been a consultant to Lucent Technologies.
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