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Workshop on "Next Generation Networks"

Geneva, 9-10 July 2003

CVs of the speakers

is serving as Manager of the Australian Communication Industry Forum�s Next Generation Network Project.

Peter has had wide experience in telecommunications network planning, and more recently in the area of technical regulation, working with the Australian telecommunications regulators, ACA, ACCC, AUSTEL, the Spectrum Management Agency and the Australian Department of Communications and the Arts. Prior to leaving Telstra in May 2000 he lead the company�s technical regulation area. He co-ordinated Telstra's technical input to the telecommunications legislation applying from 1 July 1997. 

Peter has worked with national, regional and international communications standards bodies in the framework of the GSC (Global Standards Collaboration) and was both Chair of the GSC meeting and Technical Co-ordinator at the GSC/RAST meetings hosted by ACIF in November 2001.

Peter was the initial Chair of ACIF�s Network reference Panel (NRP) and its predecessor over the period in which the industry developed standards for the interconnection of networks in a multi-network environment. The NRP supervised the development of standards for signalling at the point of interconnection, end-to-end network performance, the provision of origin location information and network architectures for number portability, and has defined standards and architecture for high capacity access to the copper local loop. Peter�s current work on NGN extends this to the future world of packet-based public networks.

Peter is now the Principal of Pondarosa Communications Pty Ltd, a company established to provide services to the communications industry. He is an Adjunct Professor at RMIT University, and is working as a Senior Researcher with the Network Insight Group at RMIT University, looking at the issues resulting from the convergence of networks and cultures in the ICT area.

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