Geneva, 9-10 July 2003
CVs of the speakers
Mr. Narendra Kumar Mangla
Mr. N. K. Mangla is Senior Deputy Director General & Head of Telecommunication Engineering Centre of DOT, Govt. of India. He is in key advisory position to the Telecom Commission, Govt. of India, for all matters related to Telecom technology Development, Deployment, Operation and regulation. Additionally, he is Chief Executive of the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), Telecom Technology Development Centre of Government of India. C-DOT has revolutionised the telecommunication scenario, with the induction of 25 million telephone lines (50% of Indian PSTN/ISDN) with IN based valued additions (100% of Indian Network) in entire Rural & Urban India. C-DOT technology mission of India is a successful model of telecom technology for masses.
Suggested title for the presentation: � Fixed Mobile Convergence: a pragmatic way of taking NGN benefits to the masses in developing nations�.
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