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Workshop on "Next Generation Networks"

Geneva, 9-10 July 2003

CVs of the speakers

Bernard BARANI
graduated from the �Ecole Nationale des T�l�communications de Bretagne� of France in 1982. From 1983 to 1987, he worked as system engineer, with a main interest in the compatibility of computer network architectures such as SNA networks with wireless communication systems, in particular satellite systems. In 1987, he joined the European Space Agency, to participate in the implementation of the communication programmes of the Agency, notably in the field of on board processing systems and of digital TV broadcasting systems. In 1994, he joined the European Commission to participate in the implementation of the Community R&D programmes (ACTS and then IST), with responsibility on wireless and mobile Communications. He is currently head of the �Wireless Infrastructures� sector within DG Information Society of the Commission, where his domain of work covers the implementation of the wireless communication R&D initiatives of the 6th Framework Programme, the impact of advanced wireless technologies on policy and regulatory aspects such as broadband deployment and spectrum requirements, and relations with national or multi national research entities such as the ESA. 

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