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Workshop on "Next Generation Networks"
Geneva,  9-10 July 2003


Claudio Carrelli, Director Eurescom

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is more and more influencing our lives. Some questions have already been raised whether we will still be able to dominate it, or whether we will be gradually overwhelmed.
25 years ago, we had no optical fibres, no cellular and no internet, nevertheless a mere �technology push� will never lead to a great success; technologies are just enablers, and to be successful, they need effective services and applications to be developed.
Network development has followed, up to now, a predetermined path, mainly conditioned by financial resources availability, and intensive standardization activities have lead us to a global world-wide communication. Nowadays a multiplicity of new emerging technologies, even in some cases competing among each other, is already influencing the future developments, and will be mainly conditioned by new service offerings.
Multimedia is still in its infancy state, but the digital revolution is ready to deserve tremendous challenges and opportunities.
New generation networks will be no more a single unit, but a multiplicity of different implementations, requiring seamless interconnection and full services interoperability.
Simplicity will win, the �human centredness� will be the essential issue, and network access technology will be the determining factor for future services success.
R&D and cooperation, even among competing players, will be more and more necessary in order to exploit future visions and to achieve harmonized developments.

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