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Workshop on "Next Generation Networks"

Geneva, 9-10 July 2003

CVs of the speakers

Dr. Hitomi MURAKAMI,
Vice President, General Manager, IT Development Division, KDDI Corporation

Dr. Murakami graduated from Hokkaido University with a Ph. D. in Engineering and started his career as a research engineer with Japanese overseas telecommunication operator KDD in 1974.
His research area included video compression technology, television transmission and satellite communications, and as such he participated in CMTT and ITU-T during 1979-2000, serving as Vice Chairman of ITU-T SG9 during the 1996-2000 study period.
He is now Vice President of KDDI Corporation, Japan's second largest telecommunications operator. KDDI provides a comprehensive lineup of services including the Internet, fixed telephone, and mobile communications known as the brand name of "au". As General Manager of IT Development Division, he is responsible for development of new technologies for future services, including ubiquitous communications.

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