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Workshop on "Next Generation Networks"

Geneva, 9-10 July 2003

CVs of the speakers

Jean-Fran�ois MUL�,  Director of PacketCable TM Architecture, CableLabs

Jean-Fran�ois is Director of PacketCable Architecture at CableLabs where he is responsible for the overall technical design and evolution of the PacketCable network architecture. Jean-Francois and his team are responsible for PacketCable specifications, test plans and test scripts as well as PacketCable standard development in ITU-T and IETF.

Prior to joining CableLabs, Jean-Fran�ois was Director of Standards & Architecture for Clarent Corporation, an Internet telephony network equipment vendor based in Redwood City, California. He was responsible for the development of Clarent open interfaces and standard strategy, reporting to the co-founder and CTO of Clarent Corporation, Mike Vargo. Jean-Fran�ois Mul� was the architect responsible for the design of the Clarent H.323 and SIP signaling products.

Before joining Clarent, Jean-Fran�ois conducted strategic and technical assessment of new Internet technologies for France Telecom Research & Development, the Silicon Valley arm of FT Labs. He was responsible for the IP Telephony activities. He also held various positions at France Telecom in the United States including Management of Information Systems and Business Development at FT North America in New York. 

Jean-Fran�ois holds a M. Sc. in Computer Science and Telecom engineering from the National Institute of Telecom, Paris. He is currently the co-chair of the IETF IPCDN working group where the CableLabs DOCSIS, CableHome and PacketCable SNMP MIBs are being standardized. He is also the author of numerous standard documents and he is active in standardization in IETF, the International Softswitch Consortium and ETSI Tiphon.

Outside work, Jean-Fran�ois likes to spend time with his family, his wife Karine and his son Matthieu. 
Phone: 303-661-3708. Email:

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