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 The Fully Networked Car, A Workshop on ICT in Vehicles
The Fully Networked Car, A Workshop on ICT in Vehicles
Palexpo, Geneva, 2-4 March 2005

Webcast: (audio only)
Day 1, 2 March 2005 


Opening Session: Introduction and Workshop Scope

Session Moderator:� Paul Najarian, Director of Telecommunications & Standards, Intelligent Transportation Society of America
  • Opening Address:
    Houlin ZHAO, Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    [CV | Speech]

  • Jacques GARCIN, Orange
    [CV | Presentation]

  • Walter MAISEL, Executive Vice President, Magna Electronics Group
    [CV | Presentation]

  • Kenji IKEURA, VP Pre-Program & Best Practice and competitive intelligence, Nissan Motor Co.
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]
This workshop will bring the automotive and telecommunication industries together to exchange ideas on the future of information and communication technologies (ICT) in motor vehicles. Subjects for discussion will include the standardization of frequencies for emergency systems, voice recognition, telematics, mobile office systems and the integration of solutions into existing infrastructures and systems.

Session Conclusion

Coffee break


Session 1: Business Model Discussions

Session Moderator:�Michael Noblett, Chairman ISO TC-204,SEI Information Technology
 [CV | Presentation]
  • The Future Evolution of SKT Telematics:
    Kyu-Kwan LIM, Vice President of Solution Business Division, SK Telecom
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Business models for vehicle infrastructure Intergration:
    Ms. Joyce WENGER, Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH)
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Car Infotainment Solutions based on Standard - Intel Platforms:
    Mr. Rudi NAWRATEK, Intel
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Mobile Wireless broadband:
    Mr. Michael LEE, Dewell Corporation
    [CV | Presentation]

A panel of stakeholder representatives will address how multiple business models converge, evolve and become replaced over time as market forces determine the best value propositions for the technology being advanced. Examples from specific stakeholder groups will look to explain why the commercial elements of this new telematic ecosystem cannot follow a pre-defined plan, and discuss the level of variation and business models that can evolve with early participation in the standards, technology development and implementation.

Lunch Break


Session 2: The Policy Issues - Safety, Security, Privacy and Liability

Session Moderator:� Scott McCORMICK, Executive Director of the Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration (AMI-C)
[CV | Presentation]
  • Telematics - Realizing the Opportunities:
    Mr. Michael DORNAN, GartnerG2
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Legal and Liability Issues of Telematics:
    Christine KANZ, IP Lawyer, Reimann Osterreith Koehler Haft
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Location-Based Services (LBS):
    ChiDong KIM, Ministry of Information and Communication, Republic of Korea
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Data policy:
    Dave Acton, ITS America
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]
Consensus between public and private sectors is needed to address overlaps between safety, security, privacy and liability issues. A panel of global experts will frame the major issues in this domain to help broaden discussion.

Session Conclusion

Coffee break


Session 3: Standards Harmonization

Session Moderator:� Reinhard SCHOLL, Deputy Director of TSB, ITU [CV]
  • ITU, a potential partner for ICT in vehicles:
    Jean-Yves MONFORT, ITU-T Study Group 12 Chairman, France Telecom
    [CV | Presentation]

  • Effective Harmonisation between SDO’s:
    Bob WILLIAMS, International Standardization Organization (ISO)
    [CV| Abstract | Presentation]

  • The road vehicle standards:
    Jean-Pierre CHEYNET, Chairman of ISOTC-22 "Road vehicles", Bureau de Normalisation de l'Automobile

  • Opportunities and Necessities for Standards in the Telematics Value Chain:
    Rick NOENS, Corporate Telematics Standards Director, Motorola

    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Vehicles that communicate: A meeting of minds?:
    Michael SHARPE, Radio Competence Center, European Telecommunications Standards Institute
Industry and standards organization representatives will address how collaboration between all stakeholders (suppliers of communications, vehicles, infrastructure and applications/services) will impact standards development. Examples of the benefits of harmonizing global automotive standards in the past (such as the biannual Global Automotive Standards Summit) will show the value of establishing communications protocols between standards development organizations (SDOs), why this behind-the scenes collaboration advances the industry, and demonstrate the arbitration and intermediation between standards groups to avoid duplicity and counterproductive effort.


Summary of Day 1
 [ TOP ]
Day 2, 3 March 2005 


Session 4: eCall

Session Moderator: Wolfgang A. REINHARDT, Director Regulatory Affairs
, ACEA (The Association of European Vehicle Manufacturers) [CV]
  • E-Call in Europe:
    Wolfgang A. REINHARDT, Director Regulatory Affairs, ACEA (The Association of European Vehicle Manufacturers)
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • eCall: Research to standardisation to implementation:
    Michael SHARPE, Radio Competence Center, European Telecommunications Standards Institute
    [CV | Presentation]

  • Current Status and Future Plan of HELP (Help System for Emergency Life saving and Public safety):
    Masatoshi MORITA, National Police Agency, Japan
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Next Generation E9-1-1:
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • E-Call and Automatic Crash Notification (ACN) in Vehicles:
    David HORNCASTLE, Ygomi UK
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]
The EU, along with European association of car manufacturers (ACEA) and ERTICO, the European, not-for-profit, public/private partnership for the implementation of intelligent transport systems, signed a memorandum of understanding that aims at realizing an interoperable, pan-European in-vehicle emergency call. Experts will discuss how in-vehicle emergency calls (eCall) can speed-up the response of the emergency services and potentially reduce the number of fatalities, severity of injuries and stress in post-crash situations.

Lunch Break


Session 5: Diagnostics

Session Moderator: Pierre MALATERRE, PSA [CV]
This session will explore advances in on and off-board vehicle diagnostics that could communicate vehicle data in order to diagnose problems before they become an issue and react accordingly for improved reliability and operator awareness.

Coffee break


Session 6: Network Platforms

Session Moderator: Russell SHIELDS, ISO TC-204�WG16
, Ygomi LLC [CV
  • AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR):
    [CV| Abstract | Presentation]

  • Flex Ray - status and perspectives:
    Guenter REICHART, BMW

  • MOST – Further Development of the ICT Communication Backbone:
    Christian THIEL, OASIS Silicon Systems
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Cooperative Communication Systems:
    Knut EVENSEN, Q-Free
    [CV| Abstract]

  • The connected car: Opportunities and technologies:
    Mark GIRARDOT, Cisco Systems, Inc.
    [CV | Presentation]
Experts will discuss current direction in both wired and wireless networks, both in-vehicle and to communicate between vehicles and road infrastructure. Speakers will examine requirements of the underlying network to support new applications and services (protocols and access technologies) necessary for extra-vehicle communication.


Summary of Day 2
 [ TOP ]
Day 3, 4 March 2005 


Session 7-I: In-Vehicle devices and Human Machine Interface (including Voice Interface)

Session Moderators:
Jean-Yves MONFORT, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 12, France Telecom [CV]
& Jean-Pierre CHEYNET, Chairman of ISOTC-22 "Road vehicles", Bureau de Normalisation de l'Automobile

[Sessions Introduction]
  • Ergonomics and HMI of in-vehicles systems:
    Annie PAUZIE, National Research Institute on Transport and Safety, France
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Standadisation activities in the field of HMI for road vehicles:
    Christard GELAU, BASt
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Mobile Device Integration - Opportunities and Risks:
    Thomas MODER, Temic SDS
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Vehicles and Telecommunication – EMC Standards and Regulations:
    Ariel LECCA, PSA Peugeot CITROEN
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]
�With the introduction of extra-vehicle communication, in-vehicle devices will change to incorporate methods and technologies that allow multiple use and increased functionality to support new applications and services. Presenters will also discuss the major issues in HMI with regard to driver distraction, information management and data presentation, the operational problems of speech transmission and processing systems when used in mobile environments and outline possible solutions based on acoustic and digital technologies. Presentations will highlight on-going work in standards in this area and requirements for enabling the effective exploitation of new technologies.

 Lunch Break


Session 7-II: In-Vehicle devices and Human Machine Interface (including Voice Interface)

Session Moderators:
Jean-Yves MONFORT, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 12, France Telecom [CV]
& Jean-Pierre CHEYNET, Chairman of ISOTC-22 "Road vehicles", Bureau de Normalisation de l'Automobile
  • Speech Enhancement Methods for Vehicle Applications:
    T. HAULICK, TEMIC Speech Dialog Systems
    [ Abstract | Presentation]

  • Perspectives on the use of Distributed Speech Recognition for in-car Telematics:
    David PEARCE, Motorola
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Backgound Noise Simulation and Hands-Free Testing in a Car: The ETSI STF 273 Project and Its Impact on Car Hands-Free Testing:
    Hans Wilhelm GIERLICH, HEAD acoustics GmbH
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Evaluation of In-car Voice services: Tasks for the New Q.12/12:
    Sebastien MOELLER, IKA Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]
With the introduction of extra-vehicle communication, in-vehicle devices will change to incorporate methods and technologies that allow multiple use and increased functionality to support new applications and services. Presenters will also discuss the major issues in HMI with regard to driver distraction, information management and data presentation, the operational problems of speech transmission and processing systems when used in mobile environments and outline possible solutions based on acoustic and digital technologies. Presentations will highlight on-going work in standards in this area and requirements for enabling the effective exploitation of new technologies.

Coffee break


Session 8: Seamless communications on the move

Session Moderator: Pierre-Andr� PROBST
, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 16, OFCOM, Switzerland [CV]

[Session Introduction]
  • Ubiquitous services and applications: needs of mobile users:
    Mitsuji MATSUMOTO, Waseda University/Tokyo, Japan
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]

  • Solutions for MM communications on the move: Swisscom vision:
    Roger W�THRICH, Head of Corporate Business, Swisscom-Mobile
    [CV | Presentation]

  • Solutions for MM communications on the move: NTT DoComo vision:
    Nobuaki KITAGAWA,  NTT-DoComo
    [Abstract | Presentation]

  • MM Broadcasting and convergences: DAB/DVB Vision:
    Edgar WILSON, EBU, Switzerland
    [CV | Abstract | Presentation]
Supporting communication between anyone, any device, anytime and anywhere is becoming the major challenge for the makers of future telecommunication network platforms. A major goal is to bring to market multimedia communication solutions with seamless network interconnectivity for business customers on the move. This session will cover the evolution towards ubiquitous applications and services as well as in-vehicle solutions.

Session Conclusion


Session 9: Summary of Day 3 discussion and wrap-up session
 [ TOP ]


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