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The Fully Networked Car, A Workshop on ICT in Vehicles


Rick Noens
Corporate Telematics Standards Director, Motorola

Corporate Standards Office
1303 E. Algonquin Rd.
Schaumburg, IL. 60196
Phone: +1 847 576 1163
Mobile: +1 847 312 6449
Fax: +1 847 576 6758

Session 3: Standards Harmonization
Title of Presentation: Opportunities and Necessities for Standards in the Telematics Value Chain

Since 1998 Rick has managed all internal and external telematics standards activities for the Motorola�s Corporate Standards Office. Prior to that Rick has held several positions at Motorola in engineering, quality, product management, sales and marketing. He received his BSEE from the University of Illinois and has 33 years experience working on electronic solutions for the building automation, public transit, home appliance and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) industries. Rick has spent the last 12 years involved in ITS related activities in Europe and the US focusing on the wireless enablers. He is and/or has been actively involved in several standards related organizations including:

    The Telematics Forum
    ISO, and CEN

Rick is a member of the Board of Directors of the Bluetooth SIG. He is the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors and the Chair of the GTP Working Group within the Telematics Forum. Rick is an officer on the steering committee for the ATCE Forum and Chair of the Standards Special Interest Group within ITSA. He is a member of the US TAG for ISO/TC204 and is a US Expert to CEN 278 SWG 4.3. Previously Rick was active in the WAP Forum where he was Chair of both the WAP Telematics Experts Group and the WAP Architecture Standards Track.

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