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The Fully Networked Car, A Workshop on ICT in Vehicles


Speaker: Dr. Thomas Scharnhorst
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg
EES, Brieffach 1722, 38436 Wolfsburg
Tel: +49 5361 9 25002
Fax: +49 5361 9 72935
Session 6: Network Platforms
Session Moderator: Russell Shields, ISO TC-204 WG16, Ygomi LLC
Title of Presentation: AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR)

Electronics and software have an ever increasing share of innovation and added value in the automotive industry. This trend, which is widely assumed to continue well into the next decade, is driven by safety, assistance, comfort and legal or environmental requirements.
Due to the increasing number of networked electronics components, a level of complexity has been reached which cannot be managed using traditional development processes and lack of standardization. A widely published increase in electronic failures, affecting mainly luxury cars, is testament of this industry-wide problem.

The automotive industry addresses this problem through systems engineering, meaning a paradigm shift from a hardware, component-driven to a requirement and function-driven development process, and standardization. One central standardization initiative is the AUTomotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR). AUTOSAR was founded in 2003 by major OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers and now includes a large number of automotive, electronics and software companies. AUTOSAR aims to facilitate the re-use of soft- and hardware components throughout different vehicle platforms, OEMs and suppliers. The AUTOSAR standard covers methods of software integration, basic software and functional interfaces.

The presentation gives an overview of the AUTOSAR initiative, its goals, partners, and roadmap. Furthermore, the AUTOSAR ECU software architecture and the AUTOSAR integration methodology are discussed.

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