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The Fully Networked Car, A Workshop on ICT in Vehicles


Speaker: Annie Pauzi�, PhD
Research Director, INRETS/LESCOT
National Research Institute on Transport and Safety
Laboratory Ergonomics & Cognitive Sciences in Transport
25 avenue Fran�ois Mitterrand
Case 24 - 69675 -Bron Cedex / France
Tel: +33-(0)4-72-14-24-31
Fax: +33-(0)4-72-37-68-37
Session 7-I: In-Vehicle devices and Human Machine Interface
(including Voice Interface)
Session Moderator: Jean-Yves Monfort, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 12, France Telecom & Jean-Pierre Cheynet, Chairman of ISO TC-22 "Road vehicles", Bureau de Normalisation de l'Automobile
Title of Presentation: �Ergonomics and HMI of in-vehicles systems�

The vehicle is on the way to change deeply, due to the implementation of telematics technology, allowing to establish bi-directional communication between the driver and the external world. Because of these technologies, the driver is less isolated inside the vehicle and can be contacted to be informed about any kind of immediate or middle term events related to his route. 

Obviously, this interactive communication between the driver and the external world can be a relevant support in terms of anticipation, orientation processes and decision making, with positive consequences in terms of road safety. 

Nevertheless, the interference due to the display of untimely auditory or complex visual messages with the driving task has to be deeply investigated beforehand, to avoid making the new driving context worse than the original one, rather than better.

The designer is working under time constraint, and has to resolve an important amount of crucial technical problems, in addition to the ergonomics specifications. Furthermore, the designer is aware of the responsibility he has concerning the system liability and safety in the context of the vehicle development. So, according to these constraints, research activities are conducted in order to identify the criteria to apply while designing the interface and the dialogue features, to develop methodologies to evaluate acceptability and usability of these systems by the wide population of drivers. The European Community started a esafety initiative with a specific focus on HMI issues in relation to the European Statement of Principles.

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