Question 1/16 summary
Q1/16 held two sessions during this SG16 meeting to complete the text of H.222.0 Cor.2 for Consent and to review the incoming liaison statements and identify the ones that need reply. It was agreed to request TSB that Cor.2 should not be published separately, but integrated into a new edition for ITU-T H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1, in alignment with the publication plans in ISO/IEC. Four outgoing liaison statements were produced.
Question 5/16 summary
Question 5/16 met for 29 sessions during this SG16 meeting to review 53 contributions. Work was completed for four work items: ITU-T F.748.22, F.748.23, F.748.24, and F.748.25. Question 5/16 progressed on work items including F.AIM-RCM, F.DBDA, F.AICP-FRRC, F.AI-SF, F.AI-RPAS, F.AI-MKGDS, F.JSQSUDAC, F.DCOR-Reqs, F.FML-TS-FR, H.FL-AC, F.AICP-GA, F.AICP-DA, F.AI-CIS, F.TCEF-FML, F.AI-RSRSreqs, F.IMCSI, F.RFDSSN. The Question agreed to start 19 new work items (F.FFMP, F.AIGC-GFR, F.FC-AM, F.AICP-GAI, F.DHPIE, F.AGreqs, F.AIGC-Text, H.FDM-AC/Gen, F.AI-RFSSMA, F.CEC-MDG, F.DEC-CFL, F.MGCReqs, H.FDISprot, H.MAS-AP, H.FMLS-QMEM, F.DCHE-Reqs, F.AI-AKS, F.MTTIR, F.AICP-MDep). The text of the Question for the new study period was reviewed. On the matter of computer audition (intelligent audio), Q5/16 experts supported to have the topic addressed in a separate Question, although there is no clear support at the SG level for that yet. The Question produced 17 outgoing liaison statement at this meeting. The Question plans one meeting in the interim period.
Question 6/16 summary
At the SG16 meeting, Question 6/16 reviewed the progress of its work, JVET (a.k.a. JTC1/SC29/WG5), and JPEG work, prepared texts for Consent, and planned for additional work items. A collocated meeting of JVET was held under the auspices of this meeting of SG16, and the MPEG working groups and advisory groups of SC29 as well as SC29 itself met in a collocated fashion, hosted by ITU-T, providing the opportunity for coordination and joint meeting discussions of the groups. A substantial portion of the image coding work of Q6/16 is conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG) and a substantial portion of the video coding work of Q6/16 is conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 in JVET. JVET is tasked with maintenance and enhancement of H.26x video coding Recommendations including VVC, HEVC, and AVC. At this meeting, a total of seven texts for Consent were produced by Q6/16: revised video coding twin text Recommendations ITU-T H.265 V9, H.266 V3, H.266.1 V2, H.273 V3, and H.274 V3 and revised image coding common text Recommendations ITU-T T.801 V3 and T.873 V3. Work items were added for development of future editions of three of these seven texts. On matters relating to other types of signals than video and imagery, Q6/16 has begun investigating the potential development of a new Recommendation for the coding of biomedical and general waveform signals in coordination with DICOM Working Group 32 (Neurophysiology Data). Q6/16 prepared three outgoing liaison statements and is planning to hold two Rapporteur meetings collocated with two JVET meetings before the next SG16 meeting in April 2024.
Question 8/16 summary
Question 8/16 met for seven sessions during this SG16 meeting to advance existing and new work items with eight input contributions and several input liaison statements. The meeting had remote participation and twelve experts attended. As the result, revised H.430.3(V2) and new ITU-T H.430.6 (ex H.ILE-Haptic) and H.430.7 (ex H.IIS-reqts) were finalized for Consent at this meeting. Work progressed for ongoing WI H.IIS-FA according to the discussion results of contributions, two new work items ITU-T H.ILE-AMR "Framework of ILE used by multiple autonomous mobile robots with multimedia functions" and ITU-T H.ILE-QM "Quality measures and evaluation methods for ILE" were established and no existing items were discontinued. In addition, the text of Q8/16 was updated for the next study period. Four outgoing LSs were prepared. Q8/16 experts plan to meet next in October 2023.
Question 11/16 summary
Question 11/16 had a successful meeting and reviewed final text for a new corrigendum to the common text ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1. Q11/16 also reviewed the text of its terms of reference. Q11/16 proposed one corrigendum for Consent. The Question does not plan to hold any interim Rapporteurs meeting and did not produce any outgoing LSs.
Question 12/16 summary
Question 12/16 met for ten sessions during the SG16 meeting, under the chairmanship of Ms Yuan Zhang (China Telecom, China) and Mr Haitao Zhang (BUPT, China). The Question received 23 contributions. Q12/16 completed work on draft Recommendation ITU-T F.743.23 (F.VSSReqs), whose start of last call would be delayed by six weeks, to allow time for SG17 security experts to submit AAP comments after reviewing the document at their next meeting. Consent on
H.626.6 (ex H.VSBD) initially agreed by Q12/16 was postponed till the next WP3/16 meeting. The Question agreed to start seven new work items (F.3D-DDSReqs, F.FIISReqs, H.ATS-P, F.IVSP-PGI, F.VIIReqs, F.CVADS, F.RIIS-CEC) and progressed existing work items including H.VSECArch, H.CCVS, H.VSDTAS-Arch, F.MFSVreqs, F.MGSReqs, F.VRVS and H.P2PVSProt. Q12/16 has drafted updates to the text of the Question for the next study period. The Question produced eight outgoing liaison statements and plans on holding two interim meetings.
Question 13/16 summary
Question 13/16 progressed the work on eight draft Recommendations: F.IPTV-VRSReqs "Requirements of enabling VR service based on IPTV architecture", F.ILMTS-reqs "Requirements for interactive low-latency multimedia transmission system over the Internet", H.AMR-ARCH "Requirements and architecture for multimedia functions for autonomous mobile robots connected with network", H.IPTV-OpMcast "Requirements and architecture for open IPTV multicast service", H.IPTV-LSFA "Layered specification for the IPTV service platform functional architecture", H.IPTV-QUICReq "Requirements for live streaming system based on QUIC", H.IPTV-PS "Application event handling: Overall aspects of personalized IPTV service", F.CDN-P2P "Requirements for content delivery networks based on P2P technology". Q13/16 completed work on new TAP Recommendation H.741.5 (ex H.IPTV-PS) "Application event handling: Overall aspects of personalized IPTV service" and on three new AAP Recommendations: H.705.1 (ex H.IPTV-LSFA) "Layered specification for the IPTV service platform functional architecture", H.705.2 (ex H.IPTV-QUICReq) "Requirements for live streaming system based on QUIC", H.744.5 (ex F.CDN-P2P) "Requirements for content delivery networks based on P2P technology". Q13/16 started one new work item, ITU-T H.IPTV-EASarch "Requirement and architecture for enhanced advertising service over IPTV systems" and no existing work items were closed. The Question prepared eight outgoing liaison statements, addressed inter alia to ITU-T SG9, SG11, SG13, ITU-D Q2/1and ITU SCV. The group plans on holding two rapporteur group meetings (October 2023 and January 2024). The group also expressed their desire to join a possible WP1/16 plenary meeting in the October 2023 timeframe.
Question 21/16 summary
Question 21/16 was addressed in twenty-six sessions during the SG16 meeting under the chairmanship of Ms Liang Wang (ZTE, China) and Ms Zhang Nijingnan (China Unicom, China). Ms Miaoqiong Wang (CAICT, China) was nominated as an additional Associate Rapporteur. Updates to the text of the Question for the next study period were prepared, in particular moving CUAV work to Q27/16 and CDN work items to Q13/16. Work was completed on four new draft Recommendations: ITU-T H.644.7 (ex H.MPSArch) "Functional architecture for media processing services", ITU-T F.747.13 (ex F.CEC) "Requirements and reference framework of cloud-edge collaboration in industrial machine vision systems", "Requirements for machine vision-based civilian unmanned aerial vehicle applications" ITU-T H.644.6 (ex H.VDSSArch) "Architecture for video distribution systems", and ITU-T F.749.17 (ex F.CUAV-MVAreqs). At the closing plenary, the approval process for F.749.17 was changed from AAP to TAP. Six outgoing LSs were prepared. Q21/16 plans to hold one interim rapporteur meeting in October 2023 collocated with a WP1 plenary meeting.
Question 22/16 summary
At this meeting, Question 22/16 reviewed twenty-nine Contributions in seventeen sessions. Work completed in five AAP Recommendations, namely ITU-T F.751.13 (ex F.DLT-DPT) "Framework and requirements for distributed ledger technology-based distributed power trading system", ITU-T F.751.10 (ex H.DLT-DCS) "Framework and requirements for DLT-based digital collection services", ITU-T F.751.11 (ex H.DLT-PTS) "Performance test suite for distributed ledger technology systems", ITU-T F.751.9 (ex H.DLT-TEE) "TEE-based confidential computing on distributed ledger technology systems" and ITU-T F.751.12 (ex H.DLT-VERI) "Formal verification framework for smart contract on distributed ledger technology". The Question decided to initiate six new work items and updated eleven work items under study according to the discussion of Contributions received. The Question produced one outgoing LS to ITU-T Study Groups 2, 5, 11 ,13, 17, 20, JPEG and MPEG to inform them the latest progress to seek further collaborations. Q22/16 plans one interim meeting.
Question 23/16 summary
Q23/16 met for 11 sessions during the SG16 meeting to review 13 contributions. During the meeting, work was completed for five AAP Recommendations: ITU-T F.740.3 (ex F.ARMSMeta) "Metadata for digital representation of cultural relics/artworks using augmented reality", ITU-T F.740.4 (ex F.DC-IAA-Meta) "Metadata for image aesthetics assessment with aesthetic attributes in mobile terminal computational photography systems", ITU-T F.740.5 (ex F.DC-AWBE) "Data collection and annotation requirements for automatic white balance (AWB) enhancement in mobile terminal for digital culture", ITU-T F.740.6 (ex F.DC-EMES-RAS) "Reference framework and requirements for Internet protocol multimedia subsystem early media and extension service system" and ITU-T F.740.7 (ex F.DC-MTCPS) "Reference architecture and requirements for mobile terminal computational photography systems". Q23/16 progressed three work items (F.DC-CGS-FRA, F.DC.CGS-TREC and F.DICHE-RC) and agreed to start three new work items (F.CDA-RP, F.DC-CPA-RA and F.CDSS-RF). Q23/16 discussed updates to the text of the Question in the next study period and prepared two outgoing liaison statements. The experts are planning to hold two interim meetings.
Question 24/16 summary
Question 24/16 met for eight sessions during the SG16 meeting to review 13 contributions. Work was completed for two work items: TAP ITU-T F.760.2 "Requirements for user interface of first responders in emergency response support systems", and AAP H.862.6 "Functional requirements for counselling services based on artificial emotional intelligence". Question 24/16 progressed existing work items including F.MDI, F.FDHC, F.FW-IVPS, F.UIES-req, F.ECHO, F.DSDP, F.SESA, and F.IF-SLM. Two new work items started, F.GI-WD and F.RHUD.IV and discontinued work on five stale work items. The Question produced two outgoing liaison statements at this meeting and plans on holding two meetings in the interim period.
Question 26/16 summary
Question 26/16 was addressed in five sessions, including joint discussions with the IRG-AVA as well as the JCA-AHF. While no work items were completed for Determination or Consent at this meeting, new ITU-T FSTP-ACC-Rural "Technical Paper "Use cases of accessibility to multimedia systems in rural and out-of-home environments" was agreed. This Technical paper is the first work item from the African region developed under Q26/16. New work item H.ACC-AA-VIU "Technical requirements for authentication accessibility of visually impaired users" was created under TAP. Two stale work items were discontinued. Q26/16 also continued collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC35. Q26/16 produced two outgoing LSs on cooperation supporting its accessibility work. The Question plans no interim meetings before the next SG16 meeting.
Question 27/16 summary
Question 27/16 was addressed in 15 sessions to review 17 contributions and 21 LSs. No work items were completed for Agreement, Consent, and Determination at this meeting, however Q27/16 agreed on the creation of five new WIs: H.MVIS, F.PB-ADS-DV, F.VG-DS, F.VG-VRU and F.VMS-HANS. No work items were discontinued. Based on the discussion of contributions and the report of the 2nd vehicular multimedia implementation workshop, the existing WI are progressed. Q27/16 prepared five outgoing liaison statements and the group plans to hold three interim meetings before the next SG16 in April 2024.
Question 28/16 summary
Question 28/16 was addressed in 12 sessions. The most important outcome of Q28/16 is the agreement to work with WHO on a new joint standard H.SL-ES addressing safe listening in video gaming and esports. Q28/16 also progressed the WHO-ITU Technical Paper HSTP-SLD-Venue "Guideline on safe listening at venues and events". Work completed in AAP Recommendation ITU-T F.780.4 (ex F.TELM) "Reference framework, requirements and scenarios for telemedicine systems". Work progressed for existing WIs on rapid-hospital deployment, on two AI-related drafts, on online telehealth, and on UHD colour telemedicine equipment. One outgoing liaison statement was prepared and the Question is planning to have 3 interim meetings. One stale work item was discontinued and two new work items were created: F.HR-AP "Framework for access permission of person-generated health records in digital health platform" and F.OHSP-req "Requirements and framework of occupational health service platform".
In addition to the SG16 representatives continuing in their functions, the following appointments were made:
for the latest information.