ITU-T Study Group 16 (Study Period 2005-2008) |
Executive Summary of the Meeting |
Major Plenary accomplishments:
- Consented Recommendations: 34 at this meeting
- Consent of H.324 Annex K was postponed for a special WP2/16 Plenary to be held 13 June 2006 (see
TSB Collective 4/16)
- Recommendations Decided/Determined/Approved: none at this meeting
- Recommendations deleted or proposed for deletion: none
- Other texts approved: errata (1), appendices (0), supplements (3), technical papers (0), and implementors’ guides (7)
- For updates to the SG 16 management team, see below
- List of interim meetings pre-approved: see related link
- Final text of outgoing Liaison Statements: see related link
(TIES account needed)
The meeting had 145 attendees during the meeting period (compared to 152 at the last meeting). The final list of participants is available in
TD 263 (P)
Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen
by the SG 16 Plenary)
Summary of Questions’ Results
Question 1/16 Summary
Question 1 reviewed several matters in relation with H.324/M, in particular,
contributions proposing call setup acceleration techniques which led to the
successful creation of a new Annex K/H.324. This annex specifies a media
oriented acceleration negotiation technique for H.324/M terminals. Along other
enhancements, a Reduced-Complexity Decoding Operation (RCDO) for H.264 Baseline
Profile Bitstreams was added to H.241 as a new Annex B. It specifies RCDO, a
reduced-complexity decoding process to be applied to H.264 Baseline profile
bitstreams when such use has been negotiated using Rec. H.241. Question 1
prepared two Recommendations and two Corrigenda for Consent (H.222.0 Cor. 5,
H.241, H.324 Cor. 1, and H.324 Annex K). (Note: Consent of H.324 Annex K was
postponed, see COM16-R10 for details).
Question 2/16 Summary
Question 2 had a very successful meeting, working to put a number of new and
revised Recommendations forward for consent. It was agreed at this meeting to
consent revised versions of H.323, H.225.0, H.245, and H.246. We also completed
work on two new Recommendations: H.460.21 (“Message Broadcast for H.323
Systems”) and H.249 (“Extended User Input Indications”). We also approved a
revised H.323 Implementers Guide and the H-series Supplement 4.
Question 3/16 Summary
Q.3/16 met for 11 quarters to review some 110 documents. Q.3/16 continued work
on a number of existing work items which has resulted in seven Recommendations
for Consent: H.248.19 Amendment 1, H.248.23 Corrigendum 1, H.248.38, H.248.39,
H.248.41, H.248.42 and H.248.45. In addition to these Recommendations Q.3
prepared 5 documents for approval: H-Series Supplement 2 “Packages Guide”,
H-Series Supplement 6 “Decomposed Gateways - Control Load Quantum - Busy Hour
Context Attempts (BHCoA) and Busy Hour Session Attempts (BHSA)”, H.248
Sub-Series Implementors’ Guide, H.248.1 version 1 Implementors’ Guide and the
H.248.1 version 2 Implementors’ Guide . Eight new work items were agreed for:
H.248.2 Amendment 1, H.248.9 Amendment 1, H.248.25 Amendment 1, H.248.28
Amendment 1, H.248.30 Amendment 1, H.248.CCC “Connection Capability Control
Package”, H.248.SCR “Statistic Conditional Reporting Package” and H.248.QHR
“RTCP HR QoS Statistics Packages”. The group agreed to create an H.248.1 Living
List containing desirable functionality that would require a new version of the
H.248 protocol. Four Liaison Statements were generated to ITU-T Study Group 11
The Rapporteur would like to thank the contributors to the Q.3 work and
especially the editors for their work in preparing Recommendations.
Question 4/16 Summary
This meeting revised H.350 Sub-series Implementors’ Guide clarifying the use of
commPrivate attribute in H.350. It also identified several areas where
enhancements of H.350 Sub-series are needed. It is expected that H.350
Sub-series will be revised at the next meeting with these corrections and
Question 5/16 Summary
Question 5 made good progress on H.proxy, which was the primary focus of the
meeting. The experts reached several important agreements, trying to clarify the
expectations for this Recommendation and nature of contributions expected at the
next meeting. We expect further input at the upcoming meetings, with a goal of
putting the text forward for consent at the November 2006 Study Group 16
Question 6/16 Summary
Q.6/16 is also sometimes referred to as "VCEG" (Video Coding Experts Group).
Some of the work of Q.6/16 is also conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG
11 (MPEG) in an organization known as "the JVT" (Joint Video Team). A collocated
meeting of the JVT was held during the first week of this SG 16 meeting. The JVT
work was concentrated primarily on the development of extensions of Rec. H.264
to support scalable video coding (SVC) and coding of video with a 4:4:4 chroma
The primary goals for Q.6/16 at this meeting of SG 16 were to review the
progress of Q.6 and JVT work, to reach AAP Consent on those work items that have
reached sufficient maturity, and to plan future work. Q.6 items for AAP Consent
at this meeting included 1) a Draft Technical Corrigendum to Rec. H.262 to
correct IDCT accuracy requirements, 2) an Amendment to Rec. H.264 to support
additional colour spaces and to remove the specification of the existing High
4:4:4 profile, and 3) a Draft New Rec. H.VBCM to specify syntax and semantics
for video back channel messages for conveyance of status information and
requests from a video receiver to a video sender. The goals of the meeting were
achieved to the satisfaction of Q.6. The Question plans two interim Rapporteurs
Question 9/16 Summary
The Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the EV-VBR codec (annex Q9.A) were clarified
and the schedule for standardization has been updated (annex Q9.B). Selection
Methods have been discussed and a prioritization of the ToRs has been developed.
From this prioritized list of requirements, two new measures of candidate
performance have been developed (annex Q9.D) and will be used to aid the
selection of the baseline codec. The current number of candidate codecs for the
baseline selection is six; however this may reduce if further collaborations are
formed (deadline 31 May 2006). The selection test conditions have been reviewed
and modified (annex Q9.C) based upon this number and a liaison statement has
been compiled to provide SG12 with the necessary information for them to draft
the test plan for the selection of the baseline codec, hopefully in time for
approval at their June meeting. An initial framework for the ToRs of the
Super-Wideband modes of the codec has been created (annex Q9.E). The Question is
planning an interim Rapporteurs meeting in June 2006.
Question 10/16 Summary
The group completed a new extension to ITU-T G.729 dubbed G.729EV , revisions of
ITU-T G.723.1 and of G.728 Annex J. The group also revised the Implementors'
Guides for G.728 and G.729. An Erratum to G.729 main body text was also
prepared. Following ETSI TC DECT request, the group agreed to launch the
standardisation of a Packet Loss Concealment (PLC) algorithm for G.722. Terms of
Reference and time schedule have been drafted; they will be finalised by
correspondence in liaison with ETSI TC DECT. The foreseen approval date is
November 2006 (G.722 Appendix III). The standardization a floating point version
of G.722.1C (future Annex D) has resumed and is foreseen for Consent in November
2006. G.729EV optimization/Characterization phase step 1 is completed.
Characterization phase step 2 has been launched and it will be completed at next
SG16 Plenary meeting. Software tools that need to be adapted to SG16 speech and
audio coding ongoing standardization works will be updated. Q10/16 reviewed a
proposal of a new work item on an embedded variable bit rate extension to
G.722.2; it will be further discussed at the next meetings based on written
input documents. Q10/16 produced outgoing Liaison Statements to SG12 (on G.191
update, G.729EV, G.722 PLC, G.722.1 D), to ETSI TC DECT (on G.722 PLC) and on
G.722.2 EV (to 3GPP, 3GPP2 and ISO/MPEG).
The work will progress by correspondence and will be reviewed at the next Q10/16
meeting, planned in early June 2006 as an interim meeting.
Question 11/16 Summary
The group had as a goal to complete the work on a draft new Recommendation that
defines Procedures for the end-to-end connection of analogue PSTN text
telephones over an IP network utilizing text relay (V.151). A second goal was to
complete the text of a new Amendment to V.150.1 that supports V.151 and also
adds new SPRT data types. On completion of discussing several Delayed
contributions it was agreed by the group to create a new corrigendum to V.152 to
add clarification and correct editorial errors. The Question plans to hold one
interim meeting.
Question 14/16 Summary
The group had as a goal to review and address maintenance issues against the
T-series Recommendations within its sphere of responsibility. Several Delayed
contributions were presented against T.38. These were reviewed and it was agreed
not to submit a new version of T.38 for consent at this meeting. Rather, it was
agreed to collate the accepted changes to T.38 into a single document that would
be a living list of baseline text. Contributions to future meetings addressing
or commenting on this baseline text are requested. The Question plans to hold
one interim meeting.
Question 15/16 Summary
At this meeting, Q15/16 finalized the draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation
G.767 for consent. Advance was also made in the work for the enhancement of
G.769. Two contributions were reviewed, one to report the quality evaluation
results to emphasize the merit of channel multiplexing scheme in IP-CME, and
another to propose the method for the end-to-end QoS parameters notification for
NGN terminals. Regarding the work on drafting I.733, the group agreed to
postpone the decision whether terminate drafting work or not, since submission
of contributions at expected interim meeting was suggested. The Question plans
to hold one interim meeting.
Question 16/16 Summary
Further progress was made on drafting text for revised ITU-T Rec. G.168 (Echo
Cancellers) and new ITU-T Rec. G.160 (Voice Enhancement Devices). G.168 is
planned for Consent in November 2006. G.160 was planned for Consent at this
meeting but it was agreed that the text was not sufficiently stable. Instead, a
work plan was developed to address the issues for Consent of G.160 at a later
date. One liaison statement was sent to SG12requesting the development of a new
objective test method for evaluating the voice quality of noise reduction
functions. One interim meeting is proposed for 30 August to 5 September 2006.
Question 17/16 Summary
At this meeting, Q.17 reviewed three incoming LSs and produced two outgoing LSs.
Three delayed contributions were discussed. The question agreed to version 1.4
of the draft G.IP2IP, and the living list of G. 799.1/Y.1451.1 was updated. The
Question is planning one interim meeting 30 August – 5 September 2006.
Question 18/16 Summary
The purpose of the meeting was to advance the work on draft new Recommendation
Q.115.2 “Logic for the control of Voice Enhancement Devices/Functions”, draft
new Recommendation G.mdcspne “Mechanism for dynamic coordination of SPNE”, draft
revised Recommendation G.161 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network
equipment" for consent in 2006 and draft new Recommendation G.UCPSPNE about
“SPNE mechanisms/auxiliary functions” for consent in 2007.
It was agreed to add new Terms and definitions of Network Signal Processing into
all relevant Recommendations related to SPNE and to inform the TSB in order to
revise the current definitions in the data base SANCHO. The definitions can be
found in section 3.4.4 Discussions, TD 115(WP1/16).
It was agreed to request for one experts meeting before the next SG 16 meeting
to progress the work on G.161_2006, Q.115.2, G.mdcspne for the consent date
November 2006 and the new Recommendation G.UCPSPNE for the consent date 2007.
Question 20/16 Summary
Q20/16 reviewed the MEDIACOM project description. Within the MEDIACOM project a
number of specific actions for coordination have been decided. Q20/16 updated
the action plan for developing countries and countries with economies in
transition to include the latest development of the WTDC. Q20/16 again stressed
that its implementation is very much dependant on the appointment of a liaison
officer to these countries. Q20/16 asks for volunteers. Q20/16 also reviewed the
action plan on MM technical facilities to support Early Warning information
Messages. Regarding NGN, Q20/16 decided to propose to start the preparation of a
workshop on MM in NGN together with SGs 9, 11, 12, 13 and 19 to be held
beginning of 2007.
Question 21/16 Summary
Question 21/16 has progressed work on “Multimedia over NGN” by giving an
educational point of view of the project H.325, adding some QoS and
interoperability considerations as far as terminals are concerned. It was
decided to keep the H.saarch draft as a good base to define a multimedia
architecture (particularly dealing with A/V services) independent from any
technology. Thus the requirements described in should be useful to define a
relevant NGN framework jointly with SG13. It was proposed to define also an IPTV
recommendation project (e.g. H.612) and to work on the topic with the IPTV FG. A
first contribution to this document was discussed, taking into account IP
streaming services. Finally, it was also decided to work on home networking
issues within H.saarch and H.612 contexts. Many SDOs were considered as relevant
as far as the development of a new IPTV recommendation is concerned (ATIS, DVB,
HGI, …), according to the presentations from the IPTV consultation. It was
especially decided to cooperate with the DSL Forum (above all) so as to make a
relevant IPTV Recommendation.
Question 22/16 Summary
At this meeting,Q.22 met for 4 quarters, and for 3 out of the 4 Q.22 held joint
session with Q.21. There are two LS and 7 delayed contributions reviewed. We
covered the issues in different areas including IPTV and IP streaming,NRFID,
project ”H.325” and IP videotelephony. For the IPTV area, documents including 3
delayed contributions from China were presented and discussed with a status
report produced (TD 270/WP2 rev1) as the output of an editorial team. As for
NRFID, one contribution from Japan together with a brief presentation from
University of North Carolina were presented followed by an extended discussion.
It was agreed that it is an important direction for SG16 and its impacts on
multimedia services in the NGN framework should be studied, therefore further
contributions are solicited. Two contributions concerning project “H.325” were
reviewed. Interesting problems such as decentralized architecture, peer-to-peer
and end-to-end security were discussed. Problems were identified and listed, but
there seems to be a solution which we expect to see in subsequent contributions.
Two LSs from DSL Forum were considered and possible cooperation opportunities
with DSL Forum were discovered. The Rapporteur would like to thank all the
contributors to the Q.22 work and is looking forward to their continued
participation and support.
Question 23/16 Summary
At this meeting, Q.23 forwarded for Consent four texts related to JPEG-2000, a
Corrigendum for Rec. T.851, and Draft new ITU-T T.55 | ISO/IEC 10646
"Information technology - Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)"
and Amendment 1 to that new Rec., as common text with ISO/IEC. Q.23 also
progressed work on the Multimedia Convergence Codec (MMCC), gamma correction,
and a possible new "Sound Activity Detector". A new version of the Multimedia
Coding Summary Database (MCSD) was produced. Q.23 generated LS regarding speech
codecs in draft revised J.161, signal level definitions for transcoding between
narrowband and wideband audio codecs, latency and the NGN, JPEG-related topics,
and Unicode-related topics. The Question is planning an interim Rapporteurs
meeting in June 2006.
Question 24/16 Summary
Question 24/16 has made good progress in the work on draft new Recommendation
H.361 (ex H.mmqos, entitled “End-to-End QoS and Service Priority Signaling in
H.323 Systems”), and the document has been moved forward for consent according
to the comments provided at the meeting. In addition, Question 24/16 has
discussed possible new work items regarding the speech quality and end-to-end
QoS control based on QoS feedback using existing protocols.
Question 25/16 Summary
Q.25 achieved significant progress on draft Recommendation H.460.spn “Security
Protocol Negotiation capability”; this draft is scheduled for consent at the
next meeting. Further there were fruitful discussions around the activity of
federated secure Internet conferencing, that topic may be studied in the context
of vision H.325.
Question 26/16 Summary
The work in Q26 continued on the development of the draft Recommendation on
accessibility guidelines. It is planned to seek consent at the next meeting of
SG16. The accessibility checklist, created for the NGN work in ITU, was revised
and is now considered to be complete. It will be made more widely available
after further experience with its use. During the meeting a successful joint
meeting with Q3/2 was held to explore ways of collaborating between the two
groups and avoiding any potential duplication of work. Contributions are needed
on accessibility guidelines, amendments to V.18 and service descriptions for
text communications. Members of the group will continue to take part in
workshops and other events. A project was started to prepare for the joint
UNESCO/ITU accessibility event planned to be held in early 2007. It was agreed
to request that accessibility documents be made available at no charge from the
ITU web site.
Question 27/16 Summary
The deletion of the Question was proposed, based on the fact that for several
meetings the Question has received no contributions, there is no Rapporteur. It
was agreed that any work on this question should be redistributed as needed
among other SG 16 Questions (e.g. Q.1, Q.2 for MM Systems) and that the general
aspects would be dealt with under Q.20/16. This has been agreed by the meeting.
Question 28/16 Summary
Q 28/16 presented the activities carried out since last SG16 meeting. An updated
draft roadmap about standardization on e-health is presented although very few
inputs have been received from experts. An initial version shall be ready by
June whereas it has been agreed to arrange a workshop specifically focused on
the discussion of the roadmap around November 06.
It was reported also the work carried out under the E-health Standardisation
Coordination Group (eHSCG) and the Healthcare Technology Task force (HTTF),
mainly oriented to coordination among SDOs and promotional activities.
The need of external experts was also appointed as one of the reasons for the
reduced number of contributions although there are very high expectative on
health and standards.
Question 29/16 Summary
In the context of NGN GSI Question 29/16 has started a close co-operation with
Questions Q.6/13 as well as Questions Q.2 and Q.5/19 on mobility-related issues
for NGN. This co-operation has helped Q.29/16 to proceed with work on H.mmsm
(Service Mobility for new Multimedia Service Architecture). A new draft 0.4
revision of an associated technical paper was presented. The content of the
paper is consolidated with concerned Questions in other study groups mentioned
The issue of including presence service to H.323 based systems were brought up.
There have been several offline discussions behind the scenes in between the
last recent study group meetings. Q.29/16 meeting agreed that one should use the
given motivation and invite interested groups to send inputs to this topic.
Recommendations Consented by SG 16 on the closing Plenary
Recommendations for AAP posting
Revised ITU-T Rec. G.723.1 “Dual rate speech coder for multimedia communications
transmitting at 5.3 and 6.3 kbit/s” |
TD 258/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. G.728 Amd.1 “Revised Annex J” |
TD 257/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. G.729.1 (ex G.729EV) “An 8-32 kbit/s scalable wideband coder
bitstream interoperable with G.729” |
TD 260/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. G.767 Cor.1 “Digital circuit multiplication equipment using 16
kbit/s LD-CELP, digital speech interpolation and facsimisle demodulation /remodulation
(10/98)” |
TD 247/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 Cor.5 “Information Technology – Generic
Coding of Moving Pictures And Associated Audio Information: Systems: Corrections
identified during integration of third edition” |
TD 214/Plen |
AAP 35 |
Revised ITU-T Rec. H.225.0v6 “Call signalling protocols and media stream
packetization for packet-based multimedia communication systems” |
TD 275R1/Plen |
AAP 35 |
Revised ITU-T Rec. H.241 “Extended video procedures and control signals for
H.300 series terminals” |
TD 212/Plen |
AAP 35 |
Revised ITU-T Rec. H.245 “Control protocol for multimedia communication” |
TD 265/Plen |
AAP 35 |
Revised ITU-T Rec. H.246 “Interworking of H-Series multimedia terminals with
H-Series multimedia terminals and voice/voiceband terminals on GSTN and ISDN” |
TD 215/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.248.19 Amd.1, “Decomposed multipoint control unit, audio, video
and data conferencing packages: New Text Overlay Package and Border and
Background Package” |
TD 220/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.248.23 Cor.1, “Enhanced Alerting packages” |
TD 243/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.248.38 “Base Context Package” |
TD 248/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.248.39 “H.248 SDP Parameter Identification and Wildcarding” |
TD 250/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.248.41 “IP Domain Connection Package” |
TD 217/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.248.42 “DCME Interworking Package” |
TD 245/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.248.45 “MGC Information Package” |
TD 222R1/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.249 (ex-H.Keys) “Extended User Input Indications” |
TD 219/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 (MPEG-2 Video) Technical Cor.2
“Information technology – Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio
information: Video” |
TD 229/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.264 Amd.1 “Support of additional colour spaces and removal of
the High 4:4:4 Profile” |
TD 228/Plen |
AAP 36 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.271 (ex-H.VBCM) “Video back channel messages for conveyance of
status information and requests from a video receiver to a video sender” |
TD 227R1/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.323v6 “Packet-based multimedia communications systems” |
TD 274/Plen |
AAP 36 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.324 Cor.1 “Clarification in Annex A” |
TD 249/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.361 (ex-H.mmqos) “End-to-End Quality of Service (QoS) and
Service Priority Signalling in H.323 Systems |
TD 262/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. H.460.21 (ex-H.460.mb) “Message Broadcast for H.323 Systems” |
TD 253/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. T.55 | ISO/IEC 10646 “Information technology - Universal
Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set |
TD 213/Plen |
New ITU-T Rec. T.55 | ISO/IEC 10646 Amd.1 “Glagolitic, Coptic, Georgian and
other characters” |
TD 213/Plen |
New ITU-T Rec. T.801 | ISO/IEC 15444-2 Cor.4 “Information technology – JPEG 2000
Image coding system: Extensions” |
TD 208/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. T.807 | ISO/IEC 15444-8 “Information technology – JPEG 2000 image
coding system: Secure JPEG 2000” |
TD 209/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec.T.808 (01/2005) | ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005 Amd.1 “Information
technology – JPEG 2000 image coding system: Interactivity tools, APIs and
protocols, Amd.1: APIs, metadata, and editing” |
TD 210/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. T. 810 | ISO/IEC 15444-11 “Information technology – JPEG 2000
image coding system: Wireless” |
TD 211/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. T.851 Cor.1 “ITU-T T.81 (JPEG 1)-based still-image coding using
an alternative arithmetic coder” |
TD 261/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. V.150.1 Amd.2 “ToIP and new SPRT Data Types support” |
TD 252R1/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. V.151. “procedures for end-to-end connection of analogue PSTN
text telephones over an IP network utilizing text relay” |
TD 218/Plen |
AAP 35 |
New ITU-T Rec. V.152 Cor.2 “Procedures for supporting Voice-band over IP
Networks |
TD 251R1/Plen |
AAP 35 |
Notes: *: some texts are subject to editorial cleanup before posting. Hence, the version posted may differ slightly from
the TD indicated.
**: expected AAP Announcement for Last Call
Recommendations Approved by SG 16 on the closing Plenary
None at this meeting.
Recommendations Decided by SG 16 on the closing Plenary
None at this meeting.
Other texts approved by SG 16
Errata |
Document |
New ITU-T Rec. G.729 Erratum 1 |
TD 254(P) |
Supplements |
Document |
Revised H-Series Sup.2 “H.248
Sub-Series: Packages Guide Release 8” |
TD 221R1(P) |
Revised H-Series Sup.4
“Repository of generic parameters for ITU-T Recommendations H.460.x sub-series” |
TD 259(P) |
New H-Series Sup.6 “Decomposed
Gateways - Control Load Quantum” |
TD 246(P) |
Guides |
Document |
Revised G.728 Implementors’
Guide |
TD 255(P) |
Revised G.729 Implementors’
Guide |
TD 256(P) |
Revised H.248 Sub-series
Implementors’ Guide |
TD 226(P) |
Revised H.248 Version 2
Implementors’ Guide |
TD 225(P) |
Revised H.248 Version 1
Implementors’ Guide |
TD 224(P) |
Revised H.323-Series
Implementors’ Guide |
TD 276(P) |
Revised H.350 Sub-series
Implementors’ Guide |
TD 223(P) |
Note: no Technical Papers were approved at this meeting.
Texts deleted or proposed for deletion by SG 16
Updates in the SG 16 management team and Rapporteurs
(Click here for the complete list of SG 16
- Mr Hiroyuki Ohno (NIICT, Japan) as Rapporteur for Q.27/16
New Appointments:
- Mr Pierre-Andr� Probst as Liaison Officer to FG IPTV
Open positions:
- Rapporteur for Q.20/16 (MediaCom Project, allocated to the Plenary)
- Rapporteur for Q.26/16 (Accessibility to Multimedia Systems and Services, allocated to the Plenary)
- EWM Coordinator
- Liaison Officer to 3GPPs, OMA