ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Meeting results (2014-06-30~07-11)

Results from previous meeting(s):  2013-10 2013-01
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Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 16 Meeting
(Sapporo, Japan, 30 June – 11 July 2014)

Numbers and other links

  • Consented Recommendations: 67 at this meeting (18 in 2013-10)
  • Recommendations Decided/Determined/Approved: none at this meeting
  • Recommendations agreed for Deletion: none at this meeting
  • Other texts approved: (Total: 7) no appendices, 3 supplements (one being conditionally approved), no implementors guides, 4 technical papers, and no other documents.
  • Following endorsement of the merger of Questions 16/16 and 18/16 by TSAG, SG16 adopted the revised Question 18/16 and continued its programme of work. The new text is found here.
  • List of pre-approved interim meetings: see related link.
  • Final text of the 30 outgoing Liaison Statements: see LS database.
  • The meeting had 233 registered participants during the meeting period (compared to 155 at the last meeting). Remote participation services were provided to 5 delegates (2%); some delegates joined both remotely and physically. The final list of participants is available in TD 156R1/Plen.

Major accomplishments

  • IPTV: approved technical paper with terminology for a variety of IP-based TV-related multimedia services, and a revised version of ITU-T H.761 (Ginga-NCL), which is one of the tools for providing interactivity in digital television and IPTV
  • Digital signage: the second ITU-T Recommendation concerning Digital Signage was completed, focusing on what is necessary to deliver disaster information services during emergencies using standardized digital signage systems. Also approved was a Technical Paper on use case scenarios for digital signage.
    • ITU-T H.785.0 (ex H.DS-DISR) "Digital signage: Requirements of disaster information services" [TD 278/Plen]
    • ITU-T HSTP.DS-UCIS "Technical Paper: Digital signage: Use-cases of interactive services" (New) [TD 276/Plen]
  • E-health: During this meeting we were successful in approving one additional Technical Paper, ITU-T HSTP-H810 "Introduction to the ITU-T H.810 Continua Design Guidelines", giving overview of ITU-T H.810 series, and in starting the approval process of a suite of 32 new e-health Recommendations that further enrich the ITU-T H.810 series with compliance test suites encompassing the entire ITU-T H.810 series architecture, including all health, medical and fitness device systems, their transports and their interfaces. These Recommendations enable pre-certification testing of ITU-T H.810 via programmes like the one run by Continua. Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP.H810 describes ways in which personal health devices can work together, their data be consolidated and integrated seamlessly with a variety of health information systems.
  • Accessibility: Conditional endorsement of ISO/IEC Guide 71 Guide for addressing accessibility in standards, as ITU-T H-Series Supplement 17. A final evaluation of the text, after resolution of comments in ISO/IEC of the last balloting stage of Guide 71, is expected to be taken by the SG16 management at the end of the 3rd quarter 2014. [TD 284/Plen]
  • Audio coding: Two upgrades to ITU-T audio coding Recommendations were Consented, with floating point implementations of stereo superwideband specifications for ITU-T G.711.1 and ITU-T G.722 that will improve their applicability and increase interoperability with existing implementations
  • Telepresence: the very first two Telepresence Recommendations were Consented:
    • ITU-T  F.734 (ex F.TPS-Reqs) "Definitions, requirements, and use cases for Telepresence Systems" provides definitions, use cases and functional requirements for telepresence systems. Telepresence is an interactive audio-visual communications experience between remote locations, where the users enjoy a strong sense of realism and presence between participants by optimizing a variety of attributes. [TD 234/Plen]
    • ITU-T H.420 (ex F/H.TPS-Arch) "Telepresence system architecture" describes a high level telepresence system architecture describing how telepresence endpoints, multi-point control units, call and resource controllers, gateways, and management systems are used in a communication session to provide telepresence. It also provides guidance on telepresence room design. [TD 241R1/Plen]
  • ITS: new ITU-T Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-CITS-Req was approved, containing global intelligent transportation system (ITS) communication requirements. The text was originally developed by the inter-SDO platform known as the Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards (CITS).
  • Video coding: The 2nd edition of ITU-T H.265 HEVC was Consented It includes three important types of extensions of HEVC coding capabilities, that will increase the quality of compressed video and better user experience:
    1. Format range extensions of HEVC, known as RExt, adding improved colour representations. RExt includes support for higher bit-depths and enhanced chroma formats, including the use of full-resolution chroma.
    2. Scalable extensions of HEVC, known as SHVC, enabling better performance for dynamic video streaming on networks with varying transmission conditions and other scenarios involving multiple bit-rate services. SHVC adds support for embedded bitstream scalability in which different levels of encoding quality are efficiently supported by adding or removing layered subsets of encoded data.
    3. Multiview extensions of HEVC, known as MV-HEVC, as the first native support for 3D video encoding in HEVC. It provides an efficient representation of video content with multiple camera views and optional depth map information, such as for 3D stereoscopic and autostereoscopic video applications.
  • Conformance testing of image and video coding standards: A pair of new specifications that are used for conformance testing of ITU-T H.265 HEVC video were consented at this meeting:
    • ITU-T H.265.1 "Conformance specification for ITU-T H.265 high efficiency video coding" (New) [TD 286/Plen]
    • ITU-T H.265.2 "Reference software for ITU-T H.265 high efficiency video coding" (New) [TD 287/Plen]
    The pair of specifications used for testing ITU-T H.264 were also updated, in order to align with the latest version of the AVC standard (approved in early 2014):
    • ITU-T H.264.1 "Conformance specification for ITU-T H.264 advanced video coding" (Rev.) [TD 288/Plen]
    • ITU-T H.264.2 "Reference software for ITU-T H.264 advanced video coding" (Rev.) [TD 295/Plen]
    Additional updates were brought to the reference implementation of two image coding standards, JPEG-2000 and JPEG-XR, which are also used in conjunction with conformance verification:
    • ITU-T T.804 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-5 Amd.1 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Reference software: Reference software for the JP2 file format" (New) [TD 292/Plen]
    • ITU-T T.834 | ISO/IEC 29199 "Information technology - JPEG XR image coding system - Conformance testing" (Rev.) [TD 293/Plen]
  • IoT, USN and smart cities: two standards were updated and four new ones consented that address the IoT, ubiquitous sensor networks (USN) and smart cities application space:
    • ITU-T F.771 Amd.1 "Service description and requirements for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Supporting multiple air interfaces"(New) [TD 281/Plen]
    • ITU-T H.621 Amd.1 "Architecture of a system for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Supporting multiple air interfaces" (New) [TD 282/Plen]
    • ITU-T F.747.6 (ex H.USN-WQA) "Requirements of water quality assessment services in ubiquitous sensor network (USN)" (New) [TD 240R1/Plen]
    • ITU-T F.748.0 (ex H.IoT-reqs) "Common requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) applications" (New) [TD 235/Plen]
    • ITU-T F.748.1 (ex H.IoT-ID) "Requirements and Common Characteristics of IoT Identifier for IoT Service" (New) [TD 279/Plen]
    • ITU-T F.747.7 (ex F.NBLICreqs) "Requirements for Network based Location Information Conversion for location based applications and services" (New) [TD 283/Plen]
  • Media gateway protocol: A new work item was agreed to study the use of deployment of media gateway protocol system in cloud configurations. The family of media gateway protocol specifications was enriched with seven new Recommendations and two new Supplements:
    • ITU-T H.248.39 "H.248 SDP parameter identification and wildcarding" (Rev.) [TD 213/Plen]
    • ITU-T H.248.57: "Gateway control protocol: RTP control protocol package" (Rev.) [TD 238/Plen]
    • ITU-T H.248.89 (ex H.248.TCP) "Gateway control protocol: TCP support packages" (New) [TD 216/Plen ]
    • ITU-T H.248.90 (ex H.248.TLS) "Gateway control protocol: H.248 packages for control of transport security using TLS" (New) [TD 217/Plen ]
    • ITU-T H.248.91 (ex H.248.TLSPROF) "Guidelines on the use of H.248 capabilities for transport security in TLS networks in H.248 Profiles" (New) [TD 218/Plen ]
    • ITU-T H.248.92 (ex H.248.SEPLINK) "Gateway control protocol: Stream endpoint interlinkage package" (New) [TD 219/Plen ]
    • ITU-T H.248.93 (ex H.248.DTLS) "Gateway control protocol: H.248 support for control of transport security using DTLS" (New) [TD 231/Plen ]
    • ITU-T H.Sup.13 (ex H.Sup.Term) "Gateway Control Protocol: Common ITU-T H.248 terminology - Release 1" (New) [TD 232/Plen]
    • ITU-T H.Sup.14 (ex H.Sup.IANA) "SDP codepoints for gateway control - Release 1" (New) [TD 239/Plen]
  • Improving performance of IP-based multimedia services: NewITU-T F.746.1 (ex F.LIMSreqs) aims at defining the requirements that will enable low-latency interactive multimedia streaming [TD 277R1/Plen]
  • Future workshops:
    • SG16 experts will assist the host with the technical programme for a workshop in Busan, 27 Oct 2014, on e-health and standardization (to boost the visibility of the Q28/16 work)
    • Video coding workshop co-hosted with MPEG at the next meeting of Q6/16 and MPEG in Strasburg, France, October 2014 (to start looking for future video coding projects)
    • Motorized robot conferencing, sometime in 2015 together with SG16, with showcasing of related technology (to promote the videoconferencing & telepresence work in Q1/16, Q2/16 and Q5/16)
  • Collocations:
    As SG16 met outside Geneva, there was no collocation with ITU-T SG9.
    Ten collocated activities took place:

    • ITU-T SG16 also hosted the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) and the Joint Collaborative Team on 3D Video Coding (JCT-3V) as part of its ongoing collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 29 / WG 11 (MPEG) for the development of the next generation of video coding.
    • ITU-T Study Group 16 (30 June - 11 July 2014)
    • IPTV-GSI (30 June - 4 July 2014)
    • IRG-AVA (3 July 2014, PM)
    • CITS (4 July 2014)
    • MPEG (7-11 July 2014)
    • Showcasing: Cutting edge of Multimedia Technologies (1-4 July 2014). Organized by the SG16 Sapporo meeting hosting Committee.
    • Workshop on Multimedia Technologies (1 July 2014, 1300-1700 hours JST). Organized by the SG16 Sapporo meeting hosting Committee.
    • Workshop on "Total Conversation and the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing" (2 July 2014, 1330-1730 hours JST). Organized by the Nippon Foundation.

Dates of next SG16 meeting and interim Working Party meetings

  • The next meeting of ITU-T SG16 is scheduled for Geneva, 9-20 February 2015. The SG16 meeting is expected be collocated in the 1st week with IPTV-GSI and with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29/ WG11 (known as MPEG), to facilitate joint work on video coding.
  • No interim working party plenaries are planned.

Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen by the SG16 Plenary)

  Plen WP1 WP2 WP3
Meeting Report
Joint SG9,16: ‑
TD 221R1/Plen TD 222R1/Plen TD 223R1/Plen
Liaison Statements
(30 in total)
Q20: TD 224R1/Plen TD 225R1/Plen TD 226R1/Plen TD 227R1/Plen
Work programme TD 228/Plen TD 229/Plen TD 230/Plen


Summary of Questions' Results

Question 1/16 summary

Q1/16 had a successful meeting and worked on the support of H.265 video in H.241/H.32x systems and the motorized conferencing topics. Q1/16 reviewed some input documents pertaining to the common text ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 as well revised text for H.239. Q1/16 proposed two recommendations for Consent. The Question produced one LS and plans on holding one interim Rapporteurs meeting.

Question 2/16 summary

Question 2/16 made progress on a number of active work items.  Perhaps most significant at this meeting was the enhancements to H.245 that lay the foundation for support for both the WebRTC data channel and telepresence.  The experts also reviewed a number of liaison statements, progressed the baseline texts on revisions to H.323, H.225.0, and H.245.  Baseline text was also adopted for H.460.SessionID, which will allow for end-to-end identification of multimedia communication sessions. The Question produced one LS and plans on holding one interim meeting.

Question 3/16 summary

Question 3/16 met for nine quarters to review some 102 documents. Q3/16 continued work on a number of existing work items which has resulted in seven Recommendations for Consent.This includes new Recommendations H.248.89 on TCP support packages, H.248.90 on transport layer security, H.248.91 on guidelines on the use of TLS in H.248 profile, H.248.92 on H.248 stream endpoint interlinkage and H.248.93 on the support of DTLS. It also includes revised Recommendations H.248.39 on additional H.248 wildcard and H.248.57 on additional support for RTP multiplexing. Two Supplements, H.Supp.13 on H.248 terminology and H.Sup.14 on SDP codepoints for gateway control, were proposed for approval. Three new work items were initiated, specifically new H.248.STGROUP "H.248 Stream grouping and aggregation" (as a result of splitting H.248.RTPMUX), new H.248.CLOUD "Cloudification of packet gateways" and new H.248.SHAPER "Traffic Shaping". A number of Recommendations (H.248.66, H.248.74) continue to be on hold, due to the current unavailability of the needed / referenced IETF RFCs needed for Consent.

Question 5/16 summary

Question 5/16 had a successful meeting, progressing work on the four work items. Twenty-five contributions on requirements, architecture, audio/video parameters, signalling and potential future work items were presented and discussed.  Updated baseline text for H.TPS-AV and H.TPS-SIG was prepared and accepted.  Work on ITU-T F.734 (ex F.TPS-Reqs) and ITU-T H.420 (ex F/H.TPS-Arch) was completed and they were proposed for Consent. One input liaison statement was reviewed, but no output liaison statements were prepared. The Question is planning on holding one interim Rapporteur meeting.

Question 6/16 summary

The primary goals for Question 6/16 at this meeting of SG16 were to review the progress of Q6/16, JCT-VC, JCT-3V, and JPEG work, reach AAP Consent on ITU-T H.265 V2, new conformance and reference software for ITU-T H.265, and an updated version of conformance and reference software for H.264. A substantial portion of the image coding work of Question 6/16 has been conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 (JPEG/JBIG). A substantial portion of the video coding work of Question 6/16 is currently being conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/ SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) in two organizations, known as the Joint Collaborative Team (JCT) on Video Coding (JCT-VC) and the Joint Collaborative Team (JCT) on 3D Video Coding (JCT-3V). Meetings of the JCT-VC and JCT-3V were held in a collocated fashion with this meeting of SG16 under its auspices. The JCT-VC is tasked with development of extensions to High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC).  The JCT-3V is tasked with development of 3D video coding extensions.  A meeting of MPEG was also held at the same facilities during the current meeting of SG16. Q6/16 is planning to hold one Rapporteur meeting, one JCT-VC meeting, and one JCT-3V meeting before the next SG16 meeting in Feb 2015 and also to hold a meeting of the JCT-VC and of the JCT-3V in a collocated fashion with the next SG16 meeting in February 2015 under its auspices. The Question prepared one outgoing Liaison Statement.

Question 7/16 summary

Q7/16 did not receive any contributions and no sessions were held during the SG16 meeting.

Question 10/16 summary

Question 10/16 completed the work for two texts: G.711.1-SWBS-Float "New Annex G with a floating-point implementation of ITU-T G.711.1 Annex F" and G.722-SWBS-Float "New Annex E with a floating-point implementation of ITU-T G.722 Annex D" and it was agreed to put forward these annexes for Consent at this meeting. The Question reviewed five liaison statements and produced three outgoing liaison statements. Q10/16 is not planning on holding any Rapporteur meetings before the next SG 16 meeting.

Question 13/16 summary

Question 13/16 experts met in the context of IPTV-GSI event in Sapporo, Japan, 30 June - 11 July 2014. Q13/16 progressed the work on thirteen draft Recommendations: ITU-T H.721 (V2); ITU-T H.761 (V3); ITU-T H.IPTV-ACC; ITU-T H.IPTV-CPI; ITU-T H.741.3 Amd.1; ITU-T H.741.4 Amd.1; ITU-T H.IPTV-EUIF; ITU-T MAFR.14; ITU-T H.IPTV-MAFR.13; ITU-T H.IPTV-MAFR.10; ITU-T H.IPTV-TDD; ITU-T H.IPTV-TDES.4; ITU-T H.IPTV-MDS;  and the texts of three draft Technical Papers: ITU-T HSTP.IPTV-Gloss; ITU-T HSTP.IPTV-CONF.H721 and ITU-T HSTP.IPTV-CONF.H764. The Question prepared five outgoing Liaison Statements and the group agreed to put ITU-T H.761v3 "Nested Context Language (NCL) and Ginga-NCL" forward for Consent at this meeting as well as HSTP.IPTV-Gloss "Glossary and terminology of IP-based TV-related multimedia services" for Approval. The group plans to hold an interim Rapporteur meeting during the next IPTV-GSI event in October before the next SG16 meeting.

Question 14/16 summary

ITU-T Q14/16 had a meeting in the context of IPTV-GSI event in Sapporo, Japan, 30 June - 11 July 2014. The highlights of this meeting are the Question's decisions to propose the draft new Recommendation H.DS-DISR "Digital signage: Requirements for disaster information services" for Consent and the draft Technical Paper HSTP.DS-UCIS "Technical Paper on Digital signage: Use-cases regarding interactive service" for Approval at this SG16 meeting. Q14/16 revised three draft new Recommendations: H.DS-CASF, H.DS-META, H.DS-ARCH, and one draft Technical Paper HSTP.DS-Gloss. In addition, Q14/16 and Q13/16 jointly prepared one Reply LS to ITU-T SCV. The group plans on holding one interim Rapporteur meeting before the next SG16 meeting within the context of the IPTV-GSI event in October 2014.

Question 15/16 summary

Good progress was made at this meeting. The text for new Rec. G.799.4 (ex G.CJB) "Procedures for the control of de-jitter buffers used in PSTN-IP gateways carrying voice-band data" was finalised and agreed for Consent. The text for an Amendment to T.38 was also finalised and agreed for Consent, ahead of the originally foreseen date. The Question did not produce any LSs at this meeting and is not planning any interim Rapporteur group meetings.

Question 18/16 summary

At this meeting, revised Question 18/16 completed the text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T G.776.4 (ex G.SPNE) "Signal Processing Network Equipment" and it was put forward for Consent. The draft text of new ITU-T G.168 Annex E "Embedded echo cancellers" was reviewed but it was decided that more time was needed to test thoroughly the new methodology contained in this new Annex and the target Consent date was delayed until the next SG16 meeting in February 2015. Q18/16 advanced the work on revised ITU-T G.161"Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment", revised ITU-T G.168 "Digital network echo cancellers", revised ITU-T G.799.1 "Functionality and interface specifications for GSTN transport network equipment for interconnecting GSTN and IP networks", revised ITU-T G.799.2 "Mechanism for Dynamic Coordination of Voice Enhancement Signal Processing Functions" and revised ITU-T G.799.3 "Signal processing functionality and performance of an IP-to-IP voice gateway optimised for the transport of voice and voiceband data". One outgoing liaison was prepared and no interim meetings are planned.

Question 20/16 Summary

Q20/16 met for two quarters during this SG16 meeting under the chairmanship of Mr Noah Luo as  rapporteur. This was the 3rd meeting in this new study period. Participation was rather active and broadly representative of the study group membership.  Several incoming LSs of generic nature were discussed with relevant outgoing LSs drafted. Q20/16 also prepared a reply LS for TSAG with a progress report.

Question 21/16 summary

Under the chairmanship of Mr Noah Luo and Mr Wei Kai, Question 21/16 met for eight quarters during this meeting.  Questions 21/16 continued the work on existing work items with 29 contributions reviewed and accepted during the meeting.  Work items F.LIMSreqs, F.NBLICreqs, H.IVSReqs, H.VHN, F.PDRDreqs, H.VSTPIW F.CCNMMS and H.IQA were updated based on discussion results.  There were two draft new Recommendations, F.LIMSreqs and F.NBLICreqs, which were submitted for Consent. Q21/16 agreed to start two new work items, H.VCDN-RA "Functional requirements and architecture model of virtual content delivery network" and F.EMSarch "Energy Management Service requirements and architecture".  There are two outgoing LSs prepared by the Question, one is to ETSI NFV on virtual content delivery network and the other is to ITU-T SG2 on speech-to-speech translation.

Question 25/16 summary

Question 25/16 reviewed 28 Contributions and four incoming Liaison Statements. During the meeting, Q25/16 agreed to submit five draft Recommendations, i.e., F.747.6, F.748.1, F.748.0, F.771 Amd.1, H.621 Amd.1,  for Consent at this SG 16 meeting and decided to start three new work items, i.e., F.M2M-RA, F.IoT-PCF, and F.IoT-DE-RA. Q25/16 made progress in the work on four on-going draft new Recommendations. At the meeting, Q25/16 produced 16 output documents including the meeting report, the final texts of five draft Recommendations for Consent, the initial texts of three draft Recommendations, four revised texts of on-going draft Recommendations and three outgoing LSs.

Question 26/16 summary

Question 26/16 held three sessions during the SG16 meeting.  Q26/16 agreed to create a new work item ITU-T H.ACC-RD "Application layer information specification at the terminal to network interface for people with hearing and speaking difficulties to request rescue to emergency rescue agencies" and to submit the text of ISO/IEC Guide 71 for conditional Approval at this meeting, and it was also agreed to submit a set of comments to JTC1 concerning the Guide. In addition, Q26/16 agreed to open the discussion of F.703 and made progress the work on F.relay, receiving liaison reports from the Japanese Federation of the Deaf as well as from Zennancho.  Q26/16 produced eight documents, including four liaison statements. Q26/16 also joined the 2nd IRG-AVA. The Question is planning on joining the IPTV-GSI event in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 6-10 October 2014.

Question 27/16 summary

There were 11 contributions submitted to Question 27/16 and discussed at the meeting related to F.VGP-REQ, H.VGP-ARCH, H.VG-FAM, and G.V2A. It was decided to continue to work on F.VGP-REQ for describing use cases, service and functional requirements of Vehicle Gateway Platform. Q27/16 produced the initial baseline text of a new work item H.VGP-ARCH "Architecture and functional entities of Vehicle Gateway Platform". Q27/16 also revised the text for H.VG-FAM and G.V2A, and produced a Technical Paper on global ITS communication requirements. There were four incoming liaison statements. It was agreed to send a reply LS to SG17 on ITS security and a LS to CITS and SG17 on the new Technical Paper on global ITS communication requirements. It was agreed to hold a Rapporteur meeting, if possible jointly with ITU-T Q6/17, before the next SG16 meeting with respect to security.

Question 28/16 summary

Question 28/16 prepared for Consent 32 Recommendations on conformance testing, which cover tests from securities to transport and device level (HRN, PAN/LAN/TAN and WAN). Q28/16 also agreed to propose the new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-H810 "Technical Paper: Introduction to the ITU-T H.810 Continua Design Guidelines" for Approval. Q28/16 had a joint meeting with Q25/16 on the deliverables from FG-M2M. We agreed to send a liaison statement informing them of our interest in receiving some of the deliverables. We also discussed future possible e-health events such as the workshop in Busan, Korea, during the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in October 2014. Q28/16 produced 37 documents, including 4 liaison statements. The Question plans to meet once during the interim period.

Recommendations Consented by SG16 on the closing Plenary

Title Doc.* AAP/LC**
ITU-T F.734 (ex F.TPS-Reqs) "Definitions, requirements, and use cases for Telepresence Systems" (New) TD 234/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T F.746.1 (ex F.LIMSreqs) "Requirements for Low-latency interactive multimedia streaming " (Rev) TD 277R1/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T F.747.6 (ex H.USN-WQA) "Requirements of water quality assessment services in ubiquitous sensor network (USN)" (New) TD 240R1/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T F.747.7 (ex F.NBLICreqs) "Requirements for Network based Location Information Conversion for location based applications and services" (New) (Sapporo, 30 June - 11 July 2014) TD 283/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T F.748.0 (ex H.IoT-reqs) "Common requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) applications" (New) TD 235/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T F.748.1 (ex H.IoT-ID) "Requirements and Common Characteristics of IoT Identifier for IoT Service" (New) TD 279/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T F.771 Amd.1 "Service description and requirements for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Supporting multiple air interfaces"(New) TD 281/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T G.711.1 (2009) Amd.1 (ex G.711.1-SWBS-Float) "Wideband embedded extension for G.711 PCM: New Annex G with an alternative implementation of stereo superwideband extension using floating-point" (New) TD 236/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T G.722 (2012) Amd.1 (ex G.722-SWBS-Float) "7 kHz audio-coding within 64 kbit/s: New Annex E with an alternative implementation of stereo superwideband extension using floating-point" (New) TD 237/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T G.776.4 (ex G.SPNE) "Signal processing network equipment" (New) TD 280/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T G.799.4 (ex G.CJB) "Procedures for the control of de-jitter buffers used in PSTN-IP gateways carrying voice-band data" (New) TD 275/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.5 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Transport of MVC depth video sub-bitstream and support for HEVC low delay coding mode" (New) TD 204/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.239 "Role management and additional media channels for H.300-series terminals" (Rev.) TD 212/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.248.39 "H.248 SDP parameter identification and wildcarding" (Rev.) TD 213/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.248.57: "Gateway control protocol: RTP control protocol package" (Rev.) TD 238/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.248.89 (ex H.248.TCP) "Gateway control protocol: TCP support packages" (New) TD 216/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.248.90 (ex H.248.TLS) "Gateway control protocol: H.248 packages for control of transport security using TLS" (New) TD 217/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.248.91 (ex H.248.TLSPROF) "Guidelines on the use of H.248 capabilities for transport security in TLS networks in H.248 Profiles" (New) TD 218/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.248.92 (ex H.248.SEPLINK) "Gateway control protocol: Stream endpoint interlinkage package" (New) TD 219/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.248.93 (ex H.248.DTLS) "Gateway control protocol: H.248 support for control of transport security using DTLS" (New) TD 231/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.264.1 "Conformance specification for ITU-T H.264 advanced video coding" (Rev.) TD 288/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.264.2 "Reference software for ITU-T H.264 advanced video coding" (Rev.) TD 295/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.265 V2 "High efficiency video coding" (Rev.) TD 294/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.265.1 "Conformance specification for ITU-T H.265 high efficiency video coding" (New) TD 286/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.265.2 "Reference software for ITU-T H.265 high efficiency video coding" (New) TD 287/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.420 (ex F/H.TPS-Arch) "Telepresence system architecture" (New) TD 241R1/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.621 Amd.1 "Architecture of a system for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Supporting multiple air interfaces" (New) TD 282/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.761 "Nested context language (NCL) and Ginga-NCL" (Rev) TD 296R1/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.785.0 (ex H.DS-DISR) "Digital signage: Requirements of disaster information services" (New) TD 278/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.821 (ex H.EH-HRN-01) "Conformance testing: Health record network (HRN) interface" (New) TD 172/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T H.831 (ex H.EH-WAN.1) "Conformance testing: WAN Interface Part 1: Web services interoperability: Sender" (New) TD 173/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.832 (ex H.EH-WAN.2) "Conformance testing: WAN Interface Part 2: Web services interoperability: Receiver" (New) TD 174/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.833 (ex H.EH-WAN.3) "Conformance testing: WAN Interface Part 3: SOAP/ATNA: Sender" (New) TD 175/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.834 (ex H.EH-WAN.4) "Conformance testing: WAN Interface Part 4: SOAP/ATNA: Receiver" (New) TD 176/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.835 (ex H.EH-WAN.5) "Conformance testing: WAN Interface Part 5: PCD-01 HL7 Messages: Sender" (New) TD 177/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.836 (ex H.EH-WAN.6) "Conformance testing: WAN Interface Part 6: PCD-01 HL7 Messages: Receiver" (New) TD 178/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.837 (ex H.EH-WAN.7) "Conformance testing: WAN Interface Part 7: Consent Management: Sender" (New) TD 179/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.838 (ex H.EH-WAN-8) "Conformance testing: WAN Interface Part 8: Consent Management: Receiver" (New) TD 180/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.840 (ex H.EH-PAN-USB) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN: USB host" (New) TD 181/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.841 (ex H.EH-PAN-01) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 1: Optimized Exchange Protocol (IEEE Std 11073-20601a-2010): Agent" (New) TD 182/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.842 (ex H.EH-PAN-02) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 2: Optimized exchange protocol (IEEE 11073-20601a-2010): Manager" (New) TD 183/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.843 (ex H.EH-PAN-03) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 3: Continua Design Guidelines: Agent" (New) TD 184/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.844 (ex H.EH-PAN-04) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 4: Continua Design Guidelines: Manager" (New) TD 185R1/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.1 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.01) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5A: Weighing scale" (New) TD 186/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.2 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.02) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5B: Glucose meter" (New) TD 187/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.3(ex H.EH-PAN-05.03) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5C: Pulse oximeter" (New) TD 188/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.4 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.04) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5D: Blood Pressure Monitor" (New) TD 189/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.5 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.05) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5E: Thermometer" (New) TD 190/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.6 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.06) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5F: Cardiovascular fitness and activity monitor" (New) TD 191/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.7 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.07) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5G: Strength fitness equipment" (New) TD 192/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.8 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.08) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5H: Independent living activity hub" (New) TD 193/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.9 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.09) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5I: Adherence monitor" (New) TD 194/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.11 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.11) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5K: Peak expiratory flow monitor" (New) TD 195/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.12 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.12) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5L: Body composition analyser" (New) TD 196/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.13 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.13) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5M: Basic electrocardiograph" (New) TD 197/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.845.14 (ex H.EH-PAN-05.14) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5N: International normalized ratio" (New) TD 198/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.846 (ex H.EH-PAN-06) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 6: Device specializations: Manager" (New) TD 199/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.847 (ex H.EH-PAN-07) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 7: Continua Design Guidelines: Agent for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)" (New) TD 200/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.848 (ex H.EH-PAN-08) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 8: Continua Design Guidelines: Manager for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)" (New) TD 201/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.849 (ex H.EH-PAN-09) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 9: Personal Health Devices Transcoding: Agent for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)" (New) TD 202/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T H.850 (ex H.EH-PAN-10) "Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 10: Personal Health Devices Transcoding: Manager" (New) TD 203/PlenAAP-43
ITU-T T.38 Amd.1 "Procedures for real-time Group 3 facsimile communication over IP networks: New Appendix VI, clarifications and corrections" (New) TD 205/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T T.800 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-1 Amd.8 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system: Profiles for an interoperable master format (IMF)" (New) TD 291/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T T.800 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004 Cor.3 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system: Correction of equation G-9" (New) TD 289/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T T.800 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004 Cor.4 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system: Miscellaneous corrections" (New) TD 290/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T T.804 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-5 Amd.1 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Reference software: Reference software for the JP2 file format" (New) TD 292/PlenAAP-42
ITU-T T.834 | ISO/IEC 29199-4 "Information technology - JPEG XR image coding system - Conformance testing" (Rev.) TD 293/PlenAAP-42

*: some texts are subject to editorial clean-up before posting. Hence, the version posted may differ from the TD indicated. These texts are planned to start Last Call about eight weeks after the SG16 meeting (AAP-42).
**: expected AAP Announcement for Last Call

Recommendations Approved by SG16 on the closing Plenary (according to A.8 §5)

None at this meeting.

Recommendations Decided by SG16 on the closing Plenary

None at this meeting.

Other texts approved by SG16

Supplements Document
ITU-T H.Sup.13 (ex H.Sup.Term) "Gateway Control Protocol: Common ITU-T H.248 terminology - Release 1" (New) TD 232/Plen
ITU-T H.Sup.14 (ex H.Sup.IANA) "SDP codepoints for gateway control - Release 1" (New) TD 239/Plen
ITU-T H.Sup17 | ISO/IEC Guide "Guide for addressing accessibility in standards" (New)* TD 284/Plen

* NOTE – This text was conditionally approved as it is currently under ballot in ISO/IEC and subject to change. In addition, SG16 has submitted comments requesting changes to the text. The SG16 management was authorized to review the text after resolution of comments received during the balloting period and decide whether they are acceptable, or to refer the text for further consideration at the next SG16 meeting in February 2015.

Technical Papers Document
ITU-T HSTP.DS-UCIS "Technical Paper: Digital signage: Use-cases of interactive services" (New) TD 276/Plen
ITU-T HSTP.IPTV-Gloss "Technical Paper: Glossary and terminology of IP-based TV-related multimedia services"(New) TD 298/Plen
ITU-T HSTP-CITS-Req "Technical Paper: Global ITS communication requirements" (New) TD 297/Plen
ITU-T HSTP-H810 "Technical Paper: Introduction to the ITU-T H.810 Continua Design Guidelines" (New) TD 171/Plen

NOTE – No Appendices, Implementors Guides or other specific materials were approved at this SG16 meeting.

Recommendations agreed for deletion by SG16

None at this meeting.

Updates in the SG16 management team and Rapporteurs

(Click here for the complete list of SG16 Rapporteurs)


  • Mr Scott Pennock (Rapporteur, Q27/16; BlackBerry, Canada)

New Appointments:

  • Jill Boyce (Vidyo, USA) as Associate Rapporteur for Q6/16

Representatives and other roles:

  • Liaison Officer to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29: Mr Gary Sullivan (Microsoft, USA)

    See the webpage for the latest information.

Open positions:

  • Question 7/16 (System and coordination aspects of media coding)
  • Question 10/16 (Speech and audio coding and related software tools)
  • Question 26/16 (Accessibility to multimedia systems and services)*
  • Question 27/16 (Vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication/ITS services/applications)*
* NOTE ‑ Messrs Masahito Kawamori and Seong-Ho Jeong will kindly perform as Rapporteur a.i. till Feb. 2015 for Q26/16 and Q27/16, respectively.