ITU-T Study Group 16 (Study Period 2005-2008) |
Executive Summary of the Meeting |
Major Plenary accomplishments:
- Consented Recommendations: 23 at this meeting.
- Recommendations Decided/Determined/Approved: none at this meeting
- Recommendations deleted or proposed for deletion: none
- Other texts approved: errata (0), appendices (1), supplements (2), technical papers (0), and implementors’ guides (4)
- Changes in SG 16 Question set:
- Revised Q6/16 “Visual coding” and new Q8/16 “Generic sound activity detection” are now approved.
- Draft new Q12/16 on advanced multimedia system for next generation and other packet-switched networks –
Pending final approval at the next SG 16 meeting after endorsement by TSAG, SG 16 will start immediately
working in this field under the leadership of Mr Paul Jones (Cisco Systems) and assisted by Mr
Brody Kenrick (Dilithium Networks) – see text
- Draft new Q13/16 on multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV – Pending final approval at
the next SG 16 meeting after endorsement by TSAG, SG 16 will start immediately working in this field under the
leadership of Masahito Kawamori (NTT) – see text
- For updates to the SG 16 management team, see below
- List of interim meetings pre-approved: see
related link
- Final text of outgoing Liaison Statements: see
related link (TIES account needed)
The meeting had 224 registered participants during the meeting period (compared to 132 at the last meeting).
The final list of participants is available in TD
429 (P) and its Addendum 1.
Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen by the SG 16 Plenary)
Plen |
WP1 |
WP2 |
WP3 |
Report |
438 (P)
Q20: TD 400 (P)
Q26: TD 401 (P) |
TD 402R1 (P) |
TD 403R2 (P) |
TD 404R1 (P) |
Liaison Statements*
(40 in total) |
439R1 (P)
Q26: TD 391R1 (P) |
TD 405R1 (P) |
TD 406R1 (P) |
TD 407R1 (P) |
programme |
TD 401 (P) |
TD 408 (P) |
TD 409 (P) |
TD 410 (P) |
*: it was agreed that three additional LSs would be prepared. Two of them were addressed to TSAG,
one with the provisional functional blocks for SG 16, and another with the text of the two draft
new Questions 12/16 and 13/16 (for endorsement). The third LS was addressed to ISO TC 204 concerning
proposed new ISO work item on Nomadic Devices to support ITS Service and Multimedia Provision in Vehicles.
These were not published as TDs and are available
here (TIES account needed) as COM16-LS 203, 204 and 232,
Summary of Questions’ Results
Question 1/16 Summary
Question 1/16 reviewed several matters in relation with H.324/M, in particular,
proposals for corrections and clarifications to the call setup acceleration techniques
from Annex K/H.324, along with a new Annex L/H.324 on text conversation taking
into account the needs of people with communication-related disabilities. Several
Recommendations of the T.120-series were also revised at this meeting. Q1/16 proposed
three Recommendations, two Amendments and one Corrigendum for Consent
(H.222.0 Amd. 2, H.224 Cor. 1, H.324 Amd. 2, T.126, T.127, and T.135).
Question 2/16 Summary
Question 2/16 had a productive meeting making some progress on a few areas, most notably
coming to agreement on baseline text for draft new ITU-T Rec. on text messaging for
H.323. Q2/16 also addressed a number of issues that were integrated into the H.323-Series Implementors’
Guide and updated the H-Series Supplement 4 with information related to the H.460.x series of Recommendations.
Question 3/16 Summary
At this meeting, Question 3/16 reviewed some 112 documents. Q.3/16 continued work on a number
of existing work items, which has resulted in ten Recommendations for Consent: H.248.1 Amendment 1,
Revised H.248.8, H.248.9 Amendment 1, H.248.12 Amendment 2, H.248.29 Corrigenda 1, H.248.49,
H.248.51, H.248.54, H.248.56 and H.248.59. In addition to these Recommendations, Q3/16 prepared
three documents for Approval: Revised H-Series Supplement 2 “Packages Guide”, H.248 Sub-Series
Implementors’ Guide, and the H.248.1 version 2 Implementors’ Guide. Q3/16 started five new work
items: H.248.resman, H.248.cci, H.248.ipocs, H.248.ra and H.Sup.X ETS/IEPS. Q3/16 prepared five
liaison statements.
Question 4/16 Summary
Question 4/16 considered C.140 that proposes to expand the scope of H.350.8 and address a
mechanism to access the H.350 directory infrastructure through the web services interface.
This provides a more generic solution than the resource registry that had been proposed at
the previous meeting in response to the need of representing not only people but also resources
such as conference rooms, classrooms, medical facilities and virtual organizations in a directory.
This meeting produced a baseline text to further the work.
Question 5/16 Summary
Question 5/16 had a productive meeting, making significant progress toward the completion of draft
new ITU-T Rec. H.proxy. We also received contributions on proposals for NAT/FW traversal that build
upon the existing Recommendations H.460.17, H.460.18, and H.460.19 and will enable point-to-point
media flows between users behind NAT devices. Those contributions were accepted as new work items
and will be progressed at the next meetings.
Question 6/16 Summary
Question 6/16 is also sometimes referred to as the Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG). A substantial
portion of the work of Q.6/16 is also conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) in an
organization known as Joint Video Team (JVT). A meeting of the JVT has been held in a co-located
fashion with this meeting of SG 16. The ongoing JVT work is currently concentrated on the maintenance
and development of extensions for Rec. H.264 (a Twin Text Recommendation with ISO/IEC 14496-10) including
scalable video coding (SVC), multi-view video coding (MVC) and supplemental enhancement information (SEI).
The primary goals for Q6/16 at this meeting of SG 16 were to review the progress of Q6/16 and JVT work,
to reach Consent on those work items that have reached sufficient maturity, and to plan future work. The
primary subject of focus for Consent was the scalable video coding (SVC) (Phase I) extension work for Rec.
H.264 (Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services), which has been addressed in the co-located
JVT meeting. Four additional texts for Consent had also been forwarded for Q6/16 attention by ISO/IEC JTC
1/SC 29/WG 1 as the result of work on the JPEG 2000 family of image coding technology (ITU-T Rec. T.800 Cor.2,
T.808 (01/2005) Amd.3, T.809, and T.812). These five texts were finalized and submitted for Consent. Additionally,
Q6/16 produced an Implementors' Guide for the Rec. H.264 sub-series.
Future work plans for Q6/16 include continuation of efforts on enhancement of Rec. H.264 and related updates
to the associated Recs. H.264.1 (conformance) and H.264.2 (reference software), which will include work on
multi-view video coding, supplemental enhancement information, and further work on scalable video coding in
particular. Two interim meetings of Q6/16 co-located with the JVT are planned; additionally, a JVT meeting
will be held in parallel with SG 16 during its April 2008 meeting.
Question 8/16 Summary
Work on Generic Sound Activity Detection (GSAD) has progressed in Question 8/16 during this meeting.
Agreement was reached on a diagram of the system structure for a Type 1 GSAD working in conjunction
with an audio codec. Significant progress was also made on GSAD Terms of Reference (ToRs) and associated
test methodology, and the general approach in both of these areas has been agreed, but further work will
be required before either of these can be finalised and approved. The schedule has been revised, with a
first new Recommendation under this Question, a GSAD core layer sound classification algorithm,
anticipated in late 2008. To continue progress on work under Q8/16 between now and the April 2008 meeting
of SG 16, two interim Rapporteur meetings are planned collocated with Q9, 10, and 23/16.
Question 9/16 Summary
The status of the EV-VBR collaboration was reviewed. Some concerns were expressed about the way the outcomes
of the last WP3 meeting were handled, interpreted and carried out.
The ToRs for the Wideband and Narrowband modes of the EV-VBR Codec were updated. A revised list of test
conditions for the Characterization/Optimization Phase I was produced, encapsulating the additional functionality
already present in the EV-VBR baseline codec.
The ToRs for the Superwideband and Stereo modes of the EV-VBR Codec were updated. It was agreed that the
ownership of these ToRs will be transferred to Q23/16 to streamline the joint working on a Superwideband
and Stereo modes of EV-VBR and G.729.1.
Q9/16 drafted a liaison statement to Q7/12 SQEG providing them with the revised ToRs for the Wideband/Narrowband
modes of the EV-VBR and with a modified list of Characterization / Optimization Phase I test conditions.
These topics will be further progressed in two planned Rapporteur’s meeting, collocated with Q8, 10, and 23/16.
Question 10/16 Summary
Question 10/16 agreed to submit for Consent new G.729.1 Amendment 3, which extends the low delay mode operation
up to 14 kbit/s and brings corrections to the main body and Annex B. Revised G.722 Appendix IV that corrects
defects in C-source and provides additional test vectors were Approved at this meeting.
The Qualification Phases for the G.711 wideband extension and the G.722.1 fullband extension are completed.
Their next phases have been prepared: ToRs and time schedules were revised, the list of quality test
conditions agreed, and the processing plans drafted. The five G.711 wideband extension qualification phase
candidates move forward into a fixed-point Optimization / Characterization Phase, in which they will all cooperate
towards a common solution; Consent is foreseen at the next WP3/16 meeting in January 2008. The two G.722.1
fullband extension qualification phase candidates move forward into a fixed-point selection or optimization /
characterization phase. Collaboration between the two candidates is under discussion.
The two companies which participate in the G.729.1 DTX/CNG standardisation decided to collaborate and the
optimisation / characterization phase has been prepared. The ToRs of G.729.1 superwideband extension have
been completed and approved. Joint work of Q10/16 G.729.1 superwideband (SWB) extension and Q9/16 G.EV-VBR
SWB extension is under discussion. Proposals on G.711 lossless compression and on a G.722 SWB extension
were discussed.
Q10/16 produced outgoing liaison statements to SG 12 (on speech and audio coding matters), to ETSI TC DECT
(on ITU-T wideband coders selected for NG-DECT), and to ISO/IEC MPEG (on G.722.1 fullband extension).
The work will progress by correspondence and will be reviewed at the next two interim Q10/16 Rapporteur’s
meetings, planned for October 2007 and January 2008 and collocated with Q8, 9, and 23/16.
Question 11/16 Summary
The goal for Q11/16 was to consider contributions on the work items of V.150.1, V.151, V.152 and V.IP2IP-VxF.
The group completed and submitted for Consent the text for new V.151 Annex E on adding the text from the
“historic” RFC 4150 into V.151 and removing all references to this particular RFC. Work also progressed on
V.151 Annex F. The group agreed to create a new Recommendation for defining AT commands to be used for the
control of mobile devices by assistive devices or controllers. For V.152, work progressed on two new annexes.
Concerns over the mechanism to allow the re-enabling of echo cancellers on detecting V.21 HDLC Flags was
discussed and the group agreed to continue the development of the Annex with contributions being requested
for any known impacts to the network or other equipment. The group has a single document for Consent at this meeting.
Question 14/16 Summary
Q14/16 briefly considered contributions on the control of echo cancellers in V.152 by using a T.30 facsimile
signal as the stimuli. The group also reviewed the incoming liaison statements and discussed the future of
Q14 in the next study period. The group has no documents for consideration for Consent or Approval at this meeting.
Question 15/16 Summary
At this meeting, Question 15/16 advanced the work on drafting new ITU-T Rec. I.733 (Voice ATM multiplication equipment),
which is expected to be ready for Consent at the April 2008 SG 16 meeting. The group also started the discussion on the
future of the Question toward next study period, and agreed to continue the work merged with Q.17/16. The first draft of
text of the Question for the merged Q.15 and Q.17 was drafted. The Question plans to hold one interim meeting.
Question 16/16 Summary
Further progress was made on drafting text for revised ITU-T Rec. G.168 (Echo Cancellers) and new ITU-T Rec. G.160
(Voice Enhancement Devices). Both of these Recommendations are planned for Consent in 2008. A joint meeting with
Q11/16 was held to discuss the use of V.21 HDLC flags to re-enable echo cancellers in ITU-T Rec. V.152. One liaison
statement was sent to SG 12 regarding development of an objective test method to measure the performance of Noise
Reduction functions in G.160. One interim meeting is proposed.
Question 17/16 Summary
At this meeting, Question 17/16 advanced the work on drafting new ITU-T Rec. G.IP2IP (Functionality and performance
of an IP-to-IP voice gateway, optimised for the transport of voice and voiceband data) expecting to have it ready
for Consent in 2009. Contributions proposing the addition and the modifications to draft G.IP2IP were discussed,
and the agreed modifications were reflected in new draft text (Ver.1.7). The group also started the discussion on
the future of the Question toward next study period, and it was agreed that the Question should be merged with
current Q15/16. The first draft of text of the Question for the merged Q.15 and Q.17 was drafted. The Question
plans to hold one interim meeting.
Question 18/16 Summary
At this meeting, Question 18/16 advanced the work on drafting new Recommendation G.mdcspne (Mechanism for dynamic
coordination of SPNE) and new Recommendation G.UCPSPNE (SPNE mechanisms/auxiliary functions). One Liaison Statement
regarding information on network equipment signal processing control was sent to the Focus Group “From/In/To Car
Communication” and one Liaison Statement on permissible disturbance levels for frequency ranges of different signal
services was sent to SG5. A Liaison Statement to SG11 about the transfer of Recommendation Q.115.0 from SG11 to SG16
was also prepared. The Question plans to hold one interim meeting.
Question 20/16 Summary
Q20/16 reviewed some of the results of the ongoing activities in TSAG, in the IPTV-FG and NGN-GSI.
As background information, a presentation on CAP has been organised. The need for specific actions for coordination
and harmonization of the work performed on this topic has been discussed under the relevant SG 16 Questions.
In addition, SG 16 initiated the revision and further development of the action plan for developing countries and
countries with economies in transition. A correspondence group has been set up for this purpose.
Question 21/16 Summary
Different contributions with regard to the possible establishment of a new Question for supporting the development
of an advanced multimedia system (“H.325”) showed the high interest and strong commitment from the various contributors
to support this new Question in SG16. Text for the new H.325 Question, Question 12/16, was refined and agreed by SG 16;
the proposal was sent to TSAG for review and endorsement. Furthermore, a new draft of H.mid (Tag-based ID triggered
multimedia information delivery system architecture) was discussed, however the goal to Consent this text at this
meeting was not attained. Items of contention which are to be resolved before Consent were included in the updated
draft of H.mid. It was also agreed to send H.mid to SG 13 for review, in order to align the appropriate activities
between both study groups. Regarding the home network topic, an updated draft of H.ghna (A generic Home Network
architecture with support for multimedia services) was created, which was sent to the FG-IPTV for consideration
and comments. It was recommended to use JCA Home Network to avoid any duplication of work, done on this issue
within SG15, SG16 and FG IPTV. An initial draft of H.Vsarch (Architectural requirements for visual surveillance)
was presented and became an output document of the current Q21/16 meeting.
Question 22/16 Summary
During this SG16 meeting, Question 22/16 processed 17 contributions and 13 incoming liaison statements, and held
joint sessions with Q21/16. Our discussions covered a variety of areas like tag-based ID triggered multimedia
information retrieval and delivery (F.mid), visual surveillance (F.VSreqs), ubiquitous sensor networks (USN),
voice mail user interface, as well as home networking. For F.MID and H.MID, we made substantial progress based
on a cooperation between contributors, but the text is still one step from being ready for Consent. We produced
baseline for both F.VSreqs and H.Vsarch dealing with visual surveillance services. As for USN, we saw interesting
subjects for SG16 and more contributions are encouraged. In the area of home networking, discussions led to a
better understanding on SG16 side.
Question 23/16 Summary
Q.23 focused its discussions on reviewing NGN media coding requirements and the media coding summary database.
These topics will be further progressed in two planned Rapporteur’s meeting, collocated with Q8, 9, and 10/16.
Question 24/16 Summary
Question 24/16 has made good progress in working on the draft new Recommendations H.361 Annex A
(IntServ/RSVP Support for H.323 Systems), Annex B (DiffServ Support for H.323 Systems), and Annex C
(Priority Support for H.323 Systems). Annex B is complete, and Annexes A and C are almost complete.
It was agreed to move the Annexes forward for Consent at the next SG16 meeting. In addition, Q24/16
discussed new topics such as dynamic QoS control and QoS support for an Advanced Multimedia System.
Question 25/16 Summary
Question 25/16 reviewed some matters in relation with multimedia security and advanced multimedia systems
in NGN. Due to the lack of contributions, there were no substantial security discussions at this meeting.
Question 26/16 Summary
Question 26/16 had a very productive meeting, working on a range of topics that included the accessibility
checklist, a service definition for text-over-IP (ToIP), emergency notifications, AT commands for assistive
devices, and IPTV topics. We produced a number of liaison statements to groups in an effort to continue
the forward momentum on accessibility matters. The Question plans to contribute to two events on accessibility,
one organized by BDT (September 2007) and another organized by ITU during the Internet Governance Forum
(November 2007). The group may convene an electronic meeting to progress work on F.ToIP and to coordinate
with other groups on topics that include NGN, UNI and NNI issues, IPTV, and emergency service notification;
details will be circulated in Q26/16’s mailing list (
Question 28/16 Summary
Question 28/16 presented the feedback received regarding the roadmap of standards dealing with
telemedicine. An analysis of those answers was carried out.
The future of Q28/16 was discussed as there are no contributions and no interest from ITU-T members,
industry and SDOs. Additionally, eHSCG and HTTF are not reacting on any direction; therefore, other
SDOs have moved faster and better with a very strong support from industry.
Two options were suggested for next Study Period, to discontinue the Question or to integrate part of
the Question with other Questions related to e-services or applications.
Question 29/16 Summary
In the context of NGN-GSI, Question 29/16 has continued its co-operation with Questions 6/13 as well as
Questions 2/19 and 5/19 on mobility-related issues for NGN. This co-operation supports Q29/16 in progressing
its work on TP.MMSM (Service Mobility for new Multimedia Service Architecture). An updated draft of the
technical paper was presented. Approval of the document is planned for the next SG16 meeting.
Recommendations Consented by SG 16 on the closing Plenary
Description |
Documents* |
AAP /LC** |
ITU-T Rec. G.729.1 Amendment 3 “G.729-based embedded variable
bit-rate coder: An 8-32 kbit/s scalable wideband coder bitstream
interoperable with G.729: Extension of the G.729.1 low-delay mode
functionality to 14 kbit/s, and corrections to the main body and
Annex B” (New) |
TD 421 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 Amendment 2 "
Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated
audio information: Systems: Carriage of auxiliary video data" (New) |
TD 414 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.224 Corrigendum 1 "A Real Time Control protocol for simplex
applications using the H.221 LSD/HSD/MLP channels: Corrections to the CME client list
message" (New) |
TD 389 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.1 Amendment 1 “Gateway Control Protocol: Version 3”
(New) |
TD 394 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.8 “Error Code and Service Change reason
description” (Rev.) |
TD 418 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.9 Amendment 1 “Gateway Control Protocol: Advanced
media server packages: ASR, TTS and Multimedia Enhancements” (New) |
TD 427 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.12 Amendment 2 “Gateway Control Protocol: H.248
packages for H.323 and H.324 interworking: Transport Mechanism”
(New) |
TD 428 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.29 Corrigendum 1 "Gateway control protocol: International CAS
compelled register signalling packages: correction of figures in Annex A” (New) |
TD 430 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.49 (ex H.248.SDPVER) “Gateway control protocol:
Session Description Protocol RFC and Capabilities Packages” (New) |
TD 392 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.51 (ex H.248.TCM) “Gateway control protocol:
Termination Connection Model Package” (New) |
TD 423 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.54 (ex H.248.MPLS) “Gateway control protocol: MPLS
Support Package” (New) |
TD 395 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.56 (ex H.248.VPN) “Gateway Control Protocol:
Packages for Virtual Private Network Support” (New) |
TD 396 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.248.59 (ex H.248.ETN) “Gateway Control Protocol: Event
Timestamp Notification Package” (New) |
TD 424 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.264 (2005) Amendment 3 "g"Scalable video coding
(including extensions for scalable video coding and minor updates)
(New) |
TD 432 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. H.324 Amendment 2 "Terminal for low bit rate multimedia communication: New Annex L on Text
Conversation and associated changes; corrections and clarifications to Annex K" (New) |
TD 390 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. T.126 “Multipoint still image and annotation protocol”
(Rev.) |
TD 415R1 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. T.127 “Multipoint binary file transfer protocol” (Rev.) |
TD 416 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. T.135 “User-to-reservation system transactions within
T.120 conferences” (Rev.) |
TD 417R1 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. T.800 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-1 (2004) Corrigendum 2 "Information
technology – JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system:
Clarification on determination of maximum file size" (New) |
TD 434 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. T.808 (2005) | ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005 Amendment 3 "Information
technology – JPEG 2000 image coding system: Interactivity tools,
APIs and protocols: JPIP extensions" (New) |
TD 433 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. T.809 | ISO/IEC 15444-10 "Information technology – JPEG
2000 image coding system: Extensions for three-dimensional data"
(New) |
TD 435 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. T.812 | ISO/IEC 15444-13 "Information technology – JPEG
2000 image coding system: An entry level JPEG 2000 encoder" (New) |
TD 436 (P) |
AAP64 |
ITU-T Rec. V.151 Amendment 1 "New Annex E 'Payload format and
signalling syntax for real-time text transported within an audio
stream' and related changes" (New) |
TD 420 (P) |
AAP64 |
Recommendations Approved by SG 16 on the closing Plenary
None at this meeting.
Recommendations Decided by SG 16 on the closing Plenary
None at this meeting.
Other texts approved by SG 16
Implementors’ Guides |
Document |
H.248 Sub-series Implementors’ Guide .(Rev.) |
TD 398 (P) |
H.248 Version 2 Implementors’ Guide (Rev.) |
TD 411 (P) |
H.264 Sub-series Implementors’ Guide (New) |
TD 437 (P) |
H.323-Series Implementors’ Guide (Rev.) |
TD 397 (P) |
Supplements |
Document |
H-Series Supplement 2 “ H.248 Sub-Series: Packages Guide Release 10”
(Rev) |
TD 399 (P) |
H-Series Supplement 4 “Repository of generic parameters for ITU-T
Recommendations H.460.x sub-series” (Rev) |
TD 419 (P) |
Appendices |
Document |
ITU-T Rec. G.722 Appendix IV “A low-complexity algorithm for packet
loss concealment with G.722” (Rev.) |
TD 422 (P) |
No Technical Papers approved at this meeting.
Texts deleted or proposed for deletion by SG 16
Updates in the SG 16 management team and Rapporteurs
(Click here for the complete list of SG 16 Rapporteurs)
New Appointments:
- Mr Seong-ho Jeong (Korea) as Rapporteur for Q4/16 (Advanced MM communication service features on top of ITU-T defined mm system platforms)
- Mr Paul Coverdale (Canada) as Rapporteur for Q8/16 (Generic sound activity detection)
- Mr Paul Jones (Cisco, USA) as Rapporteur a.i. for Q12/16* (Advanced multimedia system for next generation and other packet-switched networks)
- Mr Brody Kenrick (Dilithium Networks) as Associate Rapporteur a.i. for Q12/16*
- Mr Masahito Kawamori (NTT, Japan) as Rapporteur a.i. for Q13/16* (Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV)
- Mr Yoshinori Goto (NTT, Japan) as Rapporteur for Q21/16 (Multimedia architecture)
- Mr Herv� Taddei (Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany) as Rapporteur for Q23/16 (Media coding)
- Mr Patrick Luthi (Tandberg, Norway) as Liaison Officer to the ITU-T JCA-CIT
*: Pending final approval of the Questions.
Open positions:
- Rapporteur for Q17/16 (Voice gateway equipment, WP1/16)
- Rapporteur for Q20/16 (MediaCom Project, allocated to the Plenary)
- Rapporteur for Q25/16 (Multimedia Security in Next-Generation Networks, WP2/16)
- Liaison Officer to ITU-T SG 9, 17; ETSI TISPAN; ISO TC215; 3GPPs, OMA and W3C
- EWM Coordinator
- SG 16 Promotion Officer
Draft new Question 12/16 –Advanced multimedia system for next generation and other packet-switched networks
1. Background and Justification
As the lead Study Group on multimedia terminals, systems, and applications, SG 16 strives to make advances in
multimedia communication systems that take advantage of emerging technologies, as well as advances in and deeper
understanding of existing technologies, in an effort to enable new and better forms of communication capabilities
(ubiquitous services and applications e.g. any devices, any time and anywhere) for end users.
The ITU-T has a long history of delivering successful multimedia systems that have enriched everyone’s lives. One of
the most widely deployed and successful videoconferencing systems produced by the ITU is H.320. It is recognized by
ITU-T SG 16 as a first generation system and took advantage of the then newly-developed ISDN. In the mid-1990s, the
ITU began work on H.323, which essentially leveraged the knowledge gained through the development of H.320 and applied
that knowledge to packet-switched networks, including LANs, WANs, and the Internet. H.323 quickly became the dominant
protocol for LAN-based videoconferencing, as well as a protocol used for transporting voice calls around the world.
H.323 was developed in parallel with the IETF’s Session Initiation Protocol, and was effective in facilitating a
migration from circuit-switched networks to packet-switched networks. Sharing similar capabilities and similar
design philosophies and being produced in the same time period, H.323 and SIP are classified as second generation systems.
Now, more than 11 years since the introduction of second generation systems, ITU-T SG 16 is again looking toward the
future of multimedia systems as the ITU-T also undertakes a study to introduce the Next Generation Network (NGN).
The NGN holds the promise of revolutionizing communication as we know it and multimedia will be an important part of
any new network technology.
By building on the knowledge gained through the development of voice and video technologies that were the core part of
H.320 and H.323, as well as the data conferencing technologies introduced in the T.120 series standards, ITU-T SG 16 aims
to introduce a third-generation system that truly enables users to utilize multiple modes of communication such as audio,
video or electronic whiteboard.
2. Study Items
The work on the third generation multimedia system will entail the creation of multiple new ITU-T Recommendations that
will specify system architecture, system components, and one or more protocols at the service and application layer.
The primary objective is to deliver a new advanced multimedia system that operates on NGN, taking advantage of its features,
and will also operate on non-NGN packet-switched networks.
This Question will examine technologies such as various IP technologies, wireless technologies, and distributed computing
capabilities in order to realize a system that will enable users to communicate using, as examples, voice and audio, video,
electronic whiteboard, application sharing, real-time text, and file transfer across one or more communicating devices (e.g.
smart phones, TV set-top boxes, game consoles, handheld game/entertainment machines, digital cameras and Internet “appliances”).
Unlike previous generation systems, this new system will enable independent application developers to create system components
that are able to seamlessly interface with the system in order to deliver any one or more of the aforementioned modes of
communication. There is a strong desire to move away from the “monolithic applications” that were distinctive of second
generation systems, to a system that enables components to “plug in” to the system, either locally or remotely using various
wired or wireless technologies, to deliver an enhanced user experience. To meet that objective, this Question will study
the various interfaces between these components and the technologies that might be used to tie them together.
The study includes among others:
- Downloadable codecs
- System decomposition
- Discovery of services
- Support for transcoding functionality (e.g. text to speech)
- Dynamic device discovery
- Application plug in
- Consideration of various business models
- Integrated QoS, security and mobility functionality
3. Specific Tasks and Deadlines
- Identification of Requirements
(until Q1/2008)
- Basic Architecture
(until Q1/2009)
- Complete System Specification
(depends on progress)
4. Relationships
Virtually all other questions within SG 16, especially WP 2/16 and audio/video coding questions
- ITU-T SG 11, SG 12, SG 13
- 3GPP, 3GPP2
- IMTC (for interoperability aspects)
Draft new Question 13/16 – Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV
1. Motivation
As the lead Study Group on multimedia applications, terminals and systems, including ubiquitous
applications, SG 16 continues to make advances in multimedia communication systems that are
pertinent in the fast moving market and continues to respond to the demands of the market by
taking advantage of emerging as well as existing technologies.
In this regard, SG 16 has been successful in producing numerous Recommendations which address
topical areas such as multimedia terminal design, home networking, multimedia architecture,
audiovisual communications, multimedia conferencing, media coding, multimedia content, multimedia
security, metadata, multimedia directories, multimedia service description and multimedia delivery systems.
As broadband services over various access technologies have evolved and with the advent of the
next generation network technology, the desire and need for the enhanced multimedia services
has gained momentum and, as is typical when there is rapid evolution in a new technology area,
proprietary multimedia service solutions precede standard interoperable solutions.
Specifically with the surge of multimedia services such as video streaming and the desire to
offer IPTV services, the market is in serious need of standardized interoperable solutions,
especially at the multimedia applications layer. Interoperability will provide benefit for all
the players in the value-chain, especially at the multimedia applications layer, and encourage
growth of this market.
IPTV is a multimedia service encompassing television, video, audio, text, graphics and data
delivered over IP based networks which are managed to provide the required level of QoS and QoE,
security, interactivity and reliability. Standards for IPTV, especially those for application and
terminal aspects, are of immediate relevance to ITU-T in general and to SG16. SG16 is interested,
among other things, in the associated multimedia (including IPTV) application and terminal aspects.
This Question is intended to produce deliverables related to study IPTV platforms, including, but
not restricted to middleware, applications, content formats and their uses, which will facilitate
effective and interoperable use of the IPTV systems.
This Question will be the recipient of a number of documents from the FG IPTV and it will assimilate
these into its work program with the intention of generating a number of Recommendations as Question
This Question recognizes that ITU-T SG 9 is the Lead Study Group for integrated broadband cable and
television networks and sees no overlap in responsibilities in this regard.
2. Study Items
The study items of the Question include, but are not limited to, the following:
- to identify the use cases and requirements of IPTV application platforms and end system aspects;
- to review and analyze existing standards and recommendations to find any gaps seen against the requirements of IPTV application platforms and end systems, and to identify those requirements where new standards or changes to existing standards are recommended;
- to help coordinate, harmonize and encourage interoperability among existing systems and standards for IPTV application platforms and end systems.
- to investigate functional architectures of the IPTV terminal;
- to identify services and applications relevant to IPTV application platforms and end systems;
- based on the analysis of requirements and existing standards, create Recommendations covering the relevant areas, including but not limited to:
- Metadata, i.e. the descriptive data about content
- Content and service navigation applications, such as interactive programme guide (IPG) and enhanced electronic programme guide (EPG)
- Service navigation, channel and menu processing,
- Content discovery
- Content presentation and execution engines
- IPTV middleware
- IPTV end system and terminal device.
3. Specific Tasks and Roadmap
Tasks include, but are not limited to, the development of the following new Recommendations:
- Required aspects of IPTV end systems
- Required aspects of Home Networks to support IPTV services
- Required aspects of IPTV Middleware, Application and Content Platforms
- Required aspects of an IPTV Toolbox for content coding
- Required aspects of IPTV Middleware
- IPTV Service Navigation Systems
- IPTV Metadata requirements
4. Relationships
- Recommendations of the Series under the responsibility of SG 16 (F, G, H, T)
- Q1, 2, 6, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 of SG 16
Study Groups:
- ITU-T SGs 2, 9, 11, 12, 13 (including FG IPTV), 15 and 17
- ITU-R SG 6.
Other bodies:
- DSL Forum