ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Ethics Helpline

​Protect ITU's Integrity and Speak Up!

Report misconduct, fraud, corruption, harassment, or any ethical concerns to the ITU Ethics office via our private, encrypted hotline at  or contact the ITU Ethics Office directly. 

The Ethics Office manages an encrypted Ethics Helpline available at:  We encourage you to contact us to discuss or raise any questions or to report alleged misconduct concerning ITU.  You may raise issues including, but not limited to, financial disclosure, gifts, conflicts of interest, outside activities, mismanagement of assets, fraud, corruption, harassment, sexual harassment, and obligations under any ITU policies and procedures.

Your communication will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.  The Ethics Office will provide guidance and advice depending on your wishes and circumstances.  The helpline is a safe and confidential mode of communicating with the Ethics Office as there is no mechanism to identify the sender.  You may if you wish specify a preferred way to contact you and your language preference.

ITU's policy expressly states that staff who, in good faith, report misconduct have the right to be protected against retaliation.  Retaliation against those who have reported misconduct is misconduct.

Email the Helpline (may be done anonymously) at:​

ProtonMail is an independent (non ITU) email service with built-in end-to-end encryption and other security features.  Further information about ProtonMail is available at

Other ways to contact the Ethics Office:

Telephone:  +41 22 730 6037 or 6324 (Switzerland)
Post:            Ethics Office, International Telecommunication ​Union (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland