ITU-T Study Group 16 (Study Period 2005-2008) |
Executive Summary of the Meeting |
Executive Summary of the meeting
Major Plenary accomplishments:
- Consented Recommendations: 42 at this meeting
- Recommendations Decided/Determined/Approved: none at this meeting
- Recommendations deleted or proposed for deletion: none
- Other texts approved: appendices, supplements, technical papers, and
implementors’ guides
- For updates to the SG 16 management team, see below
- List of interim meetings pre-approved: see related link
- Final text of outgoing Liaison Statements: see related link
- The meeting had 152 attendees during the meeting period (up from 120 at the last meeting). The final list of participants is available in
TD 155 (P)
Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen
by the SG 16 Plenary)
Summary of Questions’ Results
Question 1/16 Summary
Question 1 reviewed and progressed several matters in relation with H.324/M, in particular, contributions proposing call setup acceleration techniques. Question 1 recommended seven Recommendations and one Corrigendum for Consent (H.222.0 Cor 4, H.221 Amd 1, H.230 Amd 1, H.239, H.241, H.242 Amd 1, H.243, H.324), and one Implementors’ Guides for Approval (T.120).
Question 2/16 Summary
Question 2 successfully completed work on a revised Recommendation H.245, new Recommendation H.460.17, H.460.20, and Amendment 1 to H.246. Work on H.225.0, H.323, and related documents progressed during the meeting with an objective of consenting a new version of H.323 and H.225.0 at the next SG16 meeting.
Question 3/16 Summary
Q.3/16 met for 10 quarters to review some 65 documents. Q.3/16 continued work on a number of existing work items which has resulted in four Recommendations for Consent: H.248.1 Version 3,
revised H.248.8, New H.248.36 and New H.248.37. In addition to these Recommendations, Q.3 prepared one document for approval: H-Series Supplement 2 Packages Guide. Eight new work items were agreed for H.248.IPDC “IP Domain Connection Package”, H.248.ADID “Application Data Inactivity Detection Package”, H.248.DCME “DCME Interworking Package”, H.248.SDPSPEC “H.248 SDP Parameter Identification and Wildcarding”, H.248.BC “Base Context Package”, H.248.19 Amendment 1 “Decomposed multipoint control unit, audio, video and data conferencing packages: New Text Overlay and Border and Background Packages”, H.248.23 Amendment 1 “Enhanced Alerting Packages” and a work item to discuss QoS collection and reporting.
Question 4/16 Summary
Due to the lack of specific contributions, Q.4 aspects were addressed in other WP2 Questions at this meeting.
Question 5/16 Summary
Question 5 successfully completed work on new Recommendations H.460.18 and H.460.19, and two new Technical Papers that discuss requirements for NAT/FW traversal and describe issues related to NAT/FW traversal in H.323 systems. Work on H.proxy and a NAT/FW framework Technical Paper are ongoing and will be progressed at the next meeting. H.proxy is schedule for consent at the next SG16 meeting.
Question 6/16 Summary
At this meeting, Q.6/16 reviewed the progress of Q.6 and the JVT work and to plan future work. The correction of minor defects identified in Recs H.264, H.264.1, and H.264.2 were proposed as Corrigenda 1 to these texts. A problem in Annex Q of H.263 and the respective solution has been documented in a new Implementors’ Guide. The Question examined proposal on enhancement extensions of Rec. H.264, including scalability, sample aspect ratio indication, improvement of coding efficiency, minimization of computational complexity, feedback-based robustness in error-prone channels. For the future, the Question wants to continue working on the areas of potential enhancement of Rec. H.264, and on requirements, and planning toward development of a future new “H.265” standard.
Question 9/16 Summary
The main objective of the Q.9/16 meeting was to finalize the Terms of References (ToRs) for the EV-VBR approach. The ToRs for the EV-VBR codec (Annex Q09.A) have been completed at this meeting. A schedule for standardization has been compiled (Annex Q09.B).
Unfortunately, no contributions relating to the MSC-VBR approach were received and it was therefore decided to terminate work on this particular project.
Question 10/16 Summary
The group approved submission for Consent of a new release of the Software Tools Library (STL) – dubbed STL2005. The group also agreed to send for Consent Corrigendum 1 to G.722.2 to the correct defects in the text in the G.722.2 main body and its C code (Annex C) and maintain the synchronization with the 3GPP AMR-WB codec specifications. Appendices II and III to G.729 that propose alternative enhancements of G.729 Annex B for VoIP applications have been submitted for Approval at this meeting. Progress has been achieved for the G.729EV extension, and the group agreed that four candidates move forward into a optimization/characterization phase, in which they will all cooperate on a common solution. Preparations started for the G.729EV optimization/characterization, which will be conducted in two steps: in step 1, for checking requirements and step 2, for checking objectives (“characterization”). The processing and quality assessment plans will be finalized by correspondence in liaison with SG12. The G.729EV time schedule has also been reviewed and agreed, and AAP is foreseen during the next SG 16 meeting in April 2006, at the end of step 1. Q10/16 work will progress by correspondence especially to finalize G.729EV optimisation/characterisation phase and also to finalize the revision (Corrigenda) of existing voice coding Recommendations based on the Implementers' guide of the past Study periods and to start formal approval of changes at the next Study Group 16 Plenary meeting.
Question 11/16 Summary
The group had as a goal to complete the work on a draft new Recommendation that defines Procedures for the end-to-end connection of analogue PSTN text telephones over an IP network utilizing text relay (V.151). Excellent progress was made on this work, however it was considered by the group that the draft was not yet mature and stable enough for Consent. The group did resolve the most difficult technical problems and have confidence that the Recommendation will be ready for Consent at the next meeting of Study Group 16. Q11 also agreed to issue a draft Corrigendum that adds clarification to ITU-T Rec. V.152.
Question 14/16 Summary
Clarification of handling H245Tunnelling flag in T.38 Annex B (H.323 call establishment) was agreed to be included in T.38. Clarification of procedure examples and modification of editing errors in T.38 Appendix III (H.248 call establishment) were also agreed to be included in it. Revision of Recommendation T.38 was agreed to be put forward for consent.
The group agreed to send two liaison statements, one requesting modification of T.38 SDP parameters to IANA, and another requesting the publication of an Internet Draft with the registration of MIME media type “audio/t38” to IETF.
Support of T.44 YCC colour space in G3 facsimile was agreed. Revision of Recommendation T.30 was agreed to be put forward for Consent.
Question 15/16 Summary
At this meeting, Q15/16 progressed the work for the future enhancement of G.769, in particular with regard to the new network reference scenarios for session control. The living list for I.733 was reviewed, and contributions were solicited. Relationship with NGN Project was also discussed, and a Liaison Statement was agreed to be drafted to SG13 informing them of IP-CME’s relevancy to NGN. The Question plans to hold one interim meeting.
Question 16/16 Summary
Further progress was made with the drafting of text for revised Recommendation G.168 (Echo Cancellers) and new Recommendation G.160 (Voice Enhancement Devices). Both these Recommendations are planned for Consent in 2006. A joint meeting with Questions 11, 16 and 18 was held to discuss issues related to G.168 Test 14 (data modems). One liaison statement regarding work and Recommendations relevant to NGN was sent to SG13. One interim meeting is planned.
Question 17/16 Summary
At this meeting, Q.17 reviewed nine incoming LSs and produced one outgoing LS on TFO related aspects of G.799.1 and G.IP2IP. The question agreed to version 1.2 of the draft G.IP2IP, and the living list of G. 799.1/Y.1451.1 was reviewed and updated. The Question is planning one interim meeting between now and April 2006.
Question 18/16 Summary
The purpose of the meeting was to advance the work on draft new Recommendation Q.115.2 “Logic for the control of Voice Enhancement Devices/Functions”, draft new Recommendation G.mdcspne “Mechanism for dynamic coordination of SPNE” and the revised Recommendation G.161 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment" for consent in 2006. It was agreed to develop a new Recommendation G.UCPSPNE about “SPNE mechanisms/auxiliary functions” for Consent in 2007. It was decided to write a Liaison Statement to SG19 regarding the call set up signalling protocols ISUP/BICC, which should be enhanced to carry VED related information. It was agreed to request for one experts meeting before the next SG 16 meeting to progress the work on G.161_2006, Q.115.2, G.mdcspne aimed for Consent in 2006, and the new Recommendation G.UCPSPNE, aimed for Consent in 2007.
Question 20/16 Summary
Q20/16 has agreed to proceed with the revision of the MEDIACOM project description. Within the MEDIACOM project a number of specific actions for coordination have been decided. Q20/16 confirmed the action plan for developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Its implementation is very much dependant on the appointment of a liaison officer to these countries. Q20/16 asks for volunteers. Q20/16 had a general discussion on standardization of MM technical facilities to support Early Warning information Messages and stressed the need to progress in this area (see the WP2 report for details). Regarding the involvement of experts from research and academic organisations, Q20/16 recognized the need to promote and facilitate their participation to ITU-T activities. A LS has been prepared asking TSAG to look at appropriate solutions to this problem.
Question 21/16 Summary
Question 21/16 has progressed work on “Multimedia over NGN” by including some relevant contributions on codecs in the draft requirements document for H.325. H.saarch was presented and it was decided to progress the work by opening to services other than audiovisual ones, perhaps taking into account at first a contribution dealing with an IP Network videoconference architecture. It was also decided to work on home networking issues and in cooperation with Q.29 as far as mobility over NGN is concerned.
Question 22/16 Summary
Q.22 reviewed and finalized the four new draft Recommendations for Consent: F.AVoD “Audiovisual on demand services”, F.DL “Distance learning services”, F.MMCIP “Multimedia conference services on IP”, and F.VTIP “Videotelephony services on IP”. They describe a number of service scenarios and service requirements derived from them according to the methodology defined in F.701. Q.22 also discussed several parameters related to the videotelephony services such as access network bit rates and QoS specifications for further elaborating the system characteristics. It also welcomed inputs on new NGN applications and services that would be developed into more F-series definition of service scenarios and requirements.
Question 23/16 Summary
At this meeting, Q.23 agreed to forward to Consent two new drafts: Amendment 1 to ITU-T T.800 | ISO/IEC 15444-1 with support for Digital Cinema features in JPEG2000, and draft new Rec.T.851 on a “toolbox” alternative arithmetic image coding algorithm within the JPEG-1 framework. The Question also updated the Media Coding Summary Database, and reviewed proposals for media codec requirements in NGN. Q.23 produced outgoing liaison statements on the Multimedia Convergence Codec “project”, on the study of a possible Generic VAD project, and on gamma correction issues.
Question 24/16 Summary
Question 24/16 has made good progress in the work on H.mmqos (formerly H.323 Annex N “End-to-End QoS and Service Priority Control Signaling in H.323 Systems”). It was agreed to provide more time to review the document according to relevant comments at the meeting and hence the Consent of H.mmqos was postponed. Question 24/16 has also produced four baseline documents for Annex A/H.mmqos (IntServ/RSVP Support of H.323 Systems), Annex B/H.mmqos (DiffServ Support of H.323 Systems), Annex C/H.mmqos (Priority Support of H.323 Systems, formerly H.priority), and H.trans.control (QoS Signalling to Network Operator Domains).
Question 25/16 Summary
Question Q.25/16 had a busy meeting and succeeded in achieving an important milestone in Multimedia Security. Q.25/16 has restructured H.235 into a series of MMSec H.235v4 Recommendations and has further extended H.235 with new material. Q.25/16 has prepared ten new draft Recommendations for the new H.235.x subseries and has put them all forward for Consent (see below for list). Q.25 also produced a new H.235 Version 3 Implementors’ Guide that is put forward for approval. For the future, it was agreed to work along a new study item in the context of denial of service countermeasures for multimedia applications.
Question 26/16 Summary
Work continued on the development of the document on accessibility guidelines. It was decided that this document would now be a Recommendation rather than a Handbook. Members of the group raised accessibility issues in several other Questions and were successful in making changes to their work. Contributions are needed on accessibility guidelines, amendments to V.18 and service descriptions for text communications. The group appointed Mr. Matsumoto (Japan) to represent our interests at the forthcoming meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1 SWG-A in Tokyo. Ms. Saks will act as liaison to SG13 and FG NGN on accessibility matters.
Question 27/16 Summary
Q.27 held no dedicated session due to lack of input documents. TDR aspects were discussed at the WP2 level.
Question 28/16 Summary
Q 28/16 presented the activities carried out since last SG16 meeting. A draft roadmap about standardization on e-health was presented and it was agreed to make a systematic review of the document by correspondence using the Question’s emailing list (, devoting one week for each issue. The experts aim at concluding the revision of the text before the end of the year. It was also reported the work carried out under the umbrella of the E-health Standardisation Coordination Group, eHSCG (of which ITU-T is a co-founder). As a response to some documents received from ITU-D Q.14/1-2, it was agreed to elaborate a guideline document, tentatively called “Framework for e-Health Applications in Emergency Situations”.
Question 29/16 Summary
Question 29(K)/16 has progressed to finalize work on “Technical Paper on Usage of the H.510 protocol for the support of H.323 based Multimedia Services within GPRS/IMT2000 networks”. The content of the paper is consolidated with concerned Questions in other study groups (Q.6/13, Q.2, Q.5/ 19) as well as outside ITU with 3GPP. Q.29/16 proposed the document for approval at this meeting. A new work item, dealing with the requirement definition for MM Service Mobility within an NGN environment was initiated. An appropriate Liaison Statement was sent to Q.6/13 as well as Q.2/19 and Q.5/19 to coordinate the work with these questions and invite them to an active participation.
Recommendations Consented by SG 16 on the closing Plenary
Recommendations for AAP posting
New V.152 Corrigendum 1 |
TD 179(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised T.30 “Procedures for document facsimile transmission in the general switched telephone network” |
TD 130(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised T.38 “Procedures for real-time Group 3 facsimile communication over IP networks” |
TD 129(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 Corrigendum 4 “Information Technology - Generic Coding of Moving Pictures And Associated Audio Information: Systems” |
TD 134(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.221 Amendment 1 “Support for 14 kHz audio bandwidth extension of G.722.1 Annex C in H.221” |
TD 121(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.230 Amendment 1 “Support of Unicode in H.320 systems and new Annex A for H.230 generic capabilities and messages in H.245” |
TD 122(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised H.239 “Role management and additional media channels for H.300-series terminals” |
TD 153(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised H.241 “Extended video procedures and control signals for H.300 series terminals” |
TD 135(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.242 Amendment 1 “Support for 14 kHz audio bandwidth extension of G.722.1 Annex C in H.242” |
TD 123(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised H.243 “Procedures for establishing communication between three or more audiovisual terminals using digital channels up to 1920
kbit/s” |
TD 124(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised H.324 “Terminal for low bit-rate multimedia communication” |
TD 136R1(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised H.245 “Control protocol for multimedia communication” (Version 12) |
TD 160(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.246 Amendment 1 “Usage of H.243 multipoint control messages and support for Unicode characters in H.320 systems” |
TD 120(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised H.248.1 “Gateway Control Protocol Version 3” |
TD 132R1(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised H.248.8 “Error codes and service change reason description” |
TD 128(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.248.36 “Hanging Termination Detection Package” |
TD 154(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.248.37 “IP NAPT Traversal Package” |
TD 126(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.460.17 “Using H.225.0 call signalling connection as transport for H.323 RAS messages” |
TD 140R1(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.460.18 “Traversal of H.323 signalling across Network Address Translators
and Firewalls” |
TD 137(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.460.19 “Traversal of H.323 media across Network Address Translators and Firewalls” |
TD 141R1(P) |
AAP-19 |
New H.460.20 “Location number within H.323 systems” |
TD 107R1(P) |
AAP-19 |
New F.741 (ex F.AvoD) “Service description and requirements for Audiovisual on Demand services” |
TD 178(P) |
AAP-19 |
New F.742 (ex F.DL) “Service description and requirements for distance learning services” |
TD 177(P) |
AAP-19 |
New F.733 (ex F.MMCIP) “Service description and requirements for multimedia conference services over IP networks” |
TD 171(P) |
AAP-19 |
New F.724 (ex F.VTIP) “Service description and requirements for videotelephony services over IP networks” |
TD 173(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.0 “H.323 Security: Framework for security in H-series (H.323 and other H.245-based) multimedia systems” |
TD 114(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.1 “H.323 Security: Baseline Security Profile” |
TD 115(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.2 “H.323 Security: Signature Security Profile” |
TD 119(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.3 “H.323 Security: Hybrid Security Profile” |
TD 116(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.4 “H.323 Security: Direct and Selective Routed Call Security” |
TD 148(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.5 “H.323 Security: Framework for secure authentication in RAS using weak shared secrets” |
TD 117(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.6 “H.323 Security: Voice encryption profile with native H.235/H.245 key management” |
TD 131(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.7 “H.323 Security: Usage of the MIKEY Key Management Protocol for the Secure Real Time Transport Protocol
(SRTP) within H.235” |
TD 118(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.8 “H.323 Security: Key Exchange for SRTP using secure Signalling Channels” |
133(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. H.235.9 “Security Gateway Support for H.323” |
TD 109(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Corrigendum 1 to Rec. H.264 “Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" |
TD 149(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Corrigendum 1 to Rec. H.264.1 “Conformance specification for H.264 advanced video coding" |
TD 150(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Corrigendum 1 to Rec. H.264.2 “Reference software for H.264 advanced video coding" |
TD 151(P) |
AAP-19 |
New G.722.2 Corrigendum 1 “Wideband coding of speech at around 16 kbit/s using Adaptive Multi-Rate
Wideband (AMR-WB)” |
TD 108(P) |
AAP-19 |
Revised G.191 Annex A “Software tools for speech and audio coding standardization: List of software tools available” |
TD 110(P) |
AAP-19 |
New ITU-T Rec. T.800 | ISO/IEC 15444-1 Amendment 1 “Profile for digital cinema applications” |
TD 113(P) |
AAP-19 |
New Rec. T.851 “ITU-T T.81 (JPEG-1) based still image coding using an
alternative arithmetic coder” |
TD 146(P) |
AAP-19 |
Notes: *: some texts are subject to editorial cleanup before posting. Hence, the version posted may differ slightly from
the TD indicated.
**: expected AAP Announcement for Last Call
Recommendations Approved by SG 16 on the closing Plenary
None at this meeting.
Recommendations Decided by SG 16 on the closing Plenary
None at this meeting.
Other texts approved by SG 16
Appendices |
Document |
New G.729 Appendix II “G.729 Annex B enhancements in voice-over-IP applications – Option 1” |
TD 156(P) |
New G.729 Appendix III “G.729 Annex B enhancements in voice-over-IP applications – Option 2” |
157(P) |
Supplements |
Document |
Revised Supplement 2 to the H-Series “H.248.x
sub-series: packages guide - Release 7” |
TD 127(P) |
Revised H-Series Supplement 4 “Repository of generic parameters for ITU-T Recommendations H.460.x sub-series” |
TD 111R1(P) |
Papers |
Document |
New Technical Paper “The Requirements for Network Address Translator and Firewall Traversal of H.323 Multimedia Systems” |
TD 174(P) |
New Technical Paper on “Firewall and NAT traversal Problems in H.323 Systems” |
TD 142(P) |
New Technical Paper on “Usage of the H.510 protocol for the support of H.323 based Multimedia Services within
GPRS/IMT2000 networks” |
TD 180(P) |
Guides |
Document |
New Implementors’ Guide for Rec. H.263 “Video coding for low bit rate communication” |
152(P) |
New H.235 Version 3 (2003)
Implementors’ Guide “Security and encryption for H-series (H.323 and other H.245-based) multimedia terminals” |
TD 147(P) |
Revised H.323 System
Implementors’ Guide |
TD 175(P) |
Revised T.120-series
Implementors’ Guide |
TD 145(P) |
Texts deleted or proposed for deletion by SG 16
Updates in the SG 16 management team and Rapporteurs
(Click here for the complete list of SG 16 Rapporteurs)
- Mr Robert Gilman (Avaya, USA) as Rapporteur for Q.5/16
New Appointments:
- Mr Paul Jones (Cisco, USA) as Rapporteur for Q.5/16 (Control of NAT and Firewall Traversal for H.300-Series Multimedia Systems; WP2):
- Mr Noah Luo (Huawei, China) as Rapporteur for Q.22(C)/16 (Multimedia applications and services, WP2)
- Mr Hiroyuki Ohno (NIICT, Japan) as Rapporteur for Q27(I)/16 (TDR Aspects of Multimedia Applications and Services, WP 2) and Liaison Officer to SG 2
- Mr Vicente Traver (Spain) as Liaison Officer to WSC Medical Technology Task Force
- Mr P. Barrett (Psytechnics, UK) as Liaison Officer to the Video Quality Experts Group
- Mr Mitsuji Matsumoto (Japan) as Liaison Officer to ISO/IEC JTC1 SWG-A meeting in Tokyo
Open positions:
- Rapporteur for Q.20(A)/16 (MediaCom Project, allocated to the Plenary)
- Rapporteur for Q.26(H)/16 (Accessibility to Multimedia Systems and Services, allocated to the Plenary)
- EWM Coordinator
- Liaison Officer to 3GPPs, OMA