ITU's 160 anniversary

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SG16 results (Online, 17-28 January 2022)

Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 16 Meeting 
(Geneva, 17-28 January 2022)

Results from previous meeting(s): 2022-01 2021-09 2021-04 2020-06 2019-10 2019-06 2019-03 2018-10 2018-07 2018-02 2017-10 2017-01
2016-05 2015-10 2015-02 2014-06 2013-10 2013-01 
2012-05 2011-11 2011-03 2010-07 2009-10 2009-01 
2008-04 2007-06 2006-11 2006-04 2005-07 2004-11 
2004-01 2003-05 2002-10 

Numbers and other links

Major accomplishments

Collocated activities (all online):

Dates of next SG16 meeting and interim Working Party meeting

Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen by the SG16 Plenary)

Plen WP1 WP2 WP3
Meeting Report
Q1: TD571/Plen
AHG-MV: TD570-R2/Plen
TD573-R2/Plen TD574-R1/Plen
Liaison statements
(36 in total)
Q1: (3) TD575/Plen
Other: TD606-R1/Plen
Work programme
TD579-R1/Plen TD580-R1/Plen TD581/Plen
WTSA preparationsMandate: TD583/Plen / Qs: TD584/Plen / Results & outlook: TD582/Plen (R1 available after the meeting)

List of Participants: TD531/Plen IPR: TD543-R1/Plen

Tally of results

Group Determined
Consented Approved LS New WIs
292 (TAP) + 3 (Agreed)3627 + 2 (interim)

Summary of Questions' Results

Question 1/16 summary

Q1/16 held one session to review the incoming liaison statements and identify the ones that need reply. With the feedback received from the various SG16 Rapporteurs consulted by Q1/16, three outgoing liaison statements were produced.

Question 5/16 summary

Question 5/16 met for fifteen sessions during the SG16 meeting, to review 18 contributions. Work was completed for ITU-T F.748.14, F.748.15 and F.746.13. Question progressed on work items including F.AICP-MD, F.AI-MVSLWS, F.AI-SCS, F.AI-SF, F.AI-ISD, F.TCEF-FML, F.AI-DMPC, F.SBNG. The Question agreed to start four new work items on F.AI-DLEMT, F.FML-TS-FR, FSTP.OC-VC, F.ML-ICSMIReqs. The Question produced three outgoing liaison statement at this meeting. The Question plans one meeting in the interregnum period.

Question 6/16 summary

The primary goals for Question 6/16 at this meeting of SG16 were to review the progress of Q6/16, JVET, and JPEG work, prepare texts for Consent, and plan for additional work items. On topics related to the coding of video, Q6/16 forwarded two new Recommendations (H.266.1 and H.266.2 which are the conformance specification and reference software for H.266, respectively), and two revised Recommendations (H.266 V2 and H.274 V2) for AAP Consent. A substantial portion of the video coding work of Question 6/16 is being conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 in JVET. A meeting of JVET was held via teleconference in alignment with this meeting of SG16 under its auspices. JVET is tasked with maintenance and enhancement of H.26x video coding Recommendations including VVC, HEVC, and AVC, and associated Rec. H.274 VSEI and Rec. H.273 CICP, and with exploration studies of future video coding technologies. JVET's exploration studies include two paths, with the first one pursuing neural network-based technologies, and the second one focusing primarily on traditional video and image processing technologies. The exploration studies have produced promising coding performance improvement over VVC under comparable coding configurations.
On topics related to the coding of images, a substantial portion of the image coding work of Question 6/16 is conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG). A joint meeting of Q6/16 with JPEG and with Q5/16 was held during the current meeting of SG16. A significant outcome of the joint meeting was the agreement to launch the JPEG AI neural network-based image coding project as a joint project of SC29/WG1 and SG16 with production of the text on the SG16 side managed through Q6/16. A corresponding new work item was added to the Q6/16 work programme.
Q6/16 is planning to hold two Rapporteur group meetings and two JVET meetings before the next SG16 meeting and to hold a JVET meeting in a collocated fashion with the next SG16 meeting and under its auspices. The Question prepared one outgoing Liaison Statement.
The Question thanked former Associate Rapporteur Ms Jill Boyce (Intel, USA) for her work over the previous two study periods and agreed to appoint Ms Yan Ye (Alibaba, China) as a new Associate Rapporteur.

Question 8/16 summary

Question 8/16 met for five sessions during this meeting. Q8/16 discussed nine contributions and several input liaison statements. As the results, Q8/16 agreed to initiate one new work items: a new Recommendation H.ILE-Haptic on Media transport protocols, signalling information of haptic transmission for Immersive Live Experience (ILE) systems. In addition, Q8/16 agreed to send two LSs: a reply LS to ITU-R WP6B, and another informing relevant organizations about Q8/16's new WI on media protocols of haptic transmission for ILE systems. Q8/16 plans to have one rapporteur group meeting before the next SG16 meeting.

Question 11/16 summary

Question 11/16 had a successful meeting and finalized the revisions of H.323v8 along with the associated Recommendations H.225.0v8, H.235.10 (ex H.235.DTLS) and H.245v17. Q11/16 reviewed a proposal to update the text of draft H.EMQ. Q11/16 proposed four recommendations for Consent. The Question does not plan to hold any interim Rapporteurs meeting.

Question 12/16 summary

Question 12/16 met for six sessions during the SG16 meeting, under the chairmanship of Ms Yuan Zhang (China Telecom, China) and Mr Haitao Zhang (BUPT, China). The Question received nine contributions. During the sessions, Q12/16 agreed to consent three draft Recommendations H.627.2 (ex H.HVSProt), F.743.16 (ex F.IVS-CRM) and H.626.5 (V2), one technical paper for agreement FSTP-VS-ECSR. The Question progressed on work items including H.PIVSS, F.BVSSI, H.P2PVSProt, F.VSSReqs and agreed to start one work item on H.VSDTAS-reqs. The Question produced one outgoing liaison statement at this meeting, The Question plans on holding two interim (e-)meetings.

Question 13/16 summary

During this SG16 meeting, Question 13/16 progressed the work on six draft Recommendations: H.721 (V3), H.IPTV-LSFA, H.MCDN-CRRS, H.IPTV-QUICReq, H.IPTV-PS. The Question started three new work items: ITU-T H.CDN-MECptl "Mobile/multi-access content delivery network – Protocols", ITU-T H.IPTV-OpMcast "Requirements and architecture for open IPTV multicast service" and ITU-T F.ILMTS-reqs "Requirements for interactive low-latency multimedia transmission system over the Internet". No current work items were closed. The Question prepared nine outgoing Liaison Statements. The group agreed to submit one Recommendation for Consent at this meeting: ITU-T H.721 V3 "IPTV terminal devices: Basic model". The group plans to hold a rapporteur meeting in June 2022, followed by an e-meeting.

Question 21/16 summary

Question 21/16 experts met for fourteen sessions during this meeting to review the contributions for work items in progress. Q21/16 agreed to consent six draft new Recommendations including F.RIMSReqs, F.CMEGReqs, F.VDSSReqs, F.CUAV-IXS, F.MVSreqs, F.MOCN-MS. Q21/16 agreed to start four new work items at this meeting including F.CUAV-ES "Framework and requirements for emergency services using civilian unmanned aircraft vehicles", F.CEC "Requirements and reference framework of cloud-edge collaboration in industrial machine vision systems", F.EVSreqs "Requirements of event-based visual systems" and H.CVR-FA "Functional architecture for cloud virtual reality systems". Q21/16 reviewed and accepted the contributions to progress the ongoing work items including F.ICNMMS, H.MVSarch, F.CUAV-LX, H.MVSarch, F.CVR-RRF, F.CVR-RRF. Q21/16 prepared four outgoing LSs and plans to hold an interim meeting in July 2022.

Question 22/16 summary

At this meeting, Question 22/16 has reviewed and discussed eight contributions. Six out of eight proposals for new work items were approved: H.MDDMD-Arch "Reference Architecture for DLT-based Multimedia Data Delivery Management System", H.DLT-AMMSP "Assessment methods for DLT management service platform", H.DLT-RFMSP "Reference framework for DLT management service platform", H.DLT-FMD "A framework for fast message delivery for DLT-based services", H.DLT-DCS "Technical framework of DLT-based digital collection services", H.DLT-EMDGP "General architecture for DLT-based energy metering data sharing platform". The Question produced two outgoing LSs and is planning on holding one interim meeting. The DLT experts plan on continuing the organization of the monthly DLT meet-ups, so far 11 events were held. The Question thanked former Associate Rapporteurs Mr Ruifeng Hu and Ms Suzana Moreno for their work and regret not having them working in the Question due to work changes and agreed to appoint Ms Liangliang Zhang (Huawei Technologies, China) as a new Associate Rapporteur and Mr Ismael Arribas as the liaison officer of SG16 to INATBA.

Question 23/16 summary

Question 23/16 received 13 contributions, in which three contributions proposing to create new work items, nine contributions proposing to progress the ongoing work items, one contribution proposing for consent. Nine contributions were reviewed and the drafts of ITU-T F.DC-EMES-RAS, F.DC-MTCPS-PFM, F.DC-MTCPS, F.DC-AWBE, F.DC-IAA-Meta, F.ARMSMeta, F.DC-CGS-TREC, H.XRLVTArch, F.DEC-RM were progressed, the draft of ITU-T F.CGS-RAS is agreed for consent. Q23/16 agreed to propose one Recommendation for Consent. Q23/16 agreed to create three new items. There are two outgoing LSs proposed at this meeting.

Question 24/16 summary

Question 24/16 was addressed in four sessions during this SG16 meeting. TAP ITU-T F.747.10 proposed by Q24/16 was Decided (approved) at the SG16 opening Plenary after member state consultations. One new work item which is F.FR-ERSS on requirements for user interface in emergency response support systems was proposed at this time and agreed to be established as a new work item using the TAP procedure. Four contributions were proposed for the on-going work items and reflected in each draft recommendation. The next interim Rapporteur meetings are planned to be held in March and July/August 2022 as E-meetings. The Question produced no outgoing liaison statements at this meeting.

Question 26/16 summary

The most important outcomes of this Question 26/16 meeting are the Consent of the two Recommendations that are the joint work with ISO/IEC TC1 SC35. One of them is T.701.21 (ex H.ACC-GAD) "Guidance on audio description", which is twin text of ISO/IEC TS 20071-21:2015, Information technology - User interface component accessibility. The other is ITU-T T.701.25 (ex H.ACC-GAP) "Guidance on the audio presentation of text in videos, including captions, subtitles and other on-screen text", which is win text of ISO/IEC TS 20071-25:2017, Information Technology - User interface component accessibility.
Another important point is our decision to reopen and revise the Technical Paper on the web-based VRI or remote sign language interpretation. The revision will take into consideration the needs of those who do not use or understand sign language. This will make technical paper applicable to both deaf and hard of hearing people, as well as visually impaired people, thereby providing total conversation. Q26/16 held a joint meeting with JCA-AHF on 26 January 2021. Q26/16 produced two outgoing liaison statements. Q26/16 will support the work of ISCG. No interim meetings are planned.

Question 27/16 summary

During this SG16 meeting, Question 27/16 agreed on the modifications of Determined draft new Recommendation ITU-T H.551 (ex F.VM-VMA) "Architecture of vehicular multimedia systems" based on contribution SG16-C811-R1 and to submit the revised text SG16-TD601/Plen for Decision (approval) at this meeting. Q27/16 progressed the work of four draft Recommendations: F.VGP-RDSreqs, F.DMVSF-Edge, H.Sup.ITS-SD, H.VMMA-FCR. Q27/16 and Q5/16 jointly agreed on the creation of a new WI "New: FSTP.OC-VC: Proposal for a new technical paper "Requirements of object classification dictionary set for V2X communication" to be responsibility of Q5/16. Q27/16 prepared one outgoing liaison statement. The group plans to hold one rapporteur group meeting on 16 June 2022, before the next SG meeting.

Question 28/16 summary

The most important outcomes of this Question 28/16 meeting are the Consent of two joint standards with WHO, one the revised H.870 "Safe-listening devices/systems", and the other, ITU-T F.780.2 (ex F.ACC-TH) "Accessibility of telehealth services", which defines accessibility requirements on telehealth. This is especially important during COVID-19 Pandemic. Another important Recommendation Consented at this meeting is ITU-T F.780.1 (V2) "Framework for telemedicine systems using ultra-high definition imaging".
Also to be noted is the approval of the Technical Paper FSTP.SLD-UC, the gap-analysis document accompanying H.870. Q28/16 produced five outgoing liaison statements. Q28/16 is planning to hold two Rapporteur meetings before the next SG16 meeting.
The Question proposes that SG16 joins the Joint Initiative Council for Global Health Informatics Standardization (JIC) on coordination of digital health standardization. It also nominates the Rapporteur of Q28/16 to represent SG16 at the newly created Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID 19 Certificates (JCA-DCC).
The Questions prepared four outgoing LSs and plans on holding 20 online meetings in the interregnum period.

Recommendations under TAP (WTSA Res.1 §9)

Recommendations Decided (=Approved) by SG16

ITU-T F.747.10 (ex F.DLS-SHFS) "Requirements of distributed ledger systems (DLS) for secure human factor services" (New) SG16-R32
312, 377
ITU-T H.551 (ex F.VM-VMA) "Architecture of vehicular multimedia systems" (New)
347, 377

Recommendations Determined by SG16

None at this meeting.

Recommendations under AAP (Rec. ITU-T A.8)

Recommendations Consented by SG16 on the closing Plenary 

ITU-T H.323 (V8) "Packet-based multimedia communications systems" (Rev.)
ITU-T H.225.0 (V8) "Call signalling protocols and media stream packetization for packet-based multimedia communication systems" (Rev.) TD556/Plen121
ITU-T H.235.10 (ex H.235.DTLS) "H.323 security: Support of DTLS for media streams" (New)
ITU-T H.245 (V17) "Control protocol for multimedia communication" (Rev.) TD558/Plen121
ITU-T H.627.2 (ex H.HVSProt) "Requirements and protocols for home surveillance systems" (New)
ITU-T F.743.16 (ex F.IVS-CRM) "Requirements for communication resource management in intelligent visual surveillance system" (New) TD590/Plen121
ITU-T H.626.5 (V2) "Architecture for intelligent video surveillance systems" (Rev.)
ITU-T H.721 (V3) "IPTV terminal devices: Basic model" (Rev.) TD593/Plen121
ITU-T F.748.16 (ex F.MVSreqs) "Requirements for machine vision-based applications and services in smart manufacturing" (New) TD559/Plen121
ITU-T F.743.13 (ex F.CMEGReqs) "Requirements for cooperation of multiple edge gateways" (New) TD560/Plen121
ITU-T F.743.14 (ex F.VDSSReqs) "Requirements for video distribution systems" (New) TD561/Plen121
ITU-T F.749.15 (ex F.CUAV-IXS) "Requirements for inspection and examination services using civilian unmanned aerial vehicles" (New) TD562/Plen121
ITU-T F.746.12 (ex F.RIMSReqs) "Requirements for a real-time interactive multimedia service under poor network conditions" (New) TD563/Plen121
ITU-T F.743.15 (ex F.MOCN-MS) "Requirements for multi-operator core network enabled multimedia services" (New) TD566/Plen121
ITU-T F.751.3 (ex F.DLT-CHM) "Requirements for change management in DLT-based decentralized applications" (New) TD587/Plen121
ITU-T F.751.4 (ex H.DLT-INV) "General framework for DLT-based invoices" (New) TD603/Plen121
ITU-T F.743.17 (ex F.CGS-RAS) "Requirements for cloud gaming systems" (New) TD604-R1/Plen121
ITU-T T.701.21 (ex H.ACC-GAD, ISO/IEC TS 20071-21) "Guidance on audio description" (New) TD585/Plen122 or 2​
ITU-T T.701.25 (ex H.ACC-GAP, ISO/IEC TS 20071-25) "Guidance on the audio presentation of text in videos, including captions, subtitles and other on-screen text" (New) TD586/Plen
122 or 2
ITU-T F.780.1 (V2) "Framework for telemedicine systems using ultra-high definition imaging" (Rev.) TD554/Plen121
ITU-T F.780.2 (ex F.ACC-TH) "Accessibility of telehealth services" (New) TD553/Plen121
ITU-T H.870 (V2) "Guidelines for safe listening devices/systems" (Rev.)
ITU-T F.746.13 (ex F.IMCS) "Requirements for smart speaker based intelligent multimedia communication systems" (New)
ITU-T F.748.14 (ex F.DH-2D) "Requirements and evaluation methods of non-interactive 2D real-person digital human application systems" (New) TD567-R1/Plen121
ITU-T F.748.15 (ex F.DH-FM) "Framework and metrics for digital human application systems" (New) TD568-R1/Plen121
ITU-T H.266 (V2) "Versatile video coding" (Rev.) TD594/Plen2
ITU-T H.266.1 (ex H.VVC.1) "Conformance specification for ITU-T H.266 versatile video coding" (New) TD595/Plen2
ITU-T H.266.2 (ex H.VVC.2) "Reference software for ITU-T H.266 versatile video coding" (New) TD599/Plen2
ITU-T H.274 (V2) "Versatile supplemental enhancement information messages for coded video bitstreams" (Rev.) TD598/Plen2

*: some texts are subject to editorial clean-up before posting. Hence, the version posted may differ from the TD indicated.
**: expected AAP Announcement for Last Call. AAP2 is the AAP announcement in the new study period, 2022-2024.

Recommendations Approved by SG16 on the closing Plenary (according to A.8 §5)

None at this meeting.

Other texts approved by SG16 

Technical Papers
ITU-T FSTP-VS-ECSR "Requirements for event centre server in video surveillance systems" (New) TD592/Plen
ITU-T HSTP.DLT-Risk "DLT-based application development risks and their mitigations" (New) TD588/Plen
ITU-T FSTP-SLD-UC (ex FSTR-SLD-UC) "Gap analysis: Use cases of safe listening devices" (New) TD564/Plen

NOTE – No Appendices, Implementors' Guides or Technical Reports were approved at this SG16 meeting.

Recommendations agreed for deletion by SG16

None at this meeting.

Updates in the SG16 management team and Rapporteurs

(Click here for the complete list of SG16 Questions and Rapporteurs/Associate Rapporteurs)

Resignations and departures:

New Appointments:

Representatives and other roles:

In addition to the SG16 representatives continuing in their functions, the following appointments were made:
See the webpage for the latest information.

Open positions: