Workshop on Standardization in E-Health |
Geneva, 23-25 May 2003
Workshop Programme & Presentations
CVs of Speakers
Day 1, Friday, 23 May 2003
Introduction, overview and objectives
[ Audio archive ]
Workshop purpose & objectives: Mr P-A. Probst, ITU-T Study Group 16 Chairman
[ Presentation ]
Objectives: High-level addresses, highlighting the
importance of Standardization in E-health including the roles of involved
Break 10:30-10:45
Session 0:
Tutorial & current standardization overview
[ Audio archive ]
- Tutorial: What is Telemedicine/E-Health?; Mr L. Androuchko, Rapporteur Q 14 1/2, ITU-D SG 2
[ CV |
Presentation ]
- ISO: Overview of the TC 215 WG2 activity in the telemedicine-related area; Mr M. Reynolds, ISO TC215 WG 2, Vice Convenor
[ CV |
Presentation ]
- IEC: IT-Standardisation in Healthcare - Coordination of international Activities; Mr H. Siebold, IEC TC 62
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- European standardization of Health Informatics; Mr G. Klein, Chairman of CEN/TC 251
[ CV |
Presentation ]
- Conclusions
Written Contributions for Session 0
Session Chair: Mr L. Androuchko, Rapporteur
Q14-1/2 ITU-D Study Group 2
Session Coordinator: Mr L. Androuchko
Objectives: Overview
of issues in E-health and overview of current standardization work in different
Standard Development Organizations.
Lunch 12:15-13:00
Session 1:
User requirements and perspectives
[ Audio archive ]
- Report to ITU-T Telemedicine Workshop from the Telemedicine Panel of COMEDS/NATO; Mr D. Lam,
U.S. Army Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC); University of Maryland School of Medicine
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- APT Second Opinion Center; Mr. K. Kurokawa, President of APT Telemedicine Workshop; Tokai University Institute of Medical Sciences, presented
by Mr. I. Nakajima
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- E-Health experience in Copenhagen University Hospital; Mr O. Bergsten, Denmark
[ CV |
Abstract |
- European telemedicine standard on medical training and remote diagnosis of patients; Ms A. Helgesson; Care Service Administration, Sweden
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Conclusions
Written Contributions for Session 1
Session Chair: Ms I. Larizgitia, Dept of Health Service Provision, WHO
Session Coordinator: Mr� L. Androuchko, Rapporteur Q14-1/2 ITU-D Study Group 2
Identify user segmentation (governmental, military, institutions, end-users etc) and their
respective needs from different angles (e.g. technical, medical, operational).
Break 14:15-14:30
Session 2:
Case studies
[ Audio archive ]
- Overview of ITU-D case studies; Mr P. Kantchev, BDT
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Keneya blown : the telemedicine pilot project of Mali; Mr O. Ly, Executive Coordinator Of
Keneya Blown, Division of Medical Informatics, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Force Feedback Ultrasound Service; Mr P. Thorel, FT, R&D Telemedicine Services, France
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- ARGONAUTE 3 D - Virtual Medical Team; Mr P. Thorel, FT, R&D Telemedicine Services, France
[ CV |
Presentation ]
- East Bhutan Tele-ECG Project; Mr A. Subekti, Mr F. Ohyama, Mr I. Nakajima, Mr H. Juzoji; Tokai
University Institute of Medical Sciences
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Conclusions
Written Contributions for Session 2
Session Chair: Mr R. Weltz, WDS Technologies S.A.
Session Coordinator: Mr P. Kantchev, BDT
Objectives: Highlight recent E-Health implementation experiences in different countries with the
emphasis on the standardization perspective.
Break 15:30-16:00
Session 3:
Towards a common understanding on E-health standardization
[ Audio archive ]
- Introductory considerations; Mr M. Reynolds, ISO TC215 WG 2, Vice Convenor
- ISO TC 215 Health Informatics Overview; Mr Yun Sik Kwak, Chairman-designate of ISO TC215, Health informatics
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Open discussion
- Conclusions
Session Chair: Mr Y. S. Kwak, Chairman-designate of ISO TC215, Health
Session Coordinator: Mr M. Reynolds, ISO TC215 WG 2, Vice Convenor
Objectives: Panel discussion on what should or should not be addressed by standardization
[ Top ]
Day 2, Saturday, 24 May 2003
Session 4:
Medical records and medical data
[ Audio archive ]
Written Contributions for Session 4
Session Chair: Mr G. Klein, Chair of CEN TC251, Health informatics
and Convenor of ISO TC215 WG4, Security;
Session Coordinator: Mr G. Sebek, TSB
Objectives: Basic
requirements for electronic data interchange in E-Health. Current status of
standardization related to patient file and clinical information, specialized
medical record. What data to be processed and what protocols to be used. How
is standardized Multimedia data handled for specialized medical records?
Break 10:30-11:00
Session 5:
Patient data, ethical, legal and security issues
[ Audio archive ]
- Security needs for Telemedicine; Mr Ph. Feuerstein, Radiologie, CH de Mulhouse
[ CV |
Presentation ]
- Application of authentication systems in E-health; Mr D. Chadwick, Contributor to Q 9/17 on
directory services & systems ITU-T Study Group 17
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Security standards for health communication from ISO and CEN: Mr G. Klein, Convenor of ISO/TC 215/WG 4, and chairman of CEN/TC 251
[ CV |
Presentation ]
- EHTEL - European Health Telematics Association; Mr M. Denz, EHTEL AWG Health Authorities, Swiss Medical Association FMH
[ Presentation ]
- Confidentality and Security for e-Health; Mr P. Waegemann, CEO, Medical Records Institute; Chair, ASTM Standards
Committee E31 on Health Informatics; Chair, US TAG to ISO TC 215 on Health Informatics; Vice-Chair, Mobile Healthcare
Alliance (MoHCA)
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Conclusions
Written Contributions for Session 5
Session Chair: Mr D. Chadwick, Contributor to Q 9/17 on
directory services & systems ITU-T Study Group 17
Session Coordinator: Mr G. Sebek, TSB
Objectives: Identify the
legal framework into which the standardization work has to be carried out.
Present an overview of specific requirements for privacy, data protection and
data security in E-Health applications; presentation(s) on existing
standardized security mechanisms.
Lunch 12:30-14:00
Session 6:
Telecommunications in support of E-health
[ Audio archive ]
- H.323 MM-Systems for e-Health; Mr P. Jones, Rapporteur Q 2/16, ITU-T Study Group 16
[ CV |
Presentation ]
- Fiber Optics and xDSL last mile technologies applicable to E-health; Mr P. Rosa, TSB
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Connecting the Health Community - The Next Dimension for Patient Centered Care; Mr
J. Zimmerman, Siemens (USA)
[ CV |
Presentation ]
- Conclusions
Written Contributions for Session 6
Session Chair: Mr P-A. Probst, ITU-T Study Group 16 Chairman
Session Coordinator: Mr S. de Campos Neto, TSB
Objectives: To give an
overview of Telecommunications services, protocols, access and transport
technology in support of E-Health and to identify possible extension of
existing standards.
Break 15:30-16:00
16:00-18:00 |
Session 7:
Medical imaging and standards
[ Audio archive ]
- MPEG-4 video transmission for ambulatory applications: Mr M. Hashimoto, NEC Co. Ltd.,
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Standard encoding protocols on image and video coding: Mr D. Lindbergh, Rapporteur Q E/16, ITU-T Study Group 16
[ CV |
- Success of DICOM standard: Mr C. Loef, DICOM Executive Committee, Interoperability Program Director, Philips Medical Systems, Best,
The Netherlands
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Clinical Study on MPEG-2 Compression Based on the Rec. ITU-R BT. 500-9; Mr I. Nakajima, Vice-Rapporteur
Q 14 1/2, ITU-D Study Group 2, Associate Professor Tokai University Institute of Medical Sciences, Invited
Researcher Communication Research Laboratory, Japan
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Conclusions
Written Contributions for Session 7
Session Chair: Mr I. Nakajima, Vice-Rapporteur
Q14-1/2 ITU-D SG 2
Session Coordinator: Mr I. Nakajima
Objectives: Technical
requirements for medical image transmission. Overview of existing standards
for image and video compression and systems.
[ Top ]
Day 3, Sunday, 25 May 2003
Session 8:
Interoperability and Quality of Service
[ Audio archive ]
- Interoperability and QoS implications of ISO TC215 WG2 work: Mr T. Cooper, CEN TC251, ISO TC 215
[ Presentation ]
- Architectures review for interoperability in e-health; Mr V. Traver, Bioengineering, Electronic and
Telemedicine Group - BET, ITACA - Universidad Polit�cnica de Valencia, Spain
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Basic requirements to quality of services (IP centric): Mr J-Y. Monfort, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12
[ Presentation ]
- Interoperability in E-health; Mr M. Denz, EHTEL AWG Health Authorities, Swiss Medical Association FMH
[ CV | Presentation |
Information ]
- Europe: TM-Alliance, facilitating eHealth interoperability; Ms C. Bescos, ESA
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Conclusions
Written Contributions for Session 8
Session Chair: Mr Jean-Yves Monfort, ITU-T Study Group 12 Chairman
Session Coordinator: Ms J. Katona-Kiss, TSB
Objectives: Identify
requirements for interoperability and Quality of Service for health
information systems, telemedicine networks, and telemedicine systems and
review current standardization work
Break 10:30-11:00
Session 9:
Economic benefits of E-health standardization
[ Audio archive ]
- Measuring Economic Benefits of E-Health: Theory and Practice; Mr M. Tsuji, Osaka University
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- E-health Standardization in Japan and JAHIS; Mr M. Tsuji, Osaka University
[ Presentation ]
- Benefits of E-health; Mr P. Waegemann, CEO, Medical Records Institute; Chair, ASTM Standards Committee E31 on
Health Informatics; Chair, US TAG to ISO TC 215 on Health Informatics; Vice-Chair, Mobile Healthcare Alliance (MoHCA)
[ CV | Presentation
- Economic benefits of E-health standardization from the Japanese perspective: Mr M Ishikawa, Kyoto University
[ CV |
Abstract |
Presentation ]
- Conclusions
Session Chair: Mr Y. Kawasumi, Rapporteur Q 10 ITU-D Study Group 2 [ CV ]
Session Coordinator: Mr M. Tsuji, Osaka University
Objectives: Overview of the
economic benefits of standards for E-health users, service providers,
industry, governments etc. Coordination and promotion of standards to enable
those economic benefits.
Lunch 12:30-14:00
Session 10:
Panel Discussion: E-health Standardization
[ Audio archive ]
- Framework for E-health Standardization
- Open discussion
- Action plan
Session Chair: Mr P-A. Probst, ITU-T
Study Group 16 Chairman
Objectives: Considering that E-Health and Telemedicine
standards will be used in a multicultural, multilingual and across-discipline
context, to identify a framework for E-Health standardization and to define
the E-Health Standardization Plan including further actions, synergies (e.g.
QoS and Security), and definition of priorities.
16:30-16:40 |
Wrap-up, conclusions, and recommendations
[ Audio archive ]
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