Geneva, 23-25 May 2003
CVs of the speakers
Dr. rer. nat. Horst Siebold
Siemens Medical Solutions
Head Group Technology
Tel: ++49-9131-84-7789
1950 born in Bad Hersfeld, Germany.
1968-1973 studying solid state physics in Darmstadt, build of a dye-laser for optical
spec-troscopy. Teaching, and 1979 dissertation in solid state physics.
1979-1993 Physicist in Siemens AG Corporate Research Lab on "Applications of Supercon-ductivity" in Erlangen.
Head of core technology "magnetic field design". Design of magnets (resistive, permanent, superconducting up to
4Tesla), gradient coils and RF coils for MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Work on active shielding for biomagnetic
1994-1998: move to the research dept of Siemens Medical Solutions, head of lab for "Imag-ing Technologies". Projects
were on advanced MRI, mamma diagnostic with light, detector physics, aSi-flat panel detectors, image processing.
Since 1998: head of Group Technology. Responsible person at Medical Solutions for coordi-nation of strategic
technology management nd patent management, for cooperation in stan-dardization bodies and industry associations