Workshop on Standardization in E-Health |
Geneva, 23-25 May 2003
CVs of the speakers
Yasuhiko Kawasumi
He started his business carrier at the Japanese overseas telecommunication operator KDD in 1961 after
graduated from Electrical Engineering Faculty of KEIO University. His experiences cover the works for
the construction of Transpacific Submarine Cable No.1, the maintenance and operation of submarine cable
systems and Intelsat satellite systems at the international gateway station of the company, engineering
of network management systems, telephone traffic management. He stationed in Geneva 1972-1976 as the company�s
representative. He attended CCITT, CCIR Plenary Assembly Meetings, World Administrative Radio Conferences (WARC),
and Plenipotentiary Conferences (Nice, Minneapolis and Marrakesh) as a member of Japanese delegation. He
contributed to the standardization of G3 facsimile machine in CCITT in late 1970s, 32KbpsADPCM Speech Codec
etc. He participated in Maitland Commission meetings in Arusha (Tanzania) and Bali (Indonesia) in 1984 and the
Advisory Board meetings of Center for Telecommunication Development of ITU as expert. After taking the position
of director of the international affairs department of KDD, he took the posts of secretary general of ITU Association
of Japan, Executive Vice President of Kokusai Telecommunication Installation Co. and Secretary General of International
Communication Foundation (ICF). He moved to Japan Telecom Co., Ltd. in 1997 taking present position since then. He was
appointed as rapporteur of Focus Group on topic 7 "Development of New Rural Communication Technology" of ITU-D Study
Group 2 in 1999 and submitted the final report on "New Technologies for Rural Applications" to the Study Group 2 of
ITU-D and Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG) of ITU-D. He was one of Vice-Chairmen of TDAG (2000-2001)
in charge of Rural Communications Development. He is now the rapporteur for Q10-1/2 of ITU SG2 �Communications for
Rural and Remote Areas� for the study period 2002-2006.
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