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Workshop on Standardization in E-Health
Geneva, 23-25 May 2003


The development of advanced digital and telecommunications techniques has enabled the development of very sophisticated equipment used in the medical area, as well as has contributed to distributed learning. Unfortunately, most solutions have been developed on a proprietary or ad-hoc basis, posing challenges to institutions working in the medical area willing to integrate their infrastructure and procedures, as well as to share resources with other institutions distributed in wide geographical area. These geographically distributed scenarios include not only sharing of resources and data amongst institutions in the developed countries but also serve to support provision of medical services and education in remote locations, e.g. in developing countries as well as disaster areas. Shared databases can reduce costs and increase efficiencies but can also enable early detection of epidemics and even bio-attacks.

Standardization in e-health has long been sought as a key element in support of these activities, but has so far not produced a very high level interoperability desired by many. In organizing this workshop, ITU-T, with the support of ITU-D and the participation of ISO, IEC and other SDOs, aims at identifying the key issues needed in support of attaining this goal and to identify a possible role to be played in ITU-T to promote such standards.

Workshop objectives:
  • Bring together key players in e-health standardization and interoperability today
  • Define a framework for standardization
  • Identify areas of possible coordination and cooperation
  • Prepare a standardization work plan, identifying possible ITU-T and ITU-D role.
Workshop Programme & Presentations  
Convening letter (TSB Circular 151)
Steering Committee
Additional Information
CVs of speakers
Final Report

ITU-T Guide for Beginners

The workshop was audio recorded. To listen to the archives, please go to:



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Updated : 2003-07-15