Work item | Question | Equiv. Num. | Status | Timing | Approval process | Version | Liaison relationship | Subject / Title | Priority |
Y.4609 (ex Y.metadata-EPI) | Q4/20 | | Determined 2025-01-24 | 2025-Q1 | TAP | New | IEC/TC3,ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32, ISO/TC37/SC 4, ISO/TC171/SC 2 | Inventory metadata for IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring system | Medium |
Y.AIoT-DA | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026-Q4 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, SG17, SG21, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 | Framework of network resource management with data affinity in AIoT environments | Medium |
Y.AIoT-dfs-arc | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026-Q4 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG2, SG11, SG13, SG17 | Reference architecture of data fusion service in artificial intelligence of things | Medium |
Y.AIoT-dpsm | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026-07 | AAP | New | - | Requirements and framework of data processing for smart manufacturing with Artificial Intelligence of Things | Medium |
Y.AIoT-fr | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2025-Q3 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, SG16 and SG17, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC41 and SC42, IETF/IRTF, oneM2M, ETSI OCG AI, ISO/TC46/SC11, etc. | Framework of Artificial Intelligence of Things | Medium |
Y.AIoT-FRA | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026-Q3 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, SG16 and SG17, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC41 and SC42, IETF/IRTF, oneM2M, ETSI OCG AI, ISO/TC46/SC11, etc. | Functional requirements and architecture for Artificial Intelligence of Things | Medium |
Y.AIoT-RSreq | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2027-Q4 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, ITU-T SG16 | General requirements of on-device AIoT framework for robot services | Medium |
Y.cii (ex Y.rrm-data) | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2025-Q3 | AAP | New | ISO/IEC JTC1, IEEE | Requirements and reference model of data collected from city infrastructure | Medium |
Y.CL-EDM | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2025-Q3 | TAP | New | IEC SyC-Smart Cities, IEC SyC-Smart Energy, IEC TC13 & TC57, ISO TC268, ITU-T SG5, SG13, SG16 & SG17 | Energy data model for city-level energy management platform | Medium |
Y.CSDL | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2025-Q3 | TAP | New | ITU-T SG16 | Requirements and framework for crowdsourced system based on distributed learning | Medium |
Y.DM-SLF | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2025-Q3 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, ISO TC23 | Conceptual data model of smart livestock farming service | Medium |
Y.DPM_LCIP | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2027-Q1 | AAP | New | - | Framework and requirements of data processing and management to support low-carbon smart industrial park | Medium |
Y.DSE-LISF | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026-12 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, SG16, SG17 | Reference architecture of data sharing and exchange based on lightweight intelligent software framework for Internet of things devices | Medium |
Y.EDSS | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG16, IEC TC57 | Framework and requirements of electricity data sharing system | Medium |
Y.Interop-DPM | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026-12 | AAP | New | ISO TC 268, JTC1, IEC SyC Smart Cities, U4SSC | Integrated Interoperability framework for Data Processing and Management | Medium |
Y.IoT-3DMS | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2025-Q1 | TAP | New | ITU-T SG16 | Requirements and functional capabilities for three-dimensional model based monitoring service | Medium |
Y.IoT-IIEC | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026-Q4 | AAP | New | - | Framework of the integrated intelligent IoT service based on multi edge computing | Medium |
Y.IoT-IWAT | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026-Q3 | TAP | New | ITU-T SG16, ITU-T SG17 | Framework of interworking with agent-based transportation for intelligent IoT services | Medium |
Y.KCI-IM | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2025-Q4 | AAP | New | SG16, SG13, IEEE Knowledge Graph Working Group, ETSI | Requirements of knowledge construction and implementation for IoT management | Medium |
Y.MIMbased-arch | Q4/20 | | Under study | 2026-12 | AAP | New | The IEC System Committee on Smart Cities | MIM-based Architectural framework for interoperability in support of data sharing ecosystems | Medium |