Page 18 - Policy benchmarks for digital transformation of people-centred cities
P. 18

Figure 5: Scenario of a Dynamic Policy Benchmark on the Impacts of AI Enablement in Digital
            Smart City Services and Platforms

            Figure 5 shows that when introducing new digital innovation (e.g., Artificial Intelligence), the
            Dynamic Policy Benchmark Model realizes that some negative impacts areas detected in Policies
            Maturity Level 3 (impacts are coloured in RED) such as:

            •  no policies developed in this regard to-date

            •  no policies processed
            •  no patents & no licenses assured

            •  no professional practices evaluated

            •  no guidelines updated
            •  no KPI thresholds updated

            •  no new measures & KPIs introduced

            In this case, the dynamic policy benchmark would trigger an iterative process that would verify if
            the policy overall can provide the appropriate governance to moderate the city impacts caused by
            AI. The reassessment of the maturity level allows the city to drive distinctive decisions, readjust the
            policy to maintain or exceed the maturity level of the policy, or make conscientious decisions of
            lower maturity levels or high impacts to balance short-term trade-offs to mitigate an environmental
            disaster or a short-term event. Actions could include the:

            •  update of policies

            •  introduction of new policies

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