Page 15 - Policy benchmarks for digital transformation of people-centred cities
P. 15
2 Introduction of dynamic policy benchmark model
There is immense pressure to develop a people-centred smart city with a multi-stakeholder
approach to digital transformation that is realizing sustainable, inclusive and equitable objectives. 4
Therefore, policy benchmarking needs to evolve intelligently to keep up with technological
advancements and changing societal needs. A dynamic mechanism of benchmarking is essential
to continuously assess technology evolution and its impact on communities, services, and the
ecosystem. This involves dynamic evaluation and stress-testing of policies, dynamic measurement
and management of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and dynamic enhancement of policy
maturity for sustainable transformation. These elements form the foundation of effective policy
benchmarking in an ongoing manner.
The following 3 figures describe the dynamic and iterative process of policy benchmarking, maturity,
and KPI evaluations for a sustainable transformation to minimize impacts from technologies and
services digital innovations (e.g., artificial intelligence, or machine learning).
The introduction of the Dynamic Policy Benchmarks Model (Figure 2) aims to address the objectives
of equity, human rights, inclusion, participation, sustainability, and transformation in people-centred
sustainable digitalization.
Figure 2: Dynamic Policy Benchmark Model
4 https:// www .unapcict .org/ sites/ default/ files/ 2022 -04/ Academy %20Module %20on %20ICT %20for %20Climate
%20Resilient %20Development .pdf