Page 13 - Policy benchmarks for digital transformation of people-centred cities
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Figure 1: Dynamic Policy Interactions
Each block within the model could be digitized separately to be self-dynamic. However, when all
blocks are digitized and interconnected within a city/country ecosystem, then they deliver a full
dynamic digitalization framework and model.
Any emerging technology or innovation can trigger social, economic, environmental or governance
issues. Once this trigger is presented, the technology or innovation will be assessed by applying
KPIs that determine if certain thresholds of a given policy have been met or surpassed. These events
also influence the maturity of a given policy, which is defined by components of people-centric
cities. Depending on the thresholds, if a digital event is outside the defined and aspired maturity
level, the policy has to be modified and adjusted. In addition, with growing maturity, KPIs might
also be adjusted dynamically to reflect the utilization of the technology or innovation.
1.4 How to use the dynamic policy benchmark?
The Dynamic Policy Benchmark Model (Figure 1) evaluates the influence and impact of the
introduction of digital innovation and emerging technologies and services on the digital ecosystem
in sustainable cities.
The benchmark ensures seamless alignment between strategy and digitalization impacts. As new
technology impacts arise, an assessment is launched to determine whether this technology or digital
approach meets cities' people-centric values.
In general, each city can define distinctive digital policy maturity levels that consist, in general of
activities and implementation conditions for technology, expectations of benefits and opportunities,