Page 6 - The 5th Global Standards Symposium - Conclusions
P. 6
International AI Standards Summit
The GSS-24,
Noting that AI development poses opportunities and challenges, and that international standards can
support l AI governance,
- Invites ITU to continue to support AI for Good, which aims to identify practical AI solutions to
advance the SDGs.
- Highlights recently launched initiatives to support capacity development on AI, including the AI
Skills Coalition to address AI skills gap globally.
- Recognizes and encourages continued development of standards related to AI governance,
including risk management and management system standards.
- Invites ITU, IEC and ISO to organize an annual International AI Standards Summit to facilitate
information exchange among SDOs.
- Invites ITU, in collaboration with other SDOs, to coordinate and maintain a standards repository
for AI systems and their methods of evaluation
- Invites countries to adopt international standards to actively develop and apply AI technologies.
- Highlights the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) Focus Groups on AI for
Digital Agriculture (FG-AI4A), AI for Natural Disaster Management (FG-AI4NDM) and AI for Health
(FG-AI4H) that helped identify requirements of AI applications to meet specific sectoral needs.
- Highlights the relevant role that ITU standards can play in the development and governance of AI
technologies and AI applications. Highlights the relevant role that international SDOs can play in
coordinating standards development for the governance of AI technologies and AI applications.
- Encourages active engagement from a multitude of stakeholders, to advance international
discussions on AI governance and foster dialogue, cooperation, and mutual respect for diverse
policies and practices across nations.
- Encourages the creation of equitable ecosystems that facilitate the participation of a wide range
of stakeholders for the responsible design, development, implementation, and long-term use of
safe, secure, trustworthy AI.
- Recalls PP Resolution 214 (Bucharest, 2022) “Artificial intelligence technologies and
telecommunications/information and communication technologies”.