Page 15 - Security testing for USSD and STK based Digital Financial Services applications Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group
P. 15

3�4  Man‑in‑the‑middle attacks on STK SIMs         3.4.1   Test Setup
            This test demonstrates the confidentiality of DFS   Setup the SIMtrace hardware using the diagrams and
            transactions as they the interface between the SIM   steps below
            card and the mobile phone. The Osmocom SIMtrace2
            is used to trace SIM-ME communication passively.   a) Place the SIM card to be tested in the SIMtrace
            This test demonstrates the practical case that:      hardware.
                                                               b) Connect the Flexi-cable to the SIMtrace hardware
            a) An attacker with physical access to a mobile      and the SIM end to the socket of the phone.
               device used for DFS could insert a proxy or thin-  c) Connect the SIMtrace  hardware  via  USB  to  the
               SIM, such as the Turbo SIM , between the DFS user   host machine.
               SIM card and phone interface to sniff the mobile
               PIN.                                            The figure below shows the schematic representa-
            b) This test also demonstrates that the communica-  tion of the setup.
               tion between the ME and SIM card is not encrypted
               and shows the threats associated with thin SIMs.

            Figure 5 – SIMtrace schematic connection

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