Page 19 - Security testing for USSD and STK based Digital Financial Services applications Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group
P. 19

Figure 9 - SIMtester output from a vulnerable SIM

            3.5.2   Exploiting the simjacker vulnerability     USSD on a rooted device. This test is performed using
            The following three conditions enable for exploitabil-  a computer with ADB platform tools  installed. The
            ity of the simjacker vulnerability:                rooted android device is connected to the computer
                                                               through a USB cable.
            a.  The SMS Center accepts and relays binary mes-    The test requires that the mobile device and host
               sages                                           machine are connected to the same Wi-Fi hotspot.
            b.  The ability of the  target  device  to receive SMS   The following instructions provides information
               binary messages that contain (U)SIM Application   about the test setup
               Toolkit commands.
            c.  The  S@T Browser  technology deployed  on the   a) The IP address of the mobile device is identified
               SIM Card with the  Minimum-Security Level set     on the host machine by executing the command.
               to “No Security”.
                                                                 ./adb shell ifconfig wlan0 the device mobile device
                                                                 IP is listed, say
            3�6  Remote USSD execution on the device using
            The goal of this test is to demonstrate the ability of
            a remote attacker to execute DFS transactions using

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