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2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference



                          BBC iPlayer

                        Content Delivery

                                                                     Figure 11: Emissions from video on demand.

                            DSLAM                             video & audio formats (such as 4k or HDR) were in regular use.
                                                              As audiences increase their use of these on-line platforms and use
                                                              higher quality formats, then the energy consumption will grow in
                                                              proportion. This supports the work of Professor Andrew Ellis of
                            Home                              Aston University in the UK who has suggested that in 2015 the
                            router                            internet accounted for at least 8% of the UKs power consumption
                                                              (with up to 3% of the UK power consumption being used by the
                                                              major Telcos alone) and that this was expected to double over the
                          TV Display                          next  four  years  if  current  behaviors  and  technologies  remained
                                                              unchanged.  All  this  presents  some  real  challenges,  not  only  for
                                                              sustainability but for other prized concepts like Net Neutrality. It
                                                              also demonstrates the continued importance of video, in a TV type
             Figure 10: A typical Video on demand distribution chain.   format,  for  modern  audiences.  Consumption  in  these  sort  of
                                                              numbers seems to suggest that people are still interested in long
                                                              form story telling but what is perhaps less well understood is how
           phase is where BBC programmes are encoded especially for on-  they  find  and  share  this  content  and  the  importance  of  social
           line distribution and placed on hosting servers, which form part of   media in this process. A topic for another paper perhaps?
           the  BBC’s  iPlayer  and  the  BBC’s  wider  online  services.  The
           Content  Delivery  Network  (CDN)  is  made  up  of  the  servers
           necessary  to  meet  user  requests  for  content  and  is  partly  the   4.3 Comparing DTT & On-Line
           BBC’s  own  BIDI  [BBC  Internet  Distribution  Infrastructure]  and
           partly  those  of  service  providers.  These  CDN  services  carry  the   Figure  11  shows  us  how  the  carbon  footprint  of  the  on-line
           content of a large number of content providers and are scaled to   distribution  is  made  up.  Once  again  we  can  see  the  significant
           meet  peaks  as  demand  varies  across  the  day  (with  the  peaks   impact of a small technology component being replicated across
           usually  occurring  at  midday  and  late  evening).  From  the  CDN   millions of households as the home router is responsible for nearly
           content  is  delivered  to  the  home  across  the  internet,  which  for   three  quarters  of  the  overall  footprint,  although  once  again  you
           these purposes has been divided in to three components: the core   could  argue  that  this  router  would  be  present  and  powered  to
           network and the edge or metro network sits within the telcos and   deliver  all  the  other  data  &  telephony  services  the  modern
           the  last,  consisting  of  digital  subscriber  line  access  multiplexer   household requires, but even so it probably going to need to be of
           (DSLAM)  used  to  connect  via  ADSL,  is  provided  by  Internet   higher specification, work harder and be switched on for longer if
           Service Providers (ISP). Lastly all consumers will need to power a   used for serving video to the home.
           home modem/router.                                 With a better understanding of the way the broadcast and on-line
           Not only is it difficult to know which components are in use for   carbon footprints are made up we would now like to understand
           VOD at any one time, as the whole infrastructure is shared across   how  the  two  platforms  compare.  If  we  use  the  metric  of
           a range of on-line activities and multiple users simultaneously, but   CO 2 e/viewer-hour  again  and  start  with  a  DTT  implementation
           the  nature,  make  up  and  technology  of  all  these  components  is   with  good  coverage  where  the  viewer  doesn’t  require  additional
           changing continuously and relatively rapidly, especially compared   UHF amplification, then the emissions are shown in figure 12. As
           to  the  much  more  stable  transmission  infrastructure  discussed   we  might  expect  the  programmes  with  large  audiences  operate
           earlier. This has meant that BBC R&D have had to make a range   very efficiently and, with the exception of BBC Parliament, they
           of assumptions to be able to develop a usable model and these are   produce  typically  a  half  to  a  third  less  CO 2 e/viewer-hour.
           documented in White Paper WHP 189 [10].            However if an aerial amplifier is required, as shown in figure 12,
           The scale of what is happening with on-line traffic is dramatic and   then this advantage is removed and the current model shows that
           well  described  in  Sandvine’s  2015  [11]  report  that  claims  that   IP  distribution  (including  the  local  router)  is  still  more  CO 2 e
           Netflix use consumes 36.5% of all downstream Internet bandwidth   efficient for certain services.
           during peak periods in North America, compared with just 2.7%
           for Facebook. This is serving a user base, which is only about 12%
           of the US population and was calculated before higher quality

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