Page 28 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 28

2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

                                                                Figure 6: The footprint of Astra 2E carrying FreeSat TV
             Figure 5: UHF FreeView coverage of Mux A from Crystal                 services
                                                              doubling up of these channels, with a consequential increase the
           Figure 5 shows the coverage achieved by the Arqiva transmitters   power  consumed  by  transmitters.  The  same  platform  may  even
           for UK FreeView at the Crystal Palace site in south London and   eventually  carry  Ultra  High  Definition  pictures  and  sound.
           the  supporting  network  of  infill  or  relay  transmitters.  This  “one   Additionally efficient systems design has resulted in terrestrial and
           too many” broadcasting, approach is never more true than when   satellite  TV  infrastructures  sharing  several  components.  For
           using a satellite system. Here, in the case of the UK, the beam of a   example the coding and multiplexing technology - that is the way
           single  geostationary  satellite  is  able  to  illuminate  the  whole   that  the  services  are  data  compressed  (or  coded)  and  bundled
           country  with  FreeSat.  The  footprint  for  Astra’s  2E  Satellite  is   together into bit streams (or multiplexed) - is the same for both
           shown in figure 6. This has its drawbacks though because if you   platforms.
           want  to  deliver  a  regional  service,  this  can  only  be  achieved  by   There are 1,182 FreeView transmitter sites across the whole of the
           delivering to the whole footprint or by using more satellites. The   UK but for the BBC 83 of these are the most significant in terms
           BBC has a history of regularly “opting” local TV transmitters to   of the size of audience they serve and the power that they consume
           carry  local  services  for  short  periods.    Local  news  bulletins  for   to do this. As you might imagine with a system that has gown over
           example are broadcast at the end of the national news programme   a number of years and developed across a number of technologies
           by briefly breaking the national network in to a number of smaller   there are a range of efficiencies but typically the transmitters have
           networks,  each  carrying  programme  focused  on  events  with  the   an ERP (Effective Radiated Power) of between 20-100kW with a
           smaller service area. This continues to work well on FreeView but   range  of  efficiencies  between  10-30%.  At  the  top  end  is  the
           on  FreeSat  the  opting  approach  is  problematic  and  so  the  18   Crystal Palace transmitter, which serves London, with an ERP of
           regional news programmes can only be delivered by creating 17   200kW.  It covers 4.9 million homes or about a fifth of the UK
           extra versions of BBC One, which are broadcast all the time. Not   population. In simple terms this makes it a very efficient way of
           the most bandwidth efficient approach.             delivering TV to a large number of homes (i.e. 0.04 W/home).
           The  simple  systems  diagram  in  figure  4  shows  the  main  power   A number of strategies are being considered to improve the energy
           consuming  elements  that  BBC  R&D  used  when  modeling  the   efficiency  of  these  transmitters  and  perhaps  the  most  obvious  is
           carbon  footprint  of  TV  broadcasting.  The  production  element  is   replacing older equipment with modern, more efficient, amplifiers,
           not part of the distribution chain and so is not included in this part   modulators and antenna. In some cases transmitter efficiency can
           of  the  footprint  but  we  have  already  discussed  the  impact  of   be raised to 38% but even then the significant capital outlay and
           production earlier. The BBC funded infrastructure components are   the large number of sites means that it could take over 20 years to
           show in dark grey whilst those that are provided by the viewer are   produce a financial pay back. A more effective approach is to re-
           lighter  grey.  You  can  see  that  DTT  &  DST  technologies  have   assign  efficient,  existing  equipment  to  where  it  can  be  more
           several advantages from a sustainability point of view. Firstly the   effective  and  swap  out  the  less  efficient  units  to  less  critical  or
           system  components  can  be  clearly  identified,  measured  and   back  up  roles.  In  fact  resilience  is  another  area  where  cost
           modeled. Secondly, although there is a significant investment in   effective improvements in power consumption can be achieved at
           setting up the infrastructure, they have a long life and a constant   a  moderate  increase  in  risk,  for  example  by  running  back  up
           operating  power  consumption  regardless  of  the  number  of   systems as lower power or even off when not in use. Most main
           viewers.  The  UK  FreeView  infrastructure  has  already  made  one   sites  have  2  transmitters,  each  with  a  backup  in  a  2N  +  2
           major  technology  step  by  moving  from  Standard  Definition  TV   configuration,  so  perhaps  a  2N  +  1  configuration,  where  the
           with  stereo  audio  to  High  Definition  TV  (or  T2)  with  surround   backup is shared, would be nearly as effective but save 25% of the
           sound and this was achieved without a significant increase in the   operating  energy.  Other  techniques  being  considered  include
           power  consumed.  Partially  this  was  possible  because  of  the   increasing the Forward Error Correction producing a more robust
           inherent  characteristics  and  strengths  of  the  technology  but  also   signal,  which  needs  less  radiated  power  to  achieve  the  same
           because  of  the  improved  performance  of  Video  Coding   coverage (although be it with an increased delay) and a feedback
           technology.  It  should  however  be  noted  that  at  the  moment  all   system  using  receivers  across  the  coverage  area  to  allow  the
           major  services  are  transmitted  in  both  SD  &  HD  to  maintain   transmit  power  to  be  turned  down  when  the  atmospheric
           compatibility with older television receivers and this does mean a    conditions allow good propagation, only turning up the transmitter
                                                              power when the reverse is the case. The size of the impact of these

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