Page 25 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 25


                                                       Simon Tuff

                    British Broadcasting Corporation, London, United Kingdom,

                              ABSTRACT                        CO 2  equivalent per annum [4], whereas a study for Ofcom in the
                                                              UK  estimated  that  broadcasting  accounted  for  around  1.8%  of
           Many  people  recognise  the  important  role  broadcasters  have  in   GHG  emissions  [5],  a  significance	 which  surprises  many  as
           providing people with an understanding of environmental issues is   broadcasting  may  be  more  significant  in  GHG  terms  than  most
           often  through  programmes  and  other  content  but  broadcasters   people have appreciated. Either way, all three of these industries
           themselves  also  have  a  significant  impact  on  the  environment   are growing in size and thus GHG output but both aviation and
           through the process of content creation and distribution.   ITC  industries  are  making  concerted  efforts  to  become  more
                                                              efficient, whereas steps to reduce the impact of broadcasting are
           This touches on the editorial and creative challenges of informing   less widespread. This might be because of the distributed nature of
           audiences about the environment and focuses on the sustainability   the  footprint  but  whatever  the  cause  it  is  rarely  considered  a
           of  programme  making  and  distribution,  using  the  UK  and   significant  issue.  In  fact,  as  we  will  see  later,  the  move  from
           particularly  the  BBC  as  an  example.  In  the  first  case  using   traditional transmission platforms to the Internet could be growing
           information  from  Albert,  the  UK  carbon  calculator  for  the   the industries footprint at an increasing rate.	
           television  industry,  the  carbon  footprint  of  different  production
           workflows  will  be  assessed.  Then  using  research  undertaken  by   For  the  purposes  of  this  paper  we’ll  focus  on  the  impact  of
           BBC  R&D  and  partners  the  paper  will  look  at  the  impact  of   television. This is not because the radio or written output of the
           transmission  and  the  energy  differences  between  distribution   BBC isn’t important, to the contrary, but because the creation of
           platforms. In conclusion some thoughts on the challenges facing   video, with the necessary addition of cameras, lights, sets, make
           this industry will be shared as well as some suggestions on where   up,  costumes  etc.  is  a  far  more  resource  hungry  and  complex
           efforts might productively be focused.             undertaking  with  a  resultant  increase  in  the  size  of  its  carbon
                                                              footprint.  This is illustrated by the fact that the BBC’s flagship
                                                              television  service,  BBC  One,  consumes  nearly  a  third  of  the
               Keywords—  Broadcaster,  Programme,  Production,   BBC’s annual license fee funding [6].
           Audiences, Transmission, Distribution, Content.    It  is  in  this  context  that  this  paper  looks  at  the  challenges  for
                                                              sustainable  TV  broadcasting  and  explores  how  the  BBC  is
                          1. INTRODUCTION                     becoming  a  more  sustainable  organization,  whilst  guarding  its
                                                              independence and maintaining its impartiality.
           The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) was founded in the UK
           as  a  radio  broadcaster  in  1922  [1].  Largely  as  a  result  of  the   2. THE BROADCASTING SYSTEM
           General Strike of 1926 the benefits and influence of broadcasting
           became more apparent to the UK government of the day and the   For the purpose of helping us examine the BBC's sustainability we
           Company  was  transformed  into  the  current  British  Broadcasting   start  by  trying  to  simplify  the  TV  service  provided  by  this
           Corporation by Royal Charter in 1927. Today the BBC is a global   complex  public  service  organisation  by  identifying  3  broad
           broadcasting organisation, still firmly routed in its public service   categories.
           tradition, funded by a license fee and defined by its Royal Charter.
           As it approaches the start of a new charter at the end of 2016, the   Product manufacture (or programme making), product distribution
                                                              (or broadcasting) & consumption (or watching TV).
           BBC operates a range of UK television and radio services both via
           traditional transmission [both analogue and increasingly digital] as   Firstly, like any modern business, the BBC makes things and in
           well as comprehensive set of on-line services including text pages,   this case its programmes, which are made using a creative, craft
           live  streaming  and  on  demand  [or  catch  up]  TV  &  Radio.  The   and  storytelling  process  normally  know  as  production.  We  will
           BBC  also  operates  internationally  as  a  news  gathering   touch on the nature of those programmes and the editorial choices
           organization and as broadcaster via the BBC World Service.   and constraints that drive their creation shortly.
           As  a  sensible  starting  point  in  trying  to  know  what  sustainable   Secondly the BBC has to distribute its products, or content as it is
           broadcasting might look like it would make sense to understand   now  frequently  called,  by  broadcasting,  although  as  you  might
           what proportion of the world’s Green House Gases (GHG) are due   imagine with the advent of the Internet broadcasting is becoming
           to  broadcasting.  Based  on  IPCC  (Intergovernmental  Panel  on   an increasingly ambiguous term.
           Climate Change) data it is widely accepted that about 2% of the   Lastly BBC audiences watch or consume  content on an increasing
           world anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide emissions are the result of   number  of  devices  (from  large  TV  screens  to  handheld  Smart
           the  aviation  industry  [2]  [3].  The  ITU  estimates  that  the  ICT   Phones)  and  via  a  range  of  different  distribution  mechanisms
           (Information, Technology & Communications) sector (comprising   (including satellite, terrestrial transmission & the internet) known
           of telecommunications, computing and the Internet, but excluding   as platforms.
           broadcasting  transmitters  and  receivers)  contributes  around  2  to   Like  any  large  business  or  public  sector  organisation  the  BBC
           2.5  per  cent  of  GHG  emissions,  or  just  under  1  Gigatonne  of   requires a back office function and in this case it spans the first

           978-92-61-20431-0/CFP1668P-ART © 2016 ITU       – 7 –                                   Kaleidoscope
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