Page 31 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 31

ICTs for a Sustainable World

                                                              leadership,  understanding  and  motivation  are  in  place  and
                                                              regularly re-enforced is an important part for ensuring continued
                           0.206                0.196         The  TV  production  world  is  under  continued  financial  pressure.
                                                              This is exemplified by the way that sports rights continue to eat
                                                              into  the  commissioning  budgets  in  the  UK.  Already  40%  of  the
                                                              total  production  spend  in  the  UK  is  on  sport  programming  and
                                                              Lord  Puttnam  in  his  report  on  “a  Future  for  public  service
                                                              television” [12] expects this to rise. Given these pressures it easy
                                                              for managers and producers to focus on the bottom line and ignore
                                                              the role of sustainability in production. It is therefore important to
                                                              exploit the cost saving relationship that sustainability can bring to
                                                              decision-making. For example as travel cost rise it will make more
                                                              sense to hire crews and equipment locally rather than to ship the
                                                              productions  own  to  location  but  this  will  only  work  if  unit
                                                              managers can have the tools to allow them to find the right gear
                                                              and  hire  good  personnel  before  travelling.  Another  example  of
                                                              virtuous synergies that the BBC has sought to exploit is the use of
                                                              bioethanol-powered fuel cells for powering remote cameras. Not
            Figure 12: Comparison of the carbon footprint per viewer-  only are these more sustainable than batteries or diesel generators
              hour of DTT broadcast without and without an aerial   but they are lighter, safer and silent!
                    amplifier and with on-line distribution.    At the end of the day a typical hour of TV production produces
                                                              13.6  tonnes  of  CO 2   (fig  2,  financial  year  2015/16)  whilst  the
                                                              average  UK  home  produces  4.5  tonnes  per  year  (from  gas  and
                           5. CONCLUSIONS                     electricity).
           5.1 Editorial
                                                              5.3 Distribution
           As  the  global  social,  political  and  most  importantly  scientific
           consensus  is  now  firm  that  anthropogenic  climate  change  is
           happening,  broadcasters  are  expected  to  increasingly  cover  this   As  we  have  seen  a  well-designed  DTT  network,  with  suitable
           topic  in  their  programme  making  and  reporting,  however  there   receiving  equipment,  serving  large  populations  can  be  more
           will  still  be  editorial  challenges  to  ensure  impartiality  and  thus   efficient than an IP distribution model for live services as shown
           hard questions to be asked of all parties. It is also a topic that will   in  figure  13.  In  fact  BBC  R&D  investigations  reported  in  WHP
           require creativity to ensure that audiences are informed, educated,   258  [12]  indicate  that  even  for  catch  up  viewing,  DTT,  using  a
           entertained  and  engaged.  Talented  production  teams  should  be   PVR (Personal Video Recorder), can be 60% more efficient than
           able cover the issues and explain the complexities through a range   an iPlayer VOD alternative. This however cannot be the full story
           of  programme  genres  and  formats.  Although  most  broadcasters   as one of the main advantages of the iPlayer is that you don’t have
           will create long form TV and radio content to do this, they will   to know what you want to watch before it is broadcast. Even with
           also need to use social media so that their audiences can find and   better Electronic Programme Guides (EPG) or sophisticated use of
           share this content and “join the conversation”, as they say. Linear   social  media  the  PVR  will  not  be  programed  to  record  all  the
           programming on its own will only meet its potential if these tools   progammes the viewer may want to watch and could well end up
           and platforms are used effectively.                recording programmes that the owner never watches, so it won’t
                                                              surprise you learn that many organisations, including the BBC, are
                                                              looking  at  PVRs  that  have  a  capability  to  learn  their  owners
           5.2 Production                                     preferences  and  therefore  predict  which  programmes  they  might
                                                              record in order to close this gap. There are also some interesting
           As well as the editorial complexity there are three further factors   options for hybrid platforms combining the best of broadcast and
           that will enable increasingly suitable production.   IP distribution. This could mean that during peak times services
                                                              are delivered by broadcast but then as audiences drop, overnight
           Teams wish to make the best programme possible for audiences   for example, distribution could switch to online at the point where
           and in order to obtain good ratings or audience approval, to be re-  that platform becomes more efficient.
           commissioned  or  to  be  in  the  running  for  an  award.  They  will
           invariably  want  to  use  the  approach  that  they  consider  best  on   These  approaches  are  still  only  research  projects  and  for  such
           screen  over  the  one  that  is  more  sustainable.  This  means  that   complex systems to be widely adopted a combination of technical
           sustainable  technology  and  practices  have  to  be  credible.  For   standards and regulatory frameworks will probably need to be in
           example as the colour temperature of LED and other low power   place. Although the BBC and its service providers are working to
           techniques  are  now  becoming  widely  acceptable  to  lighting   improve  the  efficiency  of  the  distribution  chain  we  have
           directors, they are being widely deployed, not only for their power   demonstrated  how  important  the  consumption  of  the  audiences’
           efficiency, but they also have the added advantage of being lighter   own equipment in the home is and there are considerable pressures
           and safer. On location catering units now routinely issue bottles or   in  this  area.  Efforts  are  being  made  to  produce  more  efficient
           mugs  for  crew  members  for  reuse  and  this  reduces  waste,   receivers  and  the  IEEE’s  de  facto  standard  for  green  computing
           empowers crew members and creates a branding opportunity for   covers Televisions in IEEE 1680.3 and IEEE 1680.6 [13] for the
           production mementos…                               environmental assessment of complex set top boxes.
           As is common across many areas of sustainability production team   This is all the more important when we realize that home screens
           behavior  is  key,  especially  so  with  an  undertaking  which  is  so   over the last 10 years have been getting larger and larger, thus
           reliant on the activity of a large number of people, many of whom
           are freelance or contracted. Making sure that sustainable values,

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