Page 35 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 35

                                       IN A STANDARD AND EFFICIENT WAY

                                              Albert Hankel & Patricia Lago

                                                VU University Amsterdam
                                             Department of Computer Science
                                De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

                               ABSTRACT                          • First order or primary effects: effects of the physical
            This study demonstrates how a maturity model on Green ICT  existence of ICT (environmental impacts of the pro-
            can help organisations improve themselves and become more  duction, use, recycling and disposal of ICT hardware).
            environmental sustainable in a standard and efficient man-
                                                                 • Second order or secondary effects: indirect environ-
            ner. For this we have used the SURF Green ICT Matur-   mental effects of ICT due to its power to change pro-
            ity Model and facilitated the use of this model in four or-
                                                                   cesses (such as production or transport processes), res-
            ganisations. These organisations participated in a matur-
                                                                   ulting in a modification (decrease or increase) of their
            ity scan, evaluation session to discuss the results of the scan  environmental impacts.
            and a questionnaire on the use of the model. This field study
            showed that individual participants were very positive about  • Third order or tertiary effects: environmental effects
            the use of such a model and that it provided inspiration for  of the medium- or long-term adaptation of behavior
            improvement, both to reduce the environmental impact of ICT  (e.g. consumption patterns) or economic structures
            as well as to use ICT as an green solution for other business  due to the stable availability of ICT and the services
            processes.                                             it provides.

            Keywords— Green ICT, ICT for Sustainability, Green IS,
            Maturity Model, Benchmarking                      While these effects are widely recognised and can be under-
                                                              stood on an abstract or global level, it is often difficult for
                                                              individuals or organisations to apply them.
                           1. INTRODUCTION
                                                              In the past decade more and more businesses have realised
                                                              that their actions have long term effects on the environment
            In academic research as well as in industry, the environ-
                                                              and society and are taking responsibility for their actions
            mental impact of ICT is an important topic, spanning across
                                                              through several social and environmental initiatives that re-
            multiple disciplines. ICT is seen as both a relevant contrib-
                                                              duce their impact [5]. Green ICT can contribute significantly
            utor to CO 2 -emissions due to its increasing carbon footprint
                                                              and can thus help organisations achieve their sustainability
            [1], and as an enabler for reducing the footprint of other  goals. In order to do so, they need to know the answer to at
            sectors through “smart” systems (e.g. smart buildings, smart
                                                              least two questions:
            grids). During the years many studies tried to evaluate the
            general impact of ICT on the environment. According to
                                                                 • What are the key environmental impacts arising from
            a report of the Global e-Sustainability Initiative, ICT itself
            is roughly responsible for 2% of global CO 2 -emissions,
            while ICT solutions have the potential to reduce global CO 2 -  • How can ICT assist organisations in their efforts to im-
            emissions by up to 16% [2].                            prove their environmental sustainability?
            We define Green ICT as a combination of activities that min-
            imise the negative impact of ICT on the environment and op-  We know that ICT can consume large amounts of energy in
            timise the positive impact ICT can have. Or, in other words,  datacenters and in (mobile) communication networks for ex-
            as any activity that considers the direct, indirect and systemic  ample [6]. It is also important to consider the use of rare
            impact of ICT on the environment [3]. Because the rela-  materials in the ICT equipment as well as what happens with
            tions between ICT and the environment are numerous and  the equipment at the end of their life cycle, also known as
            often complex, it helps to consider all these effects. As a  e-waste [7]. On the other hand, ICT solutions can reduce
            general-purpose technology information and communication  travel, dematerialise paper use and material use, and optimise
            technologies can be used by themselves or as part of other  business processes as a whole. When organisations consider
            technologies. This is the reason why ICT is viewed as an  Green ICT, they often focus only on the first part, to reduce
            environmental friendly solution as mentioned above. Others  the environmental impact of ICT. The second part, using ICT
            [4] have defined these effects in three orders:    as a solution is much less common.

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