ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


​Time Management Plan of the 2018 Session of Council​ and Quick access per session to Documents, 
Captioning and Webcast 

Word version: See DT/2(Rev.3) (General) and DT/3(Rev.5) (for SC ADM)

Mon 16​Tues 17​Wed 18​Thur 19​Fri 20​Week-end​Mon 23​Tues 24​Wed 25​Thur 26​Fri 27





1030: coffee break​
​​Inaugural PL​PL-2​PL-3PL-1​​SC ADM-4​PL-5​PL-6​PL-8​
​1400-1700​1430-1730​1430-1730​1430-1730​1430-1730​​1430-1730​1430-17301530: coffee break​
​​1730: Steering​​1730: Steering​​​​​1730: Steering​​​​

Inaugural Plenary Meeting
0930 - 1230 hours, Popov Room

-Opening remarksC18/103
-Address by the ChairmanC18/103
-SG report on the State of the UnionSpeechC18/103
-Organization of work of C18C18/103
PL 3.01Report on the implementation of the strategic plan for 2016-2019 and the activities of the Union for 2014-2017 (CV 61, CV 102, CV 82)C18/35C18/103
PL 2.04Preparations for the 2018 Plenipotentiary ConferenceC18/4PP-18C18/103
PL 2.04Contribution of the Russian Federation: Streamlining PP and Sector ResolutionsC18/84C18/103
PL 1.09Contribution from the Russian Federation:  Draft new Resolution on the appointment and maximum term of office of chairmen and vice-chairmen of study groups, advisory groups and coordinating committees on the terminology of the SectorsC18/81C18/103

First Plenary Meeting
1430 - 1730 hours, Popov Room

PL 2.01Report on ITU Telecom World events (Res. 11, R 1292)C18/19Rev.1ITU TELECOMC18/104
PL 1.07Report of the CWG on languages (Res. 154, R 1372 MOD)C18/12CWG-LANGC18/104
PL 1.07Report of the CWG on languages on implementation of Resolution 154 (Rev. Busan, 2014)C18/14C18/104
PL 1.11Draft four-year rolling Operational plan for the Radiocommunication Sector for 2019-2022  (CV 87A, 181A, 205A, 223A) (R 1385)C18/28Rev.1ITU-RC18/104Resolution 1390
PL 1.11Draft four-year rolling Operational plan for the Telecommunication Standardization Sector for 2019-2022  (CV 87A, 181A, 205A, 223A) (R 1385)C18/29ITU-TC18/104Resolution 1390
PL 1.11Draft four-year rolling Operational plan for the Telecommunication Development Sector for 2019-2022 (CV 87A, 181A, 205A, 223A) (R 1385)C18/30ITU-DC18/104Resolution 1390
PL 1.11Draft four-year operational plan for the General Secretariat for 2019-2022 (CV 87A, 181A, 205A, 223A) (R 1385)C18/31General SecretariatC18/104Resolution 1390
PL 1.11Draft Resolution - Four-year rolling Operational plans for the ITU-R, ITU-T, ITU-D and the General Secretariat for 2019-2022C18/32C18/104Resolution 1390
PL 2.03World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (Res. 68)C18/17WTISDC18/104
PL 4.01Sales of, and free online access to, ITU publications (Res. 66, Dec. 1, D 571, D 574)C18/21PublicationsC18/104

First meeting of Steering Committee
1730 hours

Draft agendaC18/DL/1

Second Plenary Meeting
0930 - 1230 hours, Popov Room

PL 1.08Report of the Expert Group on the International Telecommunication Regulations (EG-ITRs) (Res. 146, R 1379)C18/26EG-ITRsC18/105
PL 1.08Contribution from the Arab Republic of Egypt on the outcomes of EG-ITRs C18/79C18/105
PL 1.08Contribution from the United States of America: United States views on the final Report on the review of the ITRsC18/91C18/105
PL 1.08Contribution from the Federative Republic of Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Paraguay and the United States of America: Views on a future World Conference on International TelecommunicationsC18/92C18/105
PL 1.01Report on the outcomes of the Council working group on WSIS activities since Council 2017 (Res. 140, R.1281, R.1332 (MOD), R.1334 (MOD)C18/8CWG-WSISC18/105
PL 1.01Report on the outcomes of the CWG-WSIS since PP-14C18/70C18/105
PL 1.01Contribution from the People's Republic of China: Proposal on strengthening the promotion of the winning projects of WSIS prizes contestsC18/78C18/105
PL 1.01Contribution from the Russian Federation: ITU's Role in implementing the outcomes of the WSIS, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in the overall review by United Nations General Assembly of their implementationC18/82C18/105
PL 1.01Contribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Proposed improvements to the WSIS ForumC18/87C18/105
PL 1.01ITU Council contribution to the HLPFC18/71C18/105
PL 1.01Contribution from the United States of America: ITU Council Contribution to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)C18/89C18/105
PL 1.02Comprehensive report detailing the activities, actions, and engagements that the Union is undertaking in context to the WSIS Implementation and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (R 1332 MOD) C18/53WSIS ForumC18/105
PL 1.02Contribution from the Federative Republic of Brazil:  "Measuring the information society" report and ICT statistics in the ITUC18/96C18/105
PL 1.02Contribution from the United Arab Emirates: ITU Activities towards the SDGC18/97C18/105

First meeting of SC on Administration and Management
1430 - 1600 hours, Popov Room
followed by CWG-SFP

-Statement by the Staff CouncilSee PL/9
ADM 14Progress report on the implementation of the Human resources strategic plan and of Resolution 48 (Rev. Busan, 2014)C18/24See PL/9
INFInformation document - Implementation of HR Strategic Plan and of Resolution 48 (Rev. Busan, 2014)C18/INF/5See PL/9
ADM 17.00Membership of the ITU Staff Pension Committee (R 1326 (MOD))See PL/9
ADM 13Changes in the conditions of service under the United Nations Common SystemC18/23See PL/9Resolution 1391
ADM 26Amendments to ITU Staff regulations and Staff rules for Elected Officials relating to compensation packageC18/68See PL/9Resolution 1392
INFInformation document - Staff rules applicable to Elected OfficialsC18/INF/11See PL/9
ADM 15The After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI) liability C18/46See PL/9

Third Plenary Meeting
0930 - 1230 hours, Popov Room

PL 2.02Report on the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17)C18/10WTDC-17C18/106
PL 1.04ITU Internet activities: Resolutions 101, 102, 133 and 180C18/33Internet Policy and GovernanceC18/106
PL 1.03Report by the Chairman of the Council Working Group on International Internet-Related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet) (R 1305, R 1336(MOD), R 1344(MOD)) C18/51CWG-InternetC18/106
PL 1.03Contribution from the Federative Republic of Brazil:  Improving the open consultations of CWG-Internet C18/93C18/106
PL 1.03Contribution from the Federative Republic of Brazil: Participation of ITU Sector Members in CWG-InternetC18/94C18/106
PL 1.03International Public Policy on Access to the Internet for Persons with Disabilities and specific needC18/54C18/106
PL 1.05ITU activities on strengthening the role of ITU in building confidence and security in the use of ICTs (Res. 130, 174)C18/18ITU cybersecurity activitiesC18/106
PL 1.05Status report on misuse of IMEI numbers in mobile handsetsC18/76C18/106
PL 1.06Report by the Chairman of the Council Working Group on Child Online Protection (R 1306, Res. 179)C18/15CWG-COPC18/106
PL 1.06Report by the CWG-COP - 4 year-reportC18/62C18/106

Second meeting of SC on Administration and Management
1430 - 1730 hours, Popov Room


Second meeting of the Steering Committee
1730 hours

Draft agendaC18/DL/2

Fourth Plenary Meeting
0900 - 1200 hours, Popov Room

PL 1.05Cont.: Status report on misuse of IMEI numbers in mobile handsetsC18/76C18/107
PL 2.06Report on preparations for the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19)C18/27WRC-19C18/107
PL 3.03Strengthening the regional presence (Res. 25)C18/25Regional PresenceC18/107
PL 3.03Contribution from India, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Nigeria: Opportunity to establish ITU South Asian Area Office and Technology Innovation Centre in IndiaC18/85(Rev.1)C18/107
PL 3.03Contribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Promoting the participation of experts from the developing and least developed countries in ITU events of the ITU, particularly major eventsC18/86C18/107
PL 3.03Contribution from Mexico: Review of the regional presence of the ITUC18/99C18/107
PL 3.02Report of the Council Working Group for Strategic and Financial Plans 2020-2023C18/64+Add.1 to 5CWG-SFPC18/107
PL 3.02Contribution from the People's Republic of China: Proposal for the incorporation of the development of digital economy into the overall strategic goals of the ITU Strategic Plan for 2020-2023C18/77C18/107
PL 3.02Contribution from the United States of America: United States edits to the revised draft Annex 1 to Resolution 71: ITU Strategic Plan 2020-2023C18/88C18/107

Third meeting of SC on Administration and Management
1430 - 1730 hours, Popov Room

ADM 1.00Annual review of revenue & expenses (Dec. 5) C18/9See PL/9
ADM 1Cost Recovery for the processing of Satellite network Filings (D 482(MOD))C18/16See PL/9
ADM 1Study on the technical issues arising in connection with processing of complex non-geostationary satellite (non-GSO) network filling systemsC18/36See PL/9
ADM 1Study on the technical issues arising in connection with processing of complex non-geostationary satellite (non-GSO) network filling systemsC18/36(Add.1)(Rev.1)See PL/9
ADM 1Contribution from Canada: Study on the technical issues arising in connection with processing of complex non-geostationary satellite (non-GSO) network filing systemsC18/75See PL/9
ADM 1Contribution from the Russian Federation: Cost recovery for the processing of complex non-GSO satellite system filingsC18/83See PL/9
ADM 1Contribution from the United States of America: Cost Recovery for non-GSO Satellite SystemsC18/90See PL/9
ADM 18.00Report on progress on the Union's headquarters premises Varembé-2 projectC18/7See PL/9
ADM 18Summary report on the work of the Member States Advisory Group on the Union's Headquarters premises projectC18/48See PL/9
ADM 18Sponsorship possibilities for the HQ premises projectC18/47See PL/9
ADM 7.00Information and Communication Technologies Development Fund (ICT-DF) (Dec. 11)C18/34ICT-DFSee PL/9

Fourth and fifth meetings of SC on Administration and Management
0930 - 1730 hours, Popov Room

ADM 16Strategy for the coordination of efforts among the three Sectors of the UnionC18/DT/4See PL/9
ADM 24Strategic Plan - Report of the Council Working Group for Strategic and Financial Plans 2020-2023C18/64+Add.1 to Add.5See PL/9
ADM 21.00Provisional choice of contributory unitC18/61See PL/9
ADM 1Contribution from the Russian Federation: Proposal to ensure the adoption by PP-18 of a realistic strategic plan, basis for the budget and financial limits for ITU for the period 2020-2023C18/80See PL/9
ADM 23Financial implications of the regional initiatives approved by WTDC-17C18/66See PL/9
INFInformation document - Report of the Budget Control Committee of WTDC-17C18/INF/1WTDC-17See PL/9
-Regional Group - Proposal by BrazilSee PL/9
ADM 22Upgrading the area office in Moscow to ITU CIS regional officeC18/65See PL/9Decision 605
PL 3.03Contribution from India, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Nigeria: Opportunity to establish ITU South Asian Area Office and Technology Innovation Center in IndiaC18/85(Rev.1)See PL/9
ADM 11Unaudited accounts: Unaudited Financial operating report for 2017 C18/42See PL/9
ADM 4.00Implementation of the ITU Information/Document access policyC18/58PolicySee PL/9
ADM 5.00ITU participation in memoranda of understanding with financial and/or strategic implications (Res. 192)C18/59See PL/9
ADM 19Status update report on securityC18/49See PL/9
ADM 20.00Report from the Ethics OfficeC18/52See PL/9

Fifth Plenary Meeting
0930 - 1230 hours, Popov Room

PL 2.05Follow-up report of PP improvementsC18/5PP-18C18/109
PL 2.05Contribution from the Federative Republic of Brazil: Implementation of hearings for candidates to elected official postsC18/95C18/109
PL 1.10ITU’s activities related to Resolution 70 (Rev. Busan, 2014)C18/6GenderC18/109
PL 1.10Revised GEM action planC18/13GenderC18/109
PL 1.10Draft ITU gender parity strategyC18/63C18/109
PL 2.09Consolidation of ITU's High-Level Events of a global natureC18/55C18/109
PL 1.8Cont.: Report of the Expert Group on the International Telecommunication Regulations (EG-ITRs) C18/DT/6C18/109

Sixth and last meeting of SC on Administration and Management
1430 - 1730 hours, Popov Room

ADM 8.00Report of the Independent Management Advisory Committee (IMAC) (Res. 162) (D 565)C18/22IMACSee PL/9
ADM 8Appointment of replacement for the resigned member of the Independent Management Advisory Committee (IMAC)C18/73See PL/9Decision 607
ADM 9Addressing JIU Recommendations: Implementation status and plan of the JIU Recommendations from the "Review of management and administration in the ITU"C18/39See PL/9
ADM 9Accountability and transparency frameworkC18/20See PL/9
ADM 12Report of the Internal Auditor on internal audit activitiesC18/44See PL/9
ADM 25Tendering to select the External AuditorC18/67See PL/9
ADM 1Revision of Council Decision 482C28/DT/7See PL/9Decision 482 (MOD)
ADM 1Terms of reference of the Council Expert Group on Decision 482C18/DT/8See PL/9
ADM 22Upgrading the Area Office in MoscowC18/DT/9See PL/9Decision 605
INFTo be noted - UN-SWAP letterC18/INF/3See PL/9

Third meeting of the Steering Committee   
1730 hours

Draft agendaC18/DL/3

Sixth Plenary Meeting
0930 - 1230 hours, Popov Room

PL 1.04Cont. Internet activities (Res 101, 102,133, 180)C18/DT/5C18/110
PL 2.07Proposed dates and duration of the 2019, 2020 and 2021 sessions of the Council (Res. 77, 111, D599)C18/2CouncilC18/110Decision 604
PL 2.08Schedule of future conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union: 2018-2021 (Res. 77, 111)C18/37EventsC18/110
PL 1.09List of candidature for  Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of CWGsC18/56List of Chairmen and Vice-ChairmenC18/110
PL 4.02Obsolete Council Resolutions & DecisionsC18/3Council Res./Dec.C18/110

Coffee break at 1530 hours
Seventh Plenary Meeting
1600 - 1730 hours, Popov Room

-Oral report by the Chairman of SC-ADM:C18/119
-Cont. Strengthening the Regional Presence (Res. 25)C18/85(Rev.1)C18/119
-Revision of Council Decision 482C18/DT/7C18/119Decision 482 (MOD)
-Terms of reference of the Council Expert Group on Decision 482C18/DT/8R1C18/119
-Upgrading the Area Office in Moscow - Creation of post D1C18/DT/9C18/119Decision 605

Coffee break at 1030 hours
Eighth Plenary Meeting
1100 - 1230 hours, Popov Room

PL 3.04Report on the Standing Committee on Administration and ManagementC18/108C18/120See under SC ADM

Ninth Plenary Meeting
1430 - 1730 hours, Popov Room

PL 3.04Report on the Standing Committee on Administration and ManagementC18/108C18/121See under SC-ADM

​Webcast / Captioning

Final meeting of the 2018 Session of ITU Council (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
0930-1230 - 1430-1730 hours