ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

​​​​​​​​​​​Gender Equality​ and Mainstreaming

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ITU strives to be a model organization for gender equality, utilizing ICTs to empower both women and men. Encouraging young women and girls to pursue STEM studies and careers is one way ITU advances gender equality and women's empowerment, while also highlighting the value that women bring to the tech sector​. 

ITU's Secretary-General: International Gender Champion 

Doreen Bogdan-MartinDoreen Bogdan-Martin, ITU's Secretary-General, is a member of the International Gender Champions (IGC)​ committing to the Panel Parity Pledge and the Gender-Based Violence Pledge, promoting zero tolerance of gender-based violence, sexist attitudes, and behaviors​​​The SG's current commitments are to implement a staff feedback mechanism to better understand gender equality concerns and opportunities, and to advance gender-responsive procurement to strengthen the tech ecosystem. 



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ITU's "Network of Women" (NoW) communities increase the visibility and representation of women in ITU's work and decision-making by providing a supportive environment for women delegates. NoW provides a platform for communication, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing among​ women delegates from the Radiocommunication, Standardization, and Development sectors, and promotes their active involvement and recognition in the ITU and the ICT sector. Each sector has its own chapter and there is an overarching coordination to ensure cross-sectoral synergies.


The Network of Women Ministers and Leaders in ICT​​ was held in Geneva in May 2024 ​alongside the WSIS+20. This event spotlighted women leaders' significant engagement and efforts in closing the gender digital divide, increasing the participation of women in the digital domain, and advocating for more inclusive digital policies.


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The EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age is a multi-stakeholder initiative created to promote awareness, build political commitments, leverage knowledge-sharing, and collaboration to achieve digital gender equality globally and nationally. Launched in 2016 by ITU and four founding partners, EQUALS contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda by closing the global gender divide. Every year EQUALS in Tech Awards celebrates organizations and individuals working to help girls and women gain equal internet access, digital skills, and opportunities in the tech industry. Learn more.


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International Girls in ICT is an ITU initiative to empower and encourage girls and young women to consider ICT studies and careers. Celebrated on the fourth Thursday of every April, the event provides opportunities for girls and young women worldwide to experience ICTs and become inspired by technology. Learn more​.​​


The ITU-D Women in Cyber programme addresses cultural and systemic barriers hindering women's inclusion in cybersecurity. It aims to empower women with essential skills for success in the field. The program focuses on fostering community, providing guidance, and promoting senior-junior solidarity among women in cybersecurity. Participants credit the program with enhancing their skills and knowledge, offering insights into the sector, diverse career paths, personal branding, and boosting confidence as females in cybersecurity. Learn more.​ ​​


targets2025.jpgThe Broadband Commission for Sustainable Developmentestablished in 2010 by ITU, UNESCO, and led by H.E. President Paul Kagame and Mr Carlos Slim Helú, brings broadband affordability, access, and use to the forefront of the global policy agenda. The Commission is guided by its 2025 Broadband Advocacy Targets, the 7th of which aims for gender equality across all targets. Its Working Group on the Digital Gender Divide, led by GSMA and UNESCO between 2016-2018, provided recommendations to bridge the gender digital gap, reported on progress, and catalyzed initiatives like EQUALS Global Partnerships. The Commission is committed to gender-focused initiatives and tracks progress toward achieving Gender Equality Target through its annual State of Broadband Report.​ Learn more.​ 


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ITU collects and reports on ICT indicators related to individuals accessing and using ICTs. These indicators can be disaggregated by gender, age, education, labor force status, and occupation. ITU monitors two gender-related indicators in the SDG Indicator Monitoring Framework, providing insights into the gender digital divide in ITU's Facts and Figures 2024​. ITU's General Dashboard offers a visual overview of gender in the ICT arena, ITU meetings, and ITU's human resources. Learn more.