ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Internet Policy and Governance

This site provides consolidated information on ITU's Internet-related activities, resulting from its role as mandated by the relevant ITU Resolutions listed below, with regard to international public policy matters, standardization aspects and capacity building efforts. 

Internet-related Resolutions

CWG- Internet

Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues
Identify, study and develop matters related to international Internet-related public policy issues


Ensuring connectivity through standards
ITU's Standardization Sector has been working closely with all stakeholders for the development of a variety of standards, which aim to address diverse aspects of network connectivity.


Bringing the benefits of the Internet to all
ITU's Development Sector has been providing multiple services and tools for building capacity and facilitating access to and use of the Internet in all countries.

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Internet access through Radiocommunications
ITU's work in Radiocommunication standardization matches the constant evolution in modern telecommunication networks. ITU develops standards for enabling access over both satellite and terrestrial networks.


A fundamental role of ITU, based on the guidance of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, is to build confidence and security in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).



The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held in two phases, (Geneva 2003, and Tunis 2005) provides guiding principles on various aspects of the Information Society.