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CL-18/48 - Letter sent on behalf of the Government of Egypt(16-11-2018)
CL-18/49 - Invitation letter to WRC-19 to ITU Member States(16-11-2018)
CL-19/40 - Informal and Formal meetings of Heads of Delegation(10-09-2019)
DM-18/1005 - Invitation letter to WRC-19 to the State of Palestine(16-11-2018)
DM-18/1006 - Invitation letter to WRC-19 to Observers(16-11-2018)
BR Administrative Circular CA/245(13-02-2019)
Credentials: CL-19/13(02-04-2019)CL-19/23 (26-06-2019)Model instrument of credentials
General Matters