Page 9 - Security testing for USSD and STK based Digital Financial Services applications Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group
P. 9
Security testing for USSD and STK based
Digital Financial Services applications
Digital Financial Services providers have increasing- The uptake and use of USSD and STK have mainly
ly utilized the Unstructured Supplementary Service hinged on:
Data (USSD) and Sim Tool Kit channels to enhance
the growth and adoption of Digital Financial Services 1. Mobile device-agnostic: USSD and STK based
(DFS), primarily in the developing world. The GSMA DFS solutions are device-independent. They can
estimated that in Africa, over 90 percent of mobile be used on smartphones, feature phones, and
money transactions are driven by USSD . Sever- basic mobile phones, thereby guaranteeing ser-
al large scale DFS operators bKash in Bangladesh; vice and smooth adoption without changing the
Wing in Cambodia, Easy Paisa in Pakistan, Tigo and mobile device.
M-Pesa in Tanzania and Kenya, EcoCash in Zimba- 2. USSD is fast and responsive, giving the much-need-
bwe, MTN Mobile Money in Africa and the Middle ed real-time capability for digital financial services.
Eastern countries, Airtel money in Africa and Asia, 3. Cost and efficiency: Deploying the DFS services
etc. use USSD and as their primary mechanism for over STK and USSD uses existing network proto-
communication between customers and their digital cols. The DFS provider or mobile network opera-
financial services platforms. tor can make use of the already existing USSD GW
This document highlights security threats and vul- without requiring any upgrades on the network to
nerabilities to DFS services based on USSD and STK. roll out digital financial services.
It proposes best practices for DFS providers, Mobile 4. Interactive: USSD and STK are session-based and
Network Operators, and DFS Users that are using can enable user-friendly menu-driven applica-
these environments. tions that are vital for the digital financial services
Among the services provided using the USSD and product catalog.
STK channels include account opening, money trans- 5. USSD messages are routed via subscriber's home
fer, bill payment, balance inquiries, etc. Traditional network; USSD services available to the subscrib-
banks can now also extend their branches using the er remain available while in roaming without any
USSD and STK channels through their agent banking extra charges
networks. 6. The USSD and STK protocols do not store any
confidential information on the Mobile set
Security testing for USSD and STK based Digital Financial Services applications 7