ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Executive summary of the SG13 meeting


G13: Future networks and emerging network technologies 

Executive summary of the SG13 meeting
4 - 15 March 2024, Geneva, Switzerland

This SG13 meeting was called up by the Collective-letter 7/13 (of 6 December 2023).

The opening remarks were delivered by the TSB Director, Mr Seizo Onoe, at the interim SG13 plenary. Director, in particular, said that “every SG13 meeting in this study period has received more contributions than the last. This meeting has received 259 – the highest number of contributions since 2008".

This SG13 meeting attracted 338 delegates (231 remote only and 107 present in person), considered 704 documents split as 259 contributions and 445 TDs. List of contributions may be found in TD202/PLEN.

TSB MyMeetings platform for remote participation was used to support each session at this Study Group meeting resulting in 242 sessions in total. ​

Main meeting results
15 outputs were determined/consented/agreed: A total of 12 new Recommendations, one Amendment were consented, one Supplement was agreed and one new Recommendation was determined.

Recommendation determined (Resolution 1 - TAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.


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Deep packet inspection - intelligent management and maintenance of policy information base​

TSB Circular 200 (dated 26 March 2024) initiates the formal consultation with ITU Member States on consideration for Y.2776 approval at the SG13 July meeting.

                                                       Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.


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Requirements and Framework of Human-oriented Message Service for Smart Learning in Future Network





Architecture of resource authentication and orchestration in computing power network





Requirements and framework for stateless fair queuing in large scale networks including IMT-2020 and beyond

Y. 3658




Big Data Driven Networking- Functional requirements and functional architecture of network programmability





Quantum Key Distribution Network Interworking - Software Defined Networking Control





Quantum key distribution networks - requirements for resilience





Trustworthiness Evaluation for IMT-2020 and Beyond with Autonomous Network Functions





Cloud computing - Framework and functional requirements of cloud data mobility management





Requirements and framework for distributed joint learning to enable machine learning in future networks including IMT-2020





Requirements and framework for AI/ML-based network design optimization in future networks including IMT-2020





Evaluating intelligence capability for network slice management and orchestration in IMT-2020 network and beyond

Y.3073 Amd 1




Framework for service function chaining in information-centric networking






Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Integrated network control architecture framework for IMT-2020 networks and beyond

The AAP Last Call starts on 1 April 2024 for each of the 13 consented Recommendations listed above.

Supplement agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Doc. No.


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Supplement 81 to Y.3200-series




Use cases of satellite communications in Developing Countries

Important decisions (apart of Recommendations/Deliverables)

Human Assets
The meeting agreed to nominate
 - Ms Yuexia Fu (China Mobile) as Associate Rapporteur for Q20/13
 - Mr Abhay Shanker Verma (India) as Associate Rapporteur for Q5/13
 - Mr Mohammed K. Mustafa (Nigerian Communications Commission) as Associate Rapporteur for Q5/13
 - Ms Buse Bilgin (Turkcell) as co-convener of the CG-AINN (former CG-AI6G) to replace Mr Vishnu Ram Ov (India) who has resigned.
    Mr Leon Wong (Rakuten Mobile, Japan) remains the other co-convener.

Issues left from the October - November 2023 SG13 meeting 

Proposal for a new Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Future Networks (FG-AIFN)
The October – November 2023 SG13 meeting established the correspondence group (CG-AI6G) to look in-depth into the objectives and carefully crafted terms of reference for the new focus group on artificial intelligence in IMT-2030 (FG-AI6G) in order for the SG13 to be ready taking a balanced decision on establishment of the new FG at its next meeting. CG-AI6G reported the outcomes of its activities in TD211/PLEN and presented the supporting material in TD279/GEN along with the proposed Terms of Reference for the new FG-AIFN in TD212/PLEN. Title of the group, focus of its work and terms of references were carefully elaborated and aligned to the new group objectives.

In addition, contributions C745 and C920-R1 from Ministry of Communications (India), Fraunhofer HHI (Germany), Rakuten Mobile (Japan), Zambia, Turkcell, du (UAE), University of Glasgow proposes each the creation of the new Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Future Networks (FG-AIFN) with almost identical terms of reference in each input.

The meeting reviewed all the documents at hand and, after hearing different opinions about the new FG set up, decided to entrust to the ad-hoc group to address remaining concerns before creating the new FG at this meeting. The ad-hoc was tasked, in particular, to look if the FG should be set up at this meeting or CG may be authorized to continue its activities. Mr Gyu Myoung Lee (Republic of Korea) was appointed to lead the ad-hoc on Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Future Networks (FG-AIFN)/Correspondence Group continuation deliberations (ad-hoc FG/CG).

Ad-hoc on FG-AIFN/continuation of CG-AI6G (ad-hoc FG/CG)
Established by the interim SG13 plenary ad-hoc on FG/CG performed its duties in two sessions (12 and 13 March 2024) and reported the results in TDs PLEN 224 and 223-R1. Ad-hoc agreed to propose to the plenary to continue the correspondence group till the end of 2024 to
 - clarify the ToR of the proposed FG and
 - create additional supporting materials for the proposed Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks

The updated ToR for the CG may be found in TD223-R1/PLEN. In addition, the name of the correspondence group was proposed to be changed to “Correspondence Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (CG-AINN)".
SG13 agreed to continue until the end of July 2024 the work of the CG (now called CG-AINN) with updated ToR as in TD223-R1/PLEN, and new name Correspondence Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (CG-AINN)".
Ms Buse Bilgin (Turkcell) was nominated as co-convener of the CG-AINN to replace Mr Vishnu Ram Ov (India) who has stepped down from leading the group. Mr Leon Wong (Rakuten Mobile, Japan) remains the other co-convener.

CG is to report to the July 2024 SG13 meeting.

Proposal for the new Regional Group for Indian Ocean Rim countries
The contribution C919-R1 from India brought the proposal for establishing the new SG13 Regional Group for Indian Ocean Rim countriesTD217/PLEN complements this proposal with the actual list of countries-Members of the future regional group (RG).

The meeting spent quite some time on this matter and final proposal for the terms of reference for the new RG may be found in TD307/GEN. While the idea of the new regional group was supported by Sri Lanka, a Member State from the list of potential members of this new group, other delegations expressed different views and concerns, in particular, on the composition of the group and possible overlap with activities already in place.

Finally, the meeting agreed to dispatch the Liaison Statement to the regional telecommunication organizations operating in the region concerned and, allowing more time to the Members to consider the proposal, to defer the decision on creation of the new Regional Group for Indian Ocean Rim countries to the next SG13 meeting (July 2024). Communication to APT, ATU, CEPT and LAS, as agreed by the meeting, may be found in TD248/PLEN, feedback is welcome before the next SG13 meeting.

Focus Group on Autonomous Networks (FG-AN) closure
FG-AN reported its activities through the length of its life in TD210/PLEN.
FG provided for the SG13 pursue one technical specification and three technical reports at this meeting. Those are “Knowledge Management for Autonomous Networks" in TD660/WP1“Gap analysis for Autonomous Networks" in TD661/WP1, “Glossary of terms and definitions for Autonomous Networks in TD662/WP1, and report with Proofs-of-Concept in TD663/WP1.
The activities of the FG-AN came to the end, it succeeded in accomplishing its tasks and deliverables, its mandate was exhausted. SG13 noted the FG-AN final report TD210/PLEN and closed the FG-AN. SG13 chair of behalf of all participants thanked the FG-AN management team, active contributors and all the participants.
Furthermore, the SG13 agreed on establishment of three new work items in the work programme of Q20/13 based on the Deliverables of the FG-AN (TD240/PLEN, Annexes III, VIII and IX).
In addition, the closing plenary gave consent to the draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3062 Trustworthiness Evaluation for IMT-2020 and Beyond with Autonomous Network Functions" (see table above) that is largely based on the output of the FG-AN brought to SG13 back in November 2022.

WTSA-24 preparations
Preparations for WTSA-24 were performed by the activities of the Ad-hoc on next study period (NSP Ad-hoc) led by SG13 Vice-chair, Mr Hyung-Soo (Hans) Kim (Republic of Korea). Ad-hoc had its sessions on 5, 7 and 12 March 2024 during this SG13 meeting. Report may be found in TD304-R1/GEN. Contributions were received for the texts of Qs 2, 5, 20 and 23/13. In addition, the SG13 chair issued TD285/GEN with advice on elaborating the Questions titles.
Qs 2, 5, 20 and 23/13 texts were reviewed, based on the submitted material, and agreed at the NSP meeting (TD486/WP3, TD524/WP3TD756/WP1 and TD673R2/WP1 respectively). It was also agreed that Q16/13 will be split into two: one on trust and one on quantum enhanced networks. The texts for these two will be submitted to the next NSP ad-hoc meeting, where the discussions will continue. Parts of Resolution 2 with the SG13 mandate (area of responsibility, lead study group roles and points of guidance for the next study period) were agreed as captured in TD283/GEN. New Question for coordination, TD282-R1/GEN, and new Question on Future networks: User-centric networking towards emerging web era, C858-R1, will be discussed at the future meetings.​​


Status of O-RAN Alliance qualification per criterions of Recommendation ITU-T A.5
In November 2023, based on the proposal from India (C622-R1) to qualify O-RAN Alliance per criterions of Recommendation ITU-T A.5, SG13 agreed to request secretariat (TSB) to prepare the analysis of the O-RAN Alliance status per the requirements of Recommendation ITU-T A.5. Such analysis had been performed by the responsible persons at ITU side and was nearing its completion. Its current status was presented to the meeting in TD216/PLEN and invoked live discussion. After addressing all the questions for clarification and thorough review, noting the absence of active work items that need immediate referencing of the O-RAN Alliance specifications and taking into account an unusual practice to qualify an entity with anticipation of future need for referencing, the meeting felt premature at this stage to take a decision on qualification. 

Use of the term IMT-2030
SG11 in TD252/GEN “LS/i on request for clarification on terms related to IMT-2020 and IMT-2030 for future study of ITU-T SG11 in the next study period [from ITU-T SG11]" requested the clarification on the use of the term IMT-2030 in ITU-T. The SG13 chair collected the information on the background of this issue in TD213/PLEN and on the current use of IMT-related terminology in WTSA Resolution 2 in TD219-R1/PLEN. The meeting agreed to send out the Liaison Statements (TD219-R1/PLENTD220-R1/PLEN) with guidance on use of IMT-related terms: taking from ITU-R RA Resolution 56-3 it is advised to use IMT-2030 rather than 6G in ITU documents.

Network softwarization standardization roadmap
Addressing the communication from SG11 in TD273/GEN “LS/i on initiation of new work item ITU-T Supplement to Q.3700-series - Q.sup.netsoft-roadmap "Network softwarization standardization roadmap", a reply liaison statement was agreed as depicted in TD222/PLEN. It mainly points out that the new Supplement with Network Softwarization Standardization Roadmap, initiated by the SG11, should be focused on the issues within the mandate of SG11 per WTSA Resolution 2.

Bridging Standardization Gap (BSG)
SG13RG-AFR will convene its regular (annual) meeting on 25 April 2024 in a virtual format. It will be a one-day activity. Then SG13RG-AFR will meet physically in the 4th quarter of 2024 after the WTSA-24. Hosts are welcome.

The meeting plans for SG13RG-EECAT were not activated yet.

A renewed BSG training programme was offered by TSB to the SG13 delegates on 6 March 2024. Session was opened to every SG13 participant.

Progress reports

​Correspondence Group on datasets

ITU-T Correspondence Group for datasets applicable for AI/ML in networks (CG-datasets) 
reported progress to date in TD218/PLEN. Group had eleven conference calls to date plus three small groups meetings on a specific issue each in the period from November 2023 to March 2024. It is elaborating the report required per its terms of references (technical report on standardization approach for datasets).

In addition, CG proposed the half-day workshop “At the crossroads of Standards and Research: AI/ML datasets for future networks" to be held in association with the next SG13 meting (July 2024, Geneva). The modalities and tentative structure of the workshop programme were elaborated and presented to the SG13.

The SG13 meeting noted the report in TD218/PLEN by CG co-convener, Mr Marco Carugi (Huawei Technologies, China) and agreed to convene the workshop on datasets standardization on 16 July. See clause “Workshop" below for more details.​

The chair of the JCA-ML, Mr Kangchan Lee (ETRI, Republic of Korea), reported the progress of his group by presenting TD214/PLEN.

The JCA-ML held its fourth meeting alongside SG17 meeting on 23 February 2024 in Geneva. It advanced the work on the roadmap based on the inputs received and reviewed the current status of the glossary of terms project and the next steps:
 - Machine learning standardization roadmap (Editor: Mr Sungpil Shin, ETRI, Republic of Korea) and
 - Glossary of terms and definitions for machine learning (Editor: Mr Hongki Cha, ETRI Republic of Korea)

In addition, presentation of current standardization efforts in ITU-T Study Group 17 on security activities related to AI/ML, courtesy of Mr Junhyung Park (acting SG17 representative to JCA-ML), was given to the meeting attendees.

The 4th meeting touched base on the JCA-ML lifetime extension beyond 2024 and reached a consensus to continue the JCA-ML operation beyond 2024. A formal request for the extension of JCA-ML lifetime will be submitted to the SG13 meeting in July 2024.

The next JCA-ML meeting will take place on 19 July 2024 in Geneva alongside the SG13 meeting.

The progress report by JCA-ML (TD214/PLEN) was well noted by the meeting.

Ad-hoc activities

Web3 Ad-hoc
The ad-hoc “Future ICT Evolution for emerging Web Era" (Web3 Ad-hoc) met alongside this SG13 meeting on 8 March 2024. Group considered two contributions towards progressing the Technical Report on Trustworthy Data Infrastructure for Web 3.0 and one contribution with the proposal for the new Question “Future networks: User-centric networking for emerging web era". Meeting report as well as the current version of the above-mentioned technical report, enhanced with the material from two contributions, are available on the ad-hoc's iFA area. Regarding the disposition of the new Question, it was felt appropriate to come back to this discussion after identifying motivations and key work items, derived from the technical report on network enhancement for supporting emerging Web technologies (another anticipated output of this ad-hoc group).

Ad-hoc FG/CG outcomes are reported above in the clause about the discussion on a new FG-AIFN set up.

Coordination activities

New work items coordination
Since March 2023 SG13 has been practicing the new work items coordination sessions, the approach to assess the proposals for the new work in their entirety. In March SG13 had three sessions (5, 6 and 7 March 2024) for exchanging the opinions on the new work proposed for starting at this meeting. As custom these sessions were run by the SG13 Vice-chair, Mr Scott Mansfield (Ericsson Canada). The report may be found in TD292/GEN.

The regular JCA-IMT2020 meeting took place in Geneva on 5 March 2024 alongside this SG13 meeting. As custom, it agreed on a big number of new Recommendations and technical specifications to be included into its ongoing project IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap. The next JCA-IMT2020 meeting will take place on 22 July 2024 in Geneva alongside the SG13 meeting.

FG-MV Deliverables
Further to the communication from TSAG in TD209/PLEN “LS/i on metaverse [from TSAG]" the meeting assessed the situation with the accomplished FG-MV Deliverables, listed in the table in TD209/PLEN. It was noted that only two deliverables were addressed (as part of co-designated groups) to SG13. Given the specific nature of these two deliverables and informational nature of the communication from TSAG at this stage, it was felt premature for starting work on these Deliverables in SG13 at this meeting.

Work programme updates

New Work
Contributions brought 50 proposals to initiate the new work, out of which 42 were drafted in the form of a new Recommendation (22), revised Recommendation (4), Supplement (5), revised Supplement (1), technical report (10), and three kept in the Qs 2/13 and 17/13 living lists.
So, in total this meeting agreed to the initiation of 42 new and revised work items (TD240/PLENTD242/PLENTD244-R1/PLEN annexes).

Discontinued work items
As no inputs submitted for the last few SG meetings for Y.STR and the work was reorganized for Y.QKDN-SSNreq, Y.QKDN-SSNarch, there three work items (all from Q16/13) were removed from the SG13 work programme.


Information session
A regular newcomer session presentation was delivered by the SG13 Mentor, Mr Alojz Hudobivnik (WP1/13 Vice-chair), on 4 March 2024. It attracted 5 live and 3 remote participants. Presented material is available from TD288/GEN.

Given a rather limited number of responses to the last SG13 questionnaire "Requirements and Framework for the exploitation of Big Data/Artificial Intelligence technologies in developing countries" (in support of the work in Q5/13), received before the deadline of 2 February 2024, it was agreed to extend the deadline for replies until 1 July 2024. Questionnaire remains available from the SG13 landing page. All the details may be found in TSB Circular 159. 

The meeting agreed to the proposal from CG-dataset to convene half-day workshop “At the crossroads of Standards and Research: AI/ML datasets for future networks" alongside the next SG13 meeting. Workshop will take place in the morning of 16 July 2024 in Geneva. Mr Marco Carugi, Mr Vishnu Ram Ov (CG-datasets conveners) supported by Mr Antonio De Domenic (Huawei Technologies, China) committed themselves to serve as workshop programme and organisation committer members. Volunteers are welcome to join this team.

SG13 plans
 - the next revision of the Supplement 59 (to Y.3100-series) on IMT-2020 and beyond standardization roadmap to be ready for
   agreement at July 2024 meeting. First version was published as Supplement 59 to Y.3100-series in 2020, then revised in 2022 and 2023.

and continues its work on

 - Supplement with the standardization roadmap on trustworthy networking and servicesTD410/WP3, target for 3Q 2024.

With regards to the Network Softwarization Standardization Roadmap, initiated by the SG11 (TD273/GEN), SG13 provided its comment in TD222/PLEN.

An information sharing session about key technical mainstream/achievements/hot issues of each SG13 Question was trailed for the first time. The goal was to improve overall delivery by the SG of comprehensive set of standards. Session took place on 4 March, presented materials may be found in TD305/GEN.

The renewed BSG training with the interactive exercise was offered on 6 March 2024 to all SG13 delegates (including representatives of developing countries).

During the discussions delegates proposed to conditionally approve the FG at the next SG13 meeting.

SG13 plenary sessions were supported by captioning.

Real-time webcast services were practiced at opening, interim and closing plenaries.

Future plans
An important number of interim meetings was agreed to (TD246-R1/PLEN). This includes the joint e-meetings with SG2 on relationship of CPN[1] exposure and NGNe exposure with AITOM (Q2/13) and on Y.CNAO and AITOM (Q20/13).

11th SG13RG-AFR meeting will be held virtually on 25 April 2024.
The fifth JCA-ML meeting will take place alongside the next SG13 meeting on 19 July 2024 in Geneva.
The 19th JCA-IMT2020 meeting will take place alongside the SG13 meeting too, on 22 July 2024 in Geneva.
Web3 Ad-hoc, NSP ad-hoc and correspondence groups (on datasets and on FG-AINN set up) will continue their activities to pursue their terms of reference.

Next SG13 meeting is planned take place on 15 – 26 July 2024 in Geneva. Tentative determination/consent/agreement plan may be found in TD306/GEN.​

[1] CPN – Computing Power Network
     NGNe- Next Generation Network evolution
     ​AITOM – AI-enhanced telecommunications operation and management


Executive summary of the SG13 meeting
23 October – 3 November 2023, Geneva, Switzerland​

This SG13 meeting was called up by the Collective-letter 6/13 (of 3 August 2023) and its Addendum 1 (dated 29 September 2023).

The opening remarks were delivered by the TSB Director, Mr Seizo Onoe, who mentioned in particular, that “contributions to SG13 have been on the rise. Each of the meetings in this study period has received more contributions than the last, and this meeting welcomes 248. SG13 is demonstrating strong will to launch new work."

This SG13 meeting attracted 328 delegates (199 remote only and 129 present in person), considered 698 documents split as 248 contributions and 450 TDs. List of contributions may be found in TD133/PLEN.

TSB MyMeetings platform for remote participation was used to support each session at this Study Group meeting resulting in 232 sessions in total.

Main meeting results

31 outputs were approved/consented/agreed: A total of 18 new Recommendations, 6 Amendments were consented, 4 Supplements and 2 technical reports were agreed and one new Recommendation was approved.​

​                                                  Recommendation approved (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.


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Framework for classifying network slice level in future networks including IMT-2020

SG13 approved the above-mentioned Recommendation at its opening plenary on 23 October 2023.
TSB circular 150 (dated 13 November 2023) announces approval.

​                                            Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.


Base text




With A.5 justification for IETF RFC 7665 in TD422/WP3




Requirements and framework of Service Function Orchestration based on service function chaining





Architectural evolution for NGN control plane by applying SDN technology





QoS requirements and framework of interworking capability for supporting deterministic communication services in local area network for IMT-2020 and beyond





Big data driven networking- requirements and capabilities of network visibility





Functional architecture for intelligent awareness for network requirements





Quantum key distribution networks - Requirements and architectural model for autonomic management and control enablement





Trust Registry for Devices: requirements, architectural framework

Y.3802 Amd 1




Quantum key distribution networks - Functional architecture

Y.3803 Amd 1




Quantum key distribution networks – Key management

Y.3804 Amd 1




Quantum key distribution networks – Control and management

Y.3805 Amd 1




Quantum key distribution networks – Software-defined networking control

Y.3811 Amd 1




Quantum key distribution networks – Functional architecture for quality of service assurance

Y.3814 Amd 1




Quantum key distribution networks – Functional requirements and architecture for machine learning enablement





Cloud computing - Functional requirements for Robotics as a Service





Cloud computing - Requirements for AI based cloud service development and operation management


With A.5 justification for ETSI TS 123 501 V18.1.0 (2023-03) in TD600/WP1




Requirements for network function communication between Public Networks and public network integrated Non-Public Networks in IMT-2020





Autonomous Networks - Architecture framework





Future networks including IMT-2020 - Requirements and framework for self-organizing core network





Coordination of networking and computing in IMT-2020 networks and beyond - Requirements





Intent-based network management and orchestration for network slicing in IMT-2020 networks and beyond


With A.5 justification for ETSI ES 203 228 V1.4.0 (2022-02)) in TD508/WP1




Energy efficiency management of virtual resources in IMT-2020 networks and beyond

(Y.DTN-Cap Level)




Digital Twin Network - Capability Levels and Evaluation Methods





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirements of integrated user-centric service units





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Capability exposure for IMT-2020 networks and beyond​

* On 24 October 2023 ETRI submitted the generic patent declaration for Recommendation ITU-T Y.3819 “Quantum key distribution networks - Requirements and architectural model for autonomic management and control enablement”. It was duly registered in the ITU-T Patents declaration database

The AAP Last Call for the listed above 18 Recommendations, consented by SG13 at the closing plenary on 3 November 2023, started on 16 November 2023.

6 Amendments to Y.3800-series of Recommendations, consented by SG13 at interim plenary on 30 October 2023, listed above, entered the AAP Last Call on 1 November 2023.

Supplements agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Doc. No.


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Supplement 79 to ITU-T Y.3800-series




Quantum key distribution networks - Role in end-to-end cryptographic services with non-quantum cryptography

Supplement 80 to ITU-T Y.3800-series




Use cases of quantum key distribution networks

Supplement 40 to ITU-T Y.3600-seires




Big data and data handling standardization roadmap

Supplement 59 to Y.3100-series




IMT-2020 and beyond standardization roadmap

Technical reports agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Doc. No.


Base text







Use cases of quantum networks beyond QKDN





Requirements of semantic-aware networking for future networks

 Important decisions (apart of Recommendations/Deliverables)

Human Assets

The meeting agreed to nominate​

  • Mr Alojz Hudobivnik (Slovenia) as the SG13 focal point for EWM (Electronic Working Methods)
  • Mr Huan Deng (China Telecom, China) as the Acting rapporteur for Q2/13 (for October meeting) in absence of the Rapporteur in charge
  • Mr Kangchan Lee (ETRI, Republic of Korea) as Acting WP2/13 chair to substitute the WP2/13 chair for this meeting
  • Mr Gyu Myoung Lee (Republic of Korea) and Ms Jingwen Li (China Telecom) as co-conveners of the Web3-adhoc to replace Mr Hyeontaek Oh (KAIST, Republic of Korea) who has been about to leave this activity
  • Mr Leon Wong (Rakuten Mobile) and Mr Vishnu Ram Ov (India) as co-conveners of the CG-AI6G
  • Mr Ved P. Kafle (NICT Japan) as the SG13 Liaison Rapporteur to JCA-IdM

    ​Proposal for a
     new FG-AI6G “AI for future networks including 6G"

Contributions C495C539C623C661-R2 and C697 brought the proposal to establish a new Focus Group on artificial intelligence in IMT-2030 (FG-AI6G) with almost identical terms of reference in each input. Since all these documents spoke about the same issue, ToRs and rationale, only one document, C661-R2, was presented at the meeting to start the discussions on the substance. Given variety of views and a numbers of questions for clarifications, expressed at the opening plenary about the new FG creation, the meeting decided to set up an Ad-hoc group to look into this issue and all the contributions in details and bring to the closing plenary the proposal along with the ToR of the new group. Mr Gyu Myoung Lee (Republic of Korea) was appointed to lead the ad-hoc deliberations.

Members, supporting new FG-AI6G creation, (from contributions): Turkcell, du (UAE), Ministry of Communications (India), Fraunhofer HHI (Germany), University of Glasgow (UK), China Telecom, Rakuten Mobile (Japan), Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Tunisie Télécom (Tunisia) and Zambia.

For results of the ad-hoc on new FG-AI6G work and meeting decision see clause about ad-hocs deliberations below.

WTSA-24 preparations
were performed by the activities of the Ad-hoc on next study period (NSP Ad-hoc) led by SG13 Vice-chair, Mr Hyung-Soo (Hans) Kim. Ad-hoc had its sessions on 24, 26 October and 1 November 2023 during this SG13 meeting. Report may be found in TD247-R1/GEN. It captures the discussion about the proposed Questions texts for 2025-2028 study period the way they stand for now. Discussions will continue. A number of e-meetings are envisaged before the next SG13 meeting in March 2024. Parts of Resolution 2 with the SG13 mandate, new Question for coordination and new Question on future network for supporting Web3.0 are part of these discussions.

As before, the participants were encouraged to submit contributions with changes to the SG13 title, area of responsibility, lead study group roles and points of guidance for the next study period.

Addressing the communication from TSAG in TD140/PLEN “LS/i on draft analysis of operational parts (resolves, instructs etc) of WTSA/PP/WTDC Resolutions", a reply liaison statement was agreed as depicted in TD159/PLEN.

Ad-hoc activities

Ad-hoc on Computing and Network Convergence (CNC) definition coordination (with Questions 2/13, 6/13, 17/13, 20/13, 21/13, 22/13 and 23/13 involvement) accomplished its work at March 2023 SG13 meeting and was formally closed at the opening plenary of SG13 on 23 October 2023.

 Continuation of the Web3 Ad-hoc with the up-dated Terms of Reference

Ad-hoc's “Future ICT Evolution for emerging Web Era" (Web3 Ad-hoc) progress and activities to date are captured in its progress report, TD157/PLEN. In particular, this report lists the findings of the group on potential standardization items for new infrastructure for digital assets and for network enhancements (or future networks).

Through its progress report the group requested continuation of its operation for one more year on a rationale to have enough time to accomplish the work (as depicted in clause 5 of the report) and finalize Technical Report about potential standardization items to provide technical insights and clear directions for future standardization.

Furthermore, the SG13 plenary meeting agreed to send the Contribution C514, Republic of Korea,  “Proposal to establish a new Correspondence Group on Trustworthy Data Infrastructure for Digital Assets Trading" to the consideration by web3 Ad-hoc; the latter, at its meeting on 25 October 2023, agreed to request SG13 the continuation of its operation till the end of 2024 with the revised Terms of Reference that include the two new expectations for the group (technical report “Trustworthy Data Infrastructure for Digital Assets Trading" and technical report “Network enhancement for supporting emerging Web technologies (Web3.0)"). TD156-R1/PLEN contains these up-dated Terms of Reference (ToR). The SG13 meeting participants agreed to these ToR and continuation of the Web3 Ad-hoc work until December 2024.

Since the current convener of the Web3 ad-hoc, Mr Hyeontaek Oh (KAIST, Republic of Korea) could not continue his participation in ITU activities, the new leaders were nominated as follows:

Web3 ad-hoc co-conveners

  • Mr Gyu Myoung Lee (Republic of Korea) and
  • Ms Jingwen Li (China Telecom)

The liaison statement to all ITU-T SGs and TSAG with the call for participation of experts in the SG13 web3 ad-hoc was agreed by the meeting, TD187/PLEN.

Mr Hyeontaek Oh (KAIST, Republic of Korea) was thanked for his enthusiasm, all the efforts and excellent work he performed as web3 ad-hoc convener in 2022- 2023.

Ad-hoc on new FG-AI6G and establishment of the new CG-AI6G

Established by the opening SG13 plenary Ad-hoc on new FG-AI6G performed its duties in four sessions (23, 26, 30 October and 1 November 2023) and reported the results in TDs PLEN 185 and 186. Ad-hoc agreed to propose to the plenary to start with the correspondence group to look in-depth into the objectives and carefully crafted terms of reference for the new focus group on artificial intelligence in IMT-2030 (FG-AI6G) in order for the SG13 to be ready taking a balanced decision on establishment of the new FG at its next meeting.

The new CG on artificial intelligence for IMT2030 (CG-AI6G) with ToR as found in TD186/PLEN was agreed.

Co-conveners are​

  •  Mr Leon Wong (Rakuten Mobile) and
  •  ​Mr Vishnu Ram Ov (India).

CG is to report to the March 2024 SG13 meeting.


C622-R1 from India “Request to TSB to conduct an analysis for the A.5 qualification of the O-RAN Alliance" brought the proposal to start the qualification process for O-RAN Alliance with regards to it qualification per criterions of Recommendation ITU-T A.5. This proposal was supported by the official communication from O-RAN Alliance to TSB Director. Therefore, the SG13 evaluated the proposal and agreed to request secretariat (TSB) to prepare the analysis of the O-RAN Alliance status per the requirements of Recommendation ITU-T A.5.

Bridging Standardization Gap (BSG)

SG13RG-AFR convened its regular (annual) meeting on 21 – 22 September 2023 in Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire under the kind invitation of Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC de Côte d'Ivoire (ARTCI) . Meeting participants reviewed and approved the SG13RG-AFR meeting report (Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire, 21 – 22 September 2023) in TD146/PLEN, and noted with interest the outcomes of associated Regional Workshop for Africa on "Standardization of Future Networks and Emerging Network Technologies: African perspectives" of 19 – 20 September 2023, which​ took place at the same venue, TD227/GEN.

Next meeting of the SG13 Regional Group for Africa is planned as virtual one-day activity the week of April, 22, 2024. Then SG13RG-AFR will meet physically in the 4th quarter of 2024 after the WTSA-24. Hosts are welcome.

The meeting plans for SG13RG-EECAT were suspended.

BSG hands-on training session was offered by TSB to the SG13 delegates from developing countries on 25 October 2023. It attracted 11 physical attendees, 19 participants from remote and trailed a quiz for the participants.

 Revised Terms of Reference for the SG13RG-AFR

The meeting reviewed with satisfaction the good progress to date of the SG13 regional group for Africa and followed the introduction of the proposed revised Terms of Reference for this group as appears in TD142/PLEN. It was the outcome of the last SG13RG-AFR meeting. Up-dated ToR include the new priorities for the region that now include Machine Learning, future technology trends towards 2030, quantum enhanced networking, Autonomous Networks and few moreThe new priorities as well as revised Terms of Reference were agreed by the SG13 meeting.

 New questionnaire for developing countries

A new questionnaire in support of the work on draft new Recommendation Y.expBDtech-frame “Requirements and Framework for the exploitation of Big Data/Artificial Intelligence technologies in developing countries" in Q5/13 was ready for the decision of the meeting. Questionnaire "Requirements and Framework for the exploitation of Big Data/Artificial Intelligence technologies in developing countries" was agreed by the SG13 for dissemination as appears in TD184/PLEN. Replies are welcome by 2 February 2024.

 Progress reports

Focus Group on Autonomous Networks (FG-AN)

 reported its activities and results of the last meetings in TD143/PLEN. The meeting noted the FG-AN progress to date and maintenance of the good communication and collaboration channel with SDOs and industry bodies active in the AN area. Together with the progress report the FG-AN chair asked the indulgence of the meeting to convene the last meeting of the group not in December 2023 but in January 2024. FG-AN is expected to conclude its work by end of 2023. However, exception to hold the last meeting of the group in January instead of December was graciously granted to the FG-AN. SG13 expects to receive the last few Deliverables, FG-AN is currently working on: “Knowledge Management for Autonomous Network", gap analysis, definitions glossary and Report with Proof-of-Concept. Participants were invited to join the weekly conference calls of the FG-AN to advance this work towards its completion.

 Correspondence Group on datasets

ITU-T Correspondence Group for datasets applicable for AI/ML in networks (CG-datasets) 
reported progress to date in TD147/PLEN. Group had seven conference calls to date and is elaborating the report required per its terms of references (technical report on standardization approach for datasets). The meeting noted the report in TD147/PLEN by CG co-convener, Mr Marco Carugi (Huawei Technologies, China).

 Web3 Ad-hoc

The ad-hoc “Future ICT Evolution for emerging Web Era" (Web3 Ad-hoc) 
activities were introduced by the group leader, Mr Hyeontaek Oh (KAIST, Republic of Korea) who walked the participants through the TD157/PLEN. Report and progress of the group was noted by the meeting.


TD144/PLEN from the JCA-IMT2020 chair, Mr Scott Mansfield (Ericsson Canada), informs about the progress to date of the JCA-IMT2020 and Beyond. It lists, in particular, the presentations the JCA received through its lifetime (since 2017). The report was noted by the meeting.


The chair of the JCA-ML, Mr Kangchan Lee (ETRI, Republic of Korea), reported the progress of his group by presenting TD145/PLEN. Report talks about two main projects of the group ML standardization roadmap and glossary of terms. The first progress report by JCA-ML was well noted by the meeting.


A training course for Editors was offered to the SG13 meeting participants for the first time.

A new questionnaire was finalized by Q5/13.

The renewed BSG training with the interactive exercise was trialed on 25 October 2023 for SG13 representatives of developing countries.

A first step on the way of closer collaboration with O-RAN Alliance was established.

 Coordination activities

New work items coordination

The approach to assess the proposals for the new work in their entirety, tried in March 2023, was continued at this meeting. Namely, SG13 had three sessions (24, 25 and 26 October 2023) for exchanging the opinions on the new work proposed for starting at this meeting. Exceptionally the new work items coordination sessions were run by the SG13 Vice-Chair, Mr Scott Mansfield (Ericsson Canada) from remote with the full support of SG13 chair, Mr Kazunori Tanikawa, in the meeting room. The report may be found in TD244/GEN. It captures the overall instructions for drafting the future new work proposals aiming to improve its quality and readability.


The regular JCA-IMT2020 meeting took place in Geneva on 31 October 2023 alongside this SG13 meeting. As custom, it agreed on a big number of new Recommendations and technical specifications to be included into its ongoing project IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap. This time the meeting received the presentation on SG15 work on transport network support for IMT-2020 and the evolution to IMT-2030 and a talk from the JCA-IMT2020 chair about automatic extraction and population of the roadmap from ETSI public website.


The JCA-ML held its third meeting alongside this SG13 meeting on 27 October 2023. It advanced the work on its two coordination projects based on the inputs received:

  • Machine learning standardization roadmap (Editor: Mr Sungpil Shin, ETRI, Republic of Korea) and
  • Glossary of terms and definitions for machine learning (Editor: Mr Hongki Cha, ETRI)

In addition, presentation of current standardization efforts in ITU-T Study Group 13 Q20/13 on machine learning, courtesy of Mr Marco Carugi (Q20/13 Rapporteur), was given to the meeting attendees. The next JCA-ML meeting (23 February 2023, Geneva, alongside the SG17 meeting) will have a presentation of SG17 security activities related to AI/ML.

​Communication with FG-MV

Further to the request on providing inputs and feedback on the metaverse-related technologies standardization work, received from the FG-MV (TD224/GEN), SG13 prepared and agreed its input as found in TD158/PLEN.

 New Work

Contributions brought 46 proposals to initiate the new work, out of which 36 were drafted in the form of a new Recommendation (31), Supplement (3), technical report (2), and three kept in the living lists.

In addition, two proposals for the new Recommendations deferred from the WP1/13 July 2023 meeting were handled by the WP1/13 and agreed as Y.IMT2020-qos-cec-rf and Y. det-rdcs-rf (Q6/13).

So, in total this meeting agreed to the initiation of 38 new work itemsTD189/PLENTD544/WP1TD548/WP1.


Information sessions

A regular newcomer session presentation was delivered by the SG13 Mentor, Mr Alojz Hudobivnik (WP1/13 Vice-chair), on 23 October 2023. It attracted 15 live and 37 remote participants. Presented material is available from TD222/GEN.

Training for Editors session was offered to the SG13 meeting participants, Editors and Rapporteurs in particular, on 27 October 2023. It was convened by the TSB Engineer-Editor, Mr Anibal Cabrera, materials, presented in session, may be found in TD232/GEN. 18 delegates in the room and 33 from remote followed the training.


The FG-AN convened the workshop “Advances in Autonomous Networks: 2023 and beyond" on 24 October 2023 morning in Geneva to cover the main areas of its work (use cases, architecture framework, trust and knowledge management). Attendance raises up to 91 participants (both in-person and remote).


SG13 agreed

  • the next revision of the Supplement 59 (to Y.3100-series) on IMT-2020 and beyond standardization roadmapTD181/PLEN. First version was published as Supplement 59 to Y.3100-series in 2020, then revised in 2022.
  • the revision of the Supplement 40 (to the Y.3600-series) “Big data and data handling standardization roadmap". Original was published as Supplement 40 to Y.3600-series in 2016.

    and continues its work on
  • Supplement with the standardization roadmap on trustworthy networking and servicesTD410/WP3, target for 3Q 2024.

​Future plans

An important number of interim meetings was agreed to (TD188/PLEN).

The 18th JCA-IMT2020 meeting will take place alongside the SG13 meeting on 5 March 2024 in Geneva.

The fourth JCA-ML meeting will take place alongside the SG17 meeting on 23 February 2024 in Geneva.

Web3 Ad-hoc, NSP ad-hoc and correspondence groups (on datasets and on AI for 6G) will continue their activities to pursue their terms of reference.

Next SG13 meeting is planned take place on 4 – 15 March 2024 in Geneva. Tentative consent/determination/agreement plan may be found in TD248/GEN.​​

Past Executive Summaries: