- Nominated Mrs. Rim Belhassine-Cherif (Tunisia) as SG13 promotion officer responsible for Northern Africa region
- Nominated a new Rapporteur for Q4/13 (Identification of evolving IMT systems and beyond), Mr Bruce Murara (RURA, Rwanda). This position was vacant since the beginning of this year.
- Nominated a new Associate Rapporteur for Q8/13 (Security and identity management in evolving managed networks (including software-defined networking)) Mr He Xiao (China Telecom)
- Nominated a new Rapporteur for Q9/13 (Mobility management (including support for software-defined networking)), Mr Seng-Kyoun Jo (ETRI, Korea)
- Nominated a new Rapporteur for Q19/13 (End-to-end Cloud computing service and resource management) Mr Mark Jeffrey (Microsoft, USA). In addition, Mark will serve as Liaison Rapporteur to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC27.
- Confirmed Mr Leo Lehmann (Switzerland) as a SG13 contact point for JCA-AHF
- Nominated Mr Leo Lehmann as a Vocabulary Rapporteur in SG13
- Nominated Mr Babak Jahromi (Microsoft, USA) as SG13 Liaison Rapporteur to TM Forum
Agreed to have a one day workshop on hot topics for standardization in SG13 in March – April 2014 in Africa (host/country TBC) alongside the SG13RG-AFR second meeting.
Bridging Standardization Gap (BSG)
BSG topic appeared on the agenda of the SG13 meeting in a form of activities of its Regional group for Africa. The report of the first meeting of the latter was agreed. Also, the meeting followed the brief overview of the workshop on different topics held back to back with the first meeting of the SG13RG-AFR in Algeria in September 2013 (Workshop Report is in TD62/PLEN).
The second meeting of the SG13 Regional Group for Africa will take place in March – April 2014 in Africa (host/country TBC). It will be one day activity.
Meeting logistics
The concept of tracks to manage the meeting, agreed in theory at the previous SG13 meeting, was followed in practice as much as possible at the November meeting.
- Extended management team meeting for SG13RG-AFR took place on 6 November. The meeting agreed to restructure the regional group in order for it to better suit its objectives. Further this decision was ratified by the parent group (TD 95 (PLEN/13)). The practice of extended (any SG meeting participant is welcome to attend) management team meetings of SG13RG-AFR will be continues alongside of SG13 meetings in the future.
- NGN GSI like “light” format for treating of documents for the co-located Rapporteur Groups meetings in Geneva in February 2014 was agreed to be tried. In short, for all SG13 co-located Rapporteur Groups meetings in Geneva, it will offer one series of documents called Doc and DDP without TSB involvement.
- Opening plenary of SG13 in July 2014 will look into the consent of the two draft common texts with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 on cloud computing.
- Opening plenary of 4 November allowed remote participation by Skype. 4 delegates (from Korea, Algeria, Germany and South Africa) took advantage of this service.
Next meetings
An important number of interim activities were agreed to, this includes 17 SG13 Questions that will meet as Rapporteur Groups in Geneva on 17-28 February 2014.
The Working Parties 1/13, 2/13 and 3/13 will convene a meeting each on Friday, 28 February 2014, in Geneva, in order to determine, give consent to the following draft Recommendations and agree on the Technical Paper as well as new work items, and future plans:
WP 1/13:
- Y.1271 revised, Framework(s) on network requirements and capabilities to support emergency telecommunications over evolving circuit-switched and packet-switched networks
- Y.IoT-common-reqts, Common requirements of Internet of Things
- Y.gw-IoT-reqts, Common requirements and capabilities of gateways for IoT applications
- Q.1742.11, IMT 2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2012) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network
- Technical paper on Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks in Next Generation Networks (TD 118/WP1)
WP 2/13:
- Y.dpifr, Framework for Deep Packet Inspection
- Y.daas, Requirements and Reference Architecture of Desktop as a Service
WP 3/13:
- Y.SDN-FR, Framework of SDN (Software-Defined Networking)
- Y.FNvirtreq, Requirement of network virtualization for Future Networks
Next meeting of Study Group 13 will take place from 7 to 18 July 2014, in Geneva. Opening Plenary on 7 July 2014 will give consent to the common texts with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 Y.ccdef “Cloud computing - Overview and Vocabulary” and Y.ccra “Cloud computing reference architecture”.