This meeting attracted 85 delegates and 13 contributions.
Main SG 13 meeting results
- The meeting noted the TSAG (January 2012) decision on establishment of the JCA-Cloud with SG 13 as a parent group
- The meeting nominated Ms. Monique Morrow (Cisco Systems) as a Chairman for the JCA-Cloud
Framework for Cloud Computing Studies in SG 13
- The meeting noted that TSAG (January 2012) designated SG 13 as the lead study group to coordinate activities related to cloud computing with other relevant study groups. Those are (but not limited to) SG 5 on ICT and climate change, SG 11 on protocols and interoperability, SG 12 on QoS and SG 17 on security. The recommendation to continue strong collaboration with other SDOs, in particular joint work with JTC 1, was also noted by the meeting.
- The meeting created new WP 6/13 “Cloud Computing” with Mr. Jamil Chawki (France Telecom Orange) as a Chairman
- Assigned the three new Questions to this WP. The agreed three new Questions are
- Q.26/13 Cloud computing ecosystem, inter-cloud and general requirements. (Based on Q.cc1/13 of French contribution C 1186R1 with extension of the scope to cover Desktop as a Service (DaaS) requirements and architecture aspects). Supporting members are France, France Telecom Orange, Microsoft, China Telecom, NTT Japan, USA and ETRI Korea. Mr. Kangchan Lee (ETRI, Korea) was assigned to be the Rapporteur for this new Question.
- Q.27/13 (Q.cc2/13) Cloud functional architecture, infrastructure and networking. Supporting members are France, France Telecom Orange, Microsoft, China Telecom, NTT Japan, USA and ZTE China. Mr. Mingdong Li (ZTE, China) was assigned as a Rapporteur for this new Question.
- Q.28/13 (Q.cc3/13) Cloud computing resource management and virtualization. Supporting members are France, France Telecom Orange, Microsoft, China Telecom, NTT Japan and USA. Mr. Richard Brackney (Miscosoft, USA) was nominated a Rapporteur for this new Question.
The Questions above (see for the Question description TD 264 (PLEN/13)) were agreed with the understanding that they can start working immediately and that the TAP process is assigned to any cloud computing deliverable with regulatory implications. Taking advantage of the present NGN GSI event and experts presence in Geneva, the leadership team of the newly created WP 6/13 “Could Computing” convened its meeting on 7 February to look into the organization of WP6 work and elaborate the terms of references for the first Rapporteur groups activities of Qs 26, 27 and 28/13 to happen in April 2012. The meeting was open to any delegate wishing to attend. The report of this leadership activity is produced as TD275 (GEN/13).
- The cloud computing deliverables already under development in SG 13, Y.VNC in Q.4/13 and in Q.3/13, were handled to the new WP on cloud computing.
- All the proposals for the new work item on cloud computing submitted to SG 13 6 February meeting and NGN GSI event of February 2012 were transferred to the new WP6/13 (see TD 262 (PLEN/13)).
An important number of new Recommendations on cloud computing is expected to be initiated in the new WP 6/13 (among those a terminology and reference architecture Recommendations).
- The Rapporteurs of three new Questions identified each the need for the interim Rapporteur group meeting. These requests were authorized by the SG 13. Therefore, Q. 26/13, Q.27/13 and Q.28/13 will meet in April 2012 in Geneva to start working on the assigned deliverables. Precise Terms of References and dates will be sorted out and advertised later.
[Subsequent note: While this executive summary was in preparation the detailed terms of references and timing for the above Qs Rapporteur group meetings have been fixed and may be found in TD 275 (GEN/13).]
- Correspondence group on cloud computing ( was terminated. Its convener, Mr. Kangchan Lee, was thanked for having taken the leading role of this activity. His report on the activities and agreements reached in this correspondence group was noted and agreed by the meeting.
- Workshop
The meeting agreed that the workshop on future networks standardization is to be convened in association with the next SG 13 meeting (4 – 15 June 2012, Geneva). This workshop will be jointly organized by ITU-T SG13 and ISO/JTC1/SC 6. Mr. Takashi Egawa (Q.21/13 Rapporteur) and Mr. Shin-Gak Kang (JTC1/ SC 6 convener) were assigned to work closely to elaborate the programme of the workshop and its proceeding.
Executive summary of the WPs 2/13, 3/13, 4/13 and 5/13 meetings, 17 February 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
These meetings attracted 90 participants and 41 documents.
Main meeting results
Working Party 2/13 meeting of 17 February 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Q |
Base text |
Status |
Title |
Y.2060 (Y.IoT-Overview) |
3/13 |
TD 306 R1 (WP2/13) |
New |
Overview of Internet of Things |
Y.2061 (Y.MOC-reqts) |
3/13 |
TD 307 (WP2/13) |
New |
Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment |
Y.2062 (Y.UbiNet-hn) |
12/13 |
TD 311 R1 (WP2/13) |
New |
Framework of object-to-object communication for ubiquitous networking in NGN |
Supplement agreed to (Recommendation A.13)
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Q |
Base text |
Status |
Title |
Supplement 17 to Y.2200-series (Y.son-ngn) |
24/13 |
TD 315 R1 (WP2/13) |
New |
Functional Model of a Service Overlay Network framework which uses NGN |
Service Delivery Platforms (SDP) Roadmap
An initial proposal for the SDP roadmap was agreed to by the Q.3/13 meeting TD 765 (NGN GSI)). WP2/13 agreed to send out the liaison statement to SDOs working in this area, with a call to contribute to this roadmap development.
Working Party 3/13 meeting of 17 February 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Q |
Base text |
Status |
Title |
Y.2023 (Y.MCC-ARCH) |
5/13 |
TD 214 (WP3/13) |
New |
Functional requirements and architecture of the Next Generation Network for Multimedia Communication Centre service |
Y.2810 (Y.MMC) |
22/13 |
TD 216 (WP3/13) |
New |
Mobility Management Framework for IP Multicast Communications in Next Generation Networks |
Supplement agreed to (Recommendation A.13)
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Q |
Base text |
Status |
Title |
Supplement 16 to Y.1900-series (Y.iptv-ipmcast) |
5/13 |
TD 210 (WP3/13) |
New |
Guidelines on deployment of IP multicast for IPTV content delivery |
Working Party 4/13 meeting of 17 February 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
Recommendations determined (Resolution 1 - TAP)
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Q |
Base text |
Status |
Title |
Y.2770 (Y.dpireq) |
17/13 |
TD 211 R2 (WP4/13) |
New |
Requirements for Deep Packet Inspection in Next Generation Networks |
Working Party 5/13 meeting of 17 February 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Q |
Base text |
Status |
Title |
Y.2080 (Y.dsnarch) |
19/13 |
TD 203 (WP5/13) |
New |
Architecture of Distributed Service Networking |
Y.3031 (Y.FNid) |
21/13 |
TD 199 R1 (WP5/13) |
New |
Identification framework in future networks |
Handbook agreed to
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Q |
Base text |
Status |
Title |
Handbook |
21/13 |
TD 193 R1 (WP5/13) |
New |
Future Networks |
Q.21/13 elaborated further on the issue of the workshop (jointly organized by SG13 and ISO/JTC1/SC 6) on future networks standardization to be convened in association with the next SG 13 meeting in Geneva. Tentative dates fall on 8 – 11 June timeframe.
Correspondence group
It was agreed to continue with the correspondence group between Q.21/13 and ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 6. The group is supposed to find future collaboration topics between SG13 and JTC 1 SC 6. It was set up in January 2011.
The WPs meetings in were run paperless and webcasted.
Next meeting of SG 13 will take place from 4 to 15 June 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland.