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Executive summary of the SG13 meeting

SG13: Future networks, with focus on IMT-2020, cloud computing and trusted network infrastructures


​Executive summary of the WP1/13, WP2/13 and WP3/13 meetings,
2 November 2018, Geneva, Switzerland

These meetings attracted 80 participants and 170 documents.  

Main meeting results           

Working Party 1/13 IMT-2020 Networks & Systems" meeting,
2 November 2018, Geneva, Switzerland

Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No. Q Base text Status Title


20 TD271/WP1NewArchitecture of the IMT-2020 network
20 TD272/WP1NewRequirements of capability exposure in the IMT-2020 network
Y.311221 TD280-R1/WP1RevisedFramework for the support of Network Slicing in the IMT-2020 network


21 TD279-R1/WP1NewService function chaining in mobile network
21 TD278/WP1NewRequirements and Architectural Framework for Autonomic Management and Control of IMT-2020 Networks
23 TD293/WP1NewMobility supporting architecture for mobile Peer to Peer service in heterogeneous wireless networks

Regarding Recommendation Y.2242 (Y.SFCM) “Service function chaining in mobile network", the meeting evaluated the justification for the normative references to two IETF specifications, as depicted in TD303/WP1, and agreed on their inclusion in Y.2242.

Q23/13 sessions during preceding rapporteur group meeting were kindly convened by Mr Jeongyun Kim (ETRI) and Mr Shi Nanxiang (China Mobile) as Acting co-rapporteurs because both actual co-rapporteurs for Q23/13 were to cease their leadership for this Question. The past work of Mr Seng-Kyoun Jo (ETRI) and Mr Yachen Wang (China Mobile), co-rapporteurs for Q23/13 was much appreciated.

Furthermore, WP1/13 agreed to nominate Mr Jeongyun Kim (ETRI) as Rapporteur for Q23/13.

An establishment of the new work item Y.qos-ml-arc “Architecture of machine learning based QoS assurance for IMT-2020 network" (Q6/13, TD276/WP1) was extensively discussed at the WP1/13 meeting and was not agreed at that point in time. Instead, the WP1/13 took a conditional approval path, leaving this new work apart until the clarifications are received from the ITU-T FG ML5G on absence of overlapping issues between Y.qos-ml-arc scope and current FG ML5G deliverables. FG ML5G opinion was therefore requested by start of February 2019.

WP1/13 management team took advantage of co-located rapporteur group meetings to convene an extended management team meeting on the future activities in Questions of this Working Party. One of the subjects was a way of convening energy efficiency studies in SG13 and collaboration with SG5. Discussions will continue at the next SG13 meeting.

Working Party 2/13 Cloud Computing & Big Data" meeting, 
2 November 2018, Geneva, Switzerland

Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No. Q Base text Status Title
7 TD330/WP2NewBig-data-driven networking – mobile network traffic management and planning
17 TD338/WP2NewCloud computing – Functional requirements of physical machine
17 TD336/WP2NewBig data – Functional Requirements for data provenance
18 TD322/WP2NewCloud computing – Functional architecture of Big Data as a Service
19 TD311/WP2NewCloud Computing – Overview of Inter-Cloud Trust Management
19 TD310/WP2NewCloud Computing – Functional requirements of inter-cloud data management
19 TD319/WP2NewCloud computing – Trusted inter-cloud computing framework and requirements, Corrigendum 1

​Subsequent to the meeting, ETRI submitted the patent declaration for Recommendation ITU-T Y.3602 “Big data – Functional Requirements for data provenance”. The associated statement was made available on the TSB patents information database at:

Supplements agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Doc. No. Q Base text Status Title

Supplement 49

17 TD337/WP2NewCloud computing standardization roadmap

Supplement 50

7 TD329/WP2NewUse case and application scenario of big data driven networking

 Setting up of the new work item Y.MLN-Fr “Framework for man-like networking" (Q7/13, TD333/WP2) was not agreed at that point in time as concerns were raised if there is no overlapping studies with the current work in the FG ML5G. Therefore, the WP2/13 followed the conditional approval path, leaving this new work apart until the clarifications are received from the ITU-T FG ML5G on absence of overlapping issued between Y.MLN-Fr scope and current work in FG ML5G. Likewise the issue in WP1/13, Focus Groups' feedback was requested latest by start of February 2019.

 Working Party 3/13 “Network Evolution & Trust" meeting,
2 November 2018, Geneva, Switzerland

Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No. Q Base text Status Title
2 TD185-R1/WP3  NewRequirements and capabilities of orchestration in next generation network evolution
Amendment 1
16 TD193/WP3NewTrustworthy networking deployment architecture and procedures

Supplement agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Doc. No. Q Base text Status Title
Y.2000-series (Y.disfs)
Supplement 51


NewDevice Independent Screen-free service models and scenarios

Q2/13 sessions were kindly convened by Mr Huan Deng (China Telecom) as Acting rapporteur in absence of the rapporteurs in charge. The work of Mr Deng was much appreciated by the WP3/13 co-chairmen.

Mr Matthieu Lerge (IQQuantique) was nominated as Acting Liaison Rapporteur from SG13 to SG17 on Quantum Key Distribution topic.  His nomination will be confirmed as a Liaison Rapporteur upon completion of the membership application process.

AAP Last Call has started on 16 November 2018 for each of the consented Recommendations mentioned above.

The meeting of the Ad-hoc group on Guidelines for development of technical Recommendations took place at the co-located rapporteur groups meetings in Geneva in October 2018. Notes of those two session meeting are available as TD282/GEN and draft output document may in found in TD281/GEN.

The SG13 technical tutorials took place on 25 October on Decentralized Internet Infrastructure and on 29 October 2018 on introduction to the Quantum Key Distribution. Presented materials are kept in TD286/GEN (Decentralized Internet Infrastructure (DII)) and in TD287/GEN (Quantum Key Distribution) respectively. The DII talk was accompanied by a live demonstration.

Next meeting of SG13 will take place from 4 to 14 (Thursday) March 2019 in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, as agreed at SG13 July meeting, where a kind invitation from Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) was accepted.

As was agreed at summer SG13 meeting, SG13 will have the opening plenary on the first day of the meeting and interim plenary session in the morning (9:30 – 11:00) of 11 March 2019. In addition, per request from SG13 delegates from Asia, SG13 closing plenary will be held on Thursday, 14 March 2019.

Past Executive Summaries: