ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Access to Documents

1. What are the different types of ITU-T and TSB documents?
2. How can I access the documents on the ITU-T Website?
3. Where can I find the Study Group documents?
4. How can I be notified whenever new or updated ITU-T documents are posted on the web?


1. What are the different types of ITU-T and TSB documents?

Below are the different types of ITU-T documentation. These are not to be confused with ITU-T publications (including ITU-T Recommendations) which are made available to the general public through the ITU Sales Service.

TSB Circulars

These letters are addressed to all the participants in the work of the Sector and contain information of general interest such as the Sector-level meeting schedules, work procedures, the list of hotels, workshop and GSI announcements, etc. Study groups issue Circulars in order to implement the provisions of WTSA regarding the approval and deletion of Recommendations and Questions, or to distribute questionnaires. TSB Circulars are posted on the ITU-T Website and have open access.

TSB Collective-letters

Collective letters are used to convene meetings of study groups and working parties, or to collect information of interest to a particular study group. These letters are dispatched to the participants who have registered to receive the announcements from the study group concerned. Collective letters are posted on the relevant study group page on the ITU-T Website and have open access.

Meeting Documents

2. How can I access the documents on the ITU-T Website?

The ITU-T homepage contains general information on the Sector and different categories of documents, which have different levels of access:

3. Where can I find the Study Group documents?

A. On the web

B. On the Informal FTP areas via the web.

A mirror of the meeting documents in DMS is also available in the informal FTP areas for participants who prefer FTP access.
TIES Restricted TIES or Guest account required to access the meeting documents in the informal FTP area (IFA) of the Study Groups. These documents can be found under the /docs folders of the the Study Groups' IFA.
SG 2
SG 3
SG 5
SG 9
SG 11
SG 12
SG 13
SG 15
SG 16
SG 17
SG 20

C. Via FTP client

A mirror of the meeting documents in DMS is also available in the informal FTP areas for participants who prefer FTP access.

TIES RestrictedTIES account or Guest account required. D. Via ITU's sync tool

See this page for more information on the ITU sync tool for downloading meeting documents.

4. How can I be notified whenever new or updated ITU-T documents are posted on the web?

The ITU offers some RSS feeds (or channels) of the latest meeting documents of the ITU-T Study Groups.
The RSS feeds are available in the main pages of the ITU-T Study Groups and are marked with either of these icons:   
Alternatively, click on the "Recently posted" link on the relevant meeting documents page.