Meeting Document File Naming Convention
We have two kinds of meeting document naming related to the document type.
IF it’s related to a Temporary Document
<Sector><StudyPeriod>-<StudyGroup>-<MeetingName>-<DocType>-<SubGroup>-<DocumentNumber>!<md_part>! <Format>-<Language>
<Sector><StudyPeriod>-<StudyGroup>-<MeetingName>-<DocumentNumber>!<md_part>! <Format>-<Language>
S14-PP14-C-0015!!MSW-E : Word 2013 version of Contribution 15 in English related to PP-14
ITU has three main areas of activity organized in <Sectors> which work through conferences and meetings.
T : Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) in charge of World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA)
D : Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) in charge of World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC)
R : Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) in charge of World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC)
S : General Secretariat (ITU-S) in charge of World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) and ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP)
Study Period
ITU Sectors are working on a 4 year basis, we use a two digit number related to the starting year of the new study period
- ITU-D current study_period is from 2014 to 2017 so <StudyPeriod> = 14
- ITU-R current study_period is from 2012 to 2015 so <StudyPeriod> = 12
- ITU-S current study_period is from 2015 to 2018 so <StudyPeriod> = 15
- ITU-T current study_period is from 2013 to 2016 so <StudyPeriod> = 13
Study Group
This is the name of the group it can only contain letters, numbers and dot “.”
- Previous WTDC study group name was “WTDC14”
- Previous WRC study group name was “WRC.12”
- PP study group name is “PP”
- Previous WTSA study group name was “WTSA.12”
Meeting Name
Is a six digit number with YYMMDD
It’s related to the first day of conference or meeting for instance “151102” means the November 2nd 2015
here is the list of the main Document types used at the ITU
- Contributions (C)
- Reports (R)
- Circulars (CIR)
- Collective Letters (COL)
- Information Documents (INF)
- Administrative Documents (ADM)
- Official Documents (DOC)
- Limited Distribution (DL)
- Recommendation to Plenary (RP)
- Other Documents (SP)
- Temporary Documents (TD)
- Delayed Contributions (D)
Sub Group
Is only used by ITU-T Temporary Document, it can have one of these value
- GEN: General
- PLEN : Plenary
- WP1 : Working party 1
- WP2 : Working party 2
- WP3 : Working party 3
- WP4 : Working party 4
- WP5 : Working party 5
- WP6 : Working party 6
- WPA : Working party A
- WPB : Working party B
- WPC : Working party B
Document Number
This is a four digit number
To describe our suffix we use abbreviations we can have many under the same document, in that case we use dash “-” between them we read them from the right to the left
- Ax : Addendum x
- Cx : Corrigendum x
- Rx : Revision x
- Lx : Proposal x
- “A4-R1” means Revision 1 to Addendum 4
This is related to the format of the electronic version
- MSW : Microsoft Word
- ZWD : Zip of Word
- PDF : Adobe PDF
- ZPF: Zip of PDF
The language of the document
- E : English
- F: French
- S: Spanish
- A: Arabic
- C: Chinese
- R: Russian