ITU's 160 anniversary

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ITU iCalendars

1. What is iCalendar?1

iCalendar is a standard (RFC 2445) for calendar data exchange. The standard is sometimes referred to as "iCal". iCalendar allows users to share event and meeting information via email and on web sites.

1Defintion from Wikipedia

2. What do I need to subscribe to a calendar?

All you need is a calendar application that supports the iCalendar standard. Here are several calendar applications available. 3. What if I don't have an electronic calendar application installed?

You can also use a web-based calendar that supports iCalendar. They are accessed entirely through a web browser and are usually free to use. Here are some internet calendars currently available: 4. Where can I find ITU iCalendars?

You can download or subscribe to an ITU icalendar from the ITU Calendar of Events.