ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

WTIS 2013 - Documents


Contribution to WTIS-13 (pdf format)

​Source ​Title
Opening ceremony
​Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT), Mexico ​Opening remarks by Mr José Ignacio Peralta, Undersecretary of Communications and Transport, Mexico
​Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), Mexico
​National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), Mexico
​Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT), Mexico
High-level panel on ICTs, MDGs, and the post 2015 development agenda
​The Earth Institute, Columbia University Keynote: Sustainable Development and Information and Communications Technology
​National Digital Strategy, President’s Office, Mexico
​UN Global Pulse
High-level panel on innovative ICT strategies for the information society, and the role of monitoring ​ ​
​Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)
​Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), United Arab Emirates
High-level panel on national coordination and enhancing dialogue between data producers and data users​ ​
​Statistics Finland
​National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), México
​National Statistical Coordination Board, Philippines
​TRA Bahrain
​​Report of the work of the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators
​National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC), Spain ​Report of the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT indicators
N​ational Communications Commission, Georgia ​Revenue and investment in telecommunications/ICT
​ITU ​TV broadcasting indicators
Report of the work of the Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators​ ​
​CETIC Brazil ​Report of the work of the Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators (EGH)
​ITU ​Launch of the 2014 Manual for Measuring ICT Access and Use by Households and Individuals
​Statistics Sweden ​Measuring ICT skills in Sweden
Side event: ICT Measurement in Costa Rica - Contribution
Measuring ICT and gender (jointly with the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development)​ ​
Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development ​Stocktaking and Assessment on Measuring ICT and Gender
​UNCTAD ​Expert Meeting on Gender and ICT Indicators: conclusions and next steps
​Women in Global Science and Technology (WISAT) ​Measuring Gender and ICT
​International Labour Organisation (ILO) ​Indicators on Gender and ICT Employment Indicators
​Ghana Statistical Service ​Measuring ICT and Gender Indicator in Ghana
Data quality assurance and ICT statistics ​ ​
​ITU ​Data quality assessment framework for ICT Statistics
​United Nations Statistic Division (UNSD) ​National Quality Assurance Frameworks
​International Monetary Fund (IMF) ​Data Quality Assessment Framework
​INEGI, Mexico Module on Availability and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households
Emerging issues in measuring telecommunication infrastructure​ ​
​ITU ​Emerging issues in measuring telecommunication infrastructure
​Federal Communications Commission, United States Measuring Deployment and Uptake of LTE and Other Advanced Mobile Technologies
​Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan ​ICT Data Collection Framework in Japan
​Machina Research ​Measuring M2M
Big data in the telecommunications industry​ ​
​UN Global Pulse ​Big Data in Real Time: Toward a New Evidence Base for Impact
​LIRNEasia Leveraging Mobile Network Big Data for Development in Sri Lanka
​Telefónica ​Big Data
​Side event: ICT Measurement in Iran - Contribution: Powerpoint presentation, Word document
​Presentation of Chair’s summary and conclusions​ ​
​Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), Mexico
Closing ceremony ​ ​
​Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), Mexico
​Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT), Mexico

Information documents (pdf format)

Source​ ​Title
​Autorité transitoire de régulation des postes et télécommunications (ATRPT), Benin Progrès accomplis par le Bénin vers la société de l'information
National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Cambodia ICT Development in Cambodia
​Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications, DR Congo L’accès aux réseaux large bande mobile en République démocratique du Congo
​Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Indonesia The usage of ICT by bussiness sector in Indonesia
​National Information Society Agency, Korea (Rep. of) Measurement of Internet Addiction
Algérie Télécom, Algeria​ ​Information document: Algeria
Oficina Nacional de Estadística, Dominican Republic​ Estadísticas e indicadores sobre TIC en la República Dominicana: Plataformas de recopilación y divulgación de los datos
​Ministère de la Poste et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication, Algeria Les Indicateurs de Télécommunication / TIC : Etat des lieux en Algérie
​Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, India Foreign Direct Investment, Investment and Revenue in the Telecom Sector in India