ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

WTIS 2013 - Agenda


Wednesday, 4 December 2013
​08.00-09.00Delegates Registration
​09.00-10.00 ​Opening ceremony
The 11th WTIS will be opened by high-level representatives from the Government of Mexico and ITU: 
Keynote: Sam Pitroda, Advisor to the Prime Minister of India, C-SAM - [biography]
Chair of the WTIS: Luis Lucatero, Chief of Regulatory Policy, Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), Mexico - [biography]
​10.00-10.30 ​Coffee break
​10.30-12.30 High-level panel on ICTs, MDGs, and the post 2015 development agenda
International development goals are necessary to direct global attention to pressing development challenges, stimulate development efforts, identify targeted interventions, as well as set measurable targets and monitor progress. Various processes are on-going regarding the post 2015 development agenda and the discussion on new development frameworks. The report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post 2015 Development Agenda has called, among others, for a data revolution taking advantage of new technology and improved connectivity. The main objective of this panel is to explore some of the lessons learnt from the MDG process, which need to be taken into account in the post 2015 development debate, including the role of ICTs, in particular with respect to identifying measurable targets and concrete indicators that can be used to monitor progress.
Questions to be addressed:
Moderator: Sam Pitroda, Advisor to the Prime Minister of India, C-SAM - [biography]
Keynote: Jeffrey Sachs, Director, The Earth Institute, Columbia University - Keynote - [biography]
​12.30-14.00 ​Lunch break
​14.00-15.30 High-level panel on innovative ICT strategies for the information society, and the role of monitoring
ICTs have been recognized as an important development enabler and Target 8F of the MDGs makes specific reference to ICTs. A set of specific international ICT targets to be achieved by 2015 were identified by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in 2003 and by the UN Broadband Commission for Digital Development in 2010. The main objective of this panel is to debate the role of ICT for development, review ICT-related development goals and targets, and point to key lessons learnt. It will also highlight emerging trends in ICT developments, discuss possible future goals and targets and the important role of data and indicators. As the main forum for global ICT statistics, the WTIS plays a central role in providing input to the ongoing ICT for development debate and in highlighting the key role of monitoring, target setting and tracking.
Questions to be addressed:
Moderator: Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - [biography]
15.00-15.30​Keynote: Carlos Slim Helú, President, Carlos Slim Foundation - [biography]
​15.30-16.00 ​Coffee break and group picture
​16.00-17.30 High-level panel on national coordination and enhancing dialogue between data producers and data users
For countries to produce harmonized, comparable and meaningful statistics, national coordination between the different ICT statistics users and producers, including the ICT Ministry, the regulatory authority and the national statistical office, is of great importance. The main objective of this session is to raise awareness about national coordination in the area of statistics, to allow countries to share experiences and benefit from each other’s experience, and to provide an international forum for debate. The session will present different ways of establishing national coordination mechanisms to ensure the efficient and timely production of ICT statistics.
Questions to be addressed:
Moderator: Adriana Labardini, Commssioner, Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), Mexico - [biography]
​Thursday, 5 December 2013
09.00-10.30​ Report of the work of the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators
The Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI) has the mandate to review and revise the ITU supply-side indicators (data collected from administrative sources, mainly operators), as well as to discuss outstanding and emerging methodological issues and indicators. This session will present the outcomes of the work of the EGTI carried out during 2013, covering the following:    
Moderator: Alexandre Barbosa, EGH Chair and Head, CETIC Brazil - [biography]
​10.30-11.00 ​Coffee break
​11.00-12.30 Report of the work of the Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators
Over the past year, the Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators (EGH) has focused on reviewing and revising the core indicators on ICT household access and ICT individual use of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, in order to reflect the continuous evolution of technologies and services. The EGH also reviewed the ITU Manual for Measuring ICT Access and Use by Households and Individuals. The objective of this session is to present the outcomes of the work of the EGH carried out during 2013, covering the following:
 Moderator: Koay Hock Eng, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission - [biography]
​12.30-14.00 ​Lunch break
​Side event: ICT Measurement in Costa Rica - Contribution
​14.00-15.30 Measuring ICT and gender (jointly with the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development)
At the 10th WTIM, participants requested that ITU, in cooperation with members of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, should continue to work on improving the measurement of gender and ICT, including by developing additional gender-relevant indicators and methodologies.  In early 2013, a new Partnership Task Group on Gender was launched, chaired by ITU and UNCTAD. The Task Group has prepared a report that takes stock of existing work by the members of the Partnership and other stakeholders, assesses the demand for gender-related ICT indicators and proposes new areas for measurement. The objective of this session is to present the report and the proposals for improving gender-related ICT statistics. Participants are invited to provide feedback to the Partnership on the proposed areas of measurement and related indicators. Special attention will be paid to a discussion on the measurement of ICT employment and mobile phone ownership.

Moderator: Vanessa Gray, Senior Analyst, ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU/BDT - [biography]
​15.30-16.00 ​Coffee break
​16.00-17.30 Data quality assurance and ICT statistics
While much attention has been paid by the national and international statistical community to the development and implementation of Data Quality Assurance Frameworks (QAFs), it is a rather new field in the ICT statistical community. At the same time, the increasing demand for ICT statistics, the growing number of indicators defined and agreed upon internationally, and collected by countries, call for a discussion on data quality, comparability and reliability, based on sound frameworks and established principles and guidelines. The objective of this session is to present existing frameworks and guidelines, review best practices, and discuss particular issues related to the quality of ICT statistics.
Questions to be addressed:
Moderator: Jose Ramon Albert, Secretary General, National Statistical Coordination Board, Philippines - [biography]
​Conference Dinner
Friday, 6 December 2013
​09.00-10.30 Emerging issues in measuring telecommunication infrastructure
New indicators to measure ICT developments are necessary in order to keep track of the fast evolution of telecommunication technologies. The international harmonization of these indicators is necessary for cross-country comparison. This session will first present indicators to measure the uptake of the next generation of mobile technologies, with a focus on Long Term Evolution (LTE) technologies. LTE networks are already being deployed in several countries worldwide, and there is a growing demand for data to benchmark LTE coverage and uptake internationally. The session will also look at current experiences in the measurement of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. M2M subscriptions are displaying high growth, following trends in mobile-cellular and mobile-broadband services. M2M services are key enablers for the Internet of Things, and thus an area receiving increasing policy attention.  Questions to be addressed:
Questions to be addressed:
Moderator: Cosmas Zavazava, Chief of Department, Project Support and Knowledge Management, ITU/BDT - [biography]
​10.30-11.00 ​Coffee break
​11.00-12.30 Big data in the telecommunications industry
Increasing attention is being paid to the growth and potential benefit of big data, as well as to the challenges in compiling, storing, exploiting and analyzing them. The debate is of particular relevance in the context of ICT developments since telecommunication operators and ICT market players contribute to the increase in big data, including through data generated by mobile phones, social media, online transactions, M2M, etc. Such data could potentially provide relevant and real-time information, at low cost, and within less time than data available from official sources. At the same time, there are a number of reservations and challenges, including issues of confidentiality, privacy, data quality and reliability. The objective of this session is to shed light on the potential use of big data in telecommunications, from the perspective of operators, analysts and the larger ICT4D community, and to address current challenges in collecting and using such data.
Questions to be addressed:
Moderator: Ralf Becker, Chief, Industrial and Energy Statistics Section, United Nations Statistic Division (UNSD) - [biography]
12.30-14.30​ ​Lunck break
Side event: ICT Measurement in Iran - Contribution: Powerpoint presentation, Word document
​14.30-15.30 Presentation of Chair’s summary and conclusions
In the final session of WTIS, the Chair will present his final conclusions and recommendations of the meeting, for adoption by the participants. 
Closing ceremony